
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 7 August 2010

While I Was At Sg Buloh Hospital

While Mamarazzi was waiting to see the Specialist at Sg Buloh Hospital, I managed to...

Run around here and there like beruk lepas tali. The hospital really have vast floor area. Very clean some more.

Got some Kakak and Abang there. I tried to chat them up and make friend with them.

Wah... got free water dispenser also ah? I didn't see this at the Private Hospital geh. Really la..this government hospital almost everything also FREE.

Finally Mamarazzi is "utilising" the taxes that she was paying previously.

Pay RM5 only to see Specialist. Tests, Medicine and everything all included in the RM5.

Even the Biopsy is FREE. Unlike the Private Hospital which quoted Mamarazzi RM1.5K to RM1.6K for the Biopsy(not including operation room and the lab tests)

Mamarazzi heard a lot of horror stories about government hospital that makes you wait from morning till evening just to see the Doctors. She finds that it's not true here.

We arrived around 12p.m. Seen the Doctor around 1p.m. Then it was lunch time.

The doctor asked us to go for lunch first and came back around 2.30p.m. to get the Blood Test result.

We came back a round 2.30p.m but the Doctor was not in. The admin desk said he had gone rounding the wards. Waited till around 3.00p.m. Got the blood result and the Doctor prescribed some anti-itching medicine for Mamarazzi's rashes.

Then we proceed to the Pharmacy Section and collect the medicine.

There was small play area at the Pharmacy. I played Horsey and with a girl girl. Shhh...don't tell my dear ya. Later she angry.

We had out lunch at the hospital. Eeee...How come my Kaw Kaw Let's Go opened a shop here ah?
They have 1901 Hotdog here! WOW! Papa bought two. One for Mamarazzi and one for himself.

I had the lone hotdog. Okay okay...I know it look a bit obscene but that's is how a Hotdog should be eaten, right?

They also have Nasi Goreng Kangkung. Mamarazzi was puzzled. Huh? Kangkung? Not Kampung ah? Papa said taste not bad as he had this type of Nasi Goreng before. If not mistaken the price was RM1-90 only.

Then wash it all down with a packet of Green Tea drink. Not bad la the facilities at this hospital.


  1. WAH not bad for government hospital eh? Everything also cheap!! :)

  2. Lenglui Witch

    surpising it's modern and good.

  3. The govt hosp looks so clean leh..

  4. yes..nowadays GH not bad one... remember i took girl to skin specialist.. all free and so much good cream... but u know what.. i forgot her appointment supposedly to be last month... sigh..

  5. Claire

    Surprising la. Thought Private shoud be better mah. Mana tau Government also the same

  6. Nowadays the have better facilities than private hospital liao. Private hospital not only cut people, cut throat as well!

  7. Pete

    Coz that day desperate already lo. The thing multiply so fast and heard many horror stories about Government Hospital. Haiz...Now baru regret.

  8. So much food to eat at hospital sungai buloh ah? (looks suspiciously). But hospital is a hospial... wun step inside if Ban Huat bukak tkedai there!

  9. Cleff

    ish ....hinting about Ban huat pulak...Ban huat or SF? SF have your fav chic wor

  10. say yes to our gov hospital!
    save money!

  11. Glad that you have a good experience in govt hosp. They are improving. Over here in S'ban, the govt clinic are also very well organised

  12. So far all these while I'm going to the government hospital. I would say government hospital has improved a lot. From last time long wait to now much reduced waiting hours. But I heard not all government hospital are same.

  13. mNhL

    Good lah . Like that at least pay tax each year also not so sakit hati

  14. Chee Yee

    My fren just went to HUKM to see specialist. They didnt let her see. She saw the nurses only and they gave her antibiotic and sent her home with an appointment at a later date :(


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