
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 21 August 2010

Hungry Ghost Festival ..Not

The day after going to Port Dickson, I went and see my dear again. Got a feast there. The Balik Kampung Gang strike again..minus one member.

Ish ish ish...everyone were "kebuluran". No one remembered to snap photos until all the food were nearly gone.

The Little Bird made Curry Chicken, Auntie Cynthia made Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce while I bring the Curry Chicken Bun from Lukut.

Thai Kerabu Mango from Auntie Little Bird, Nasi Kunyit from Mamarazzi and Lemon Honey Sponge Cake & Banana Raisin Cale from Auntie Cynthia. more...Auntie Cynthia made Nyonya Acar too but Mamarazzi forgot to snap photo of it. Too busy cramping her mouth with it.

Lucky Auntie Little Bird reminded Mamarazzi about snapping photos, else there won't be any at all.

After makan, it's my "dating" time.

Ish...kacau daun betul this Auntie Little Bird. I wanna "dating", she sibuk wanna "supervise". No wonder my dear went and play drum on the Little Bird's tum tum. To chase her away.

See my dear sit also sit so "si mun" punya. So sweet.


  1. lor..almost licin liao...hehehe

  2. wah....kucing sudah girlfriend!

  3. haha!! all sure are "hungry ghost" when saw the nice food.. :D

  4. Aunty Little Bird got tummy kah? I thought she cicak kering one? She pregnant again kah? Wink! Wink! Wah...she cooked so many things kah? Boleh tahan... SIGHHHHH!!!! Dunno when I can go over and join the fun (and the eating)...

  5. SK loh....kerabu mango...yummmy

  6. Chris

    Not yet girlfriend..have to queue up to court her one :D

  7. Blogger gathering nice.

  8. STP

    You on holiday now right. Fly over la :D

  9. @Cikgu Aisehh, Cikgu... not pregnant la.. that Little Bird's tummy that day bloated... full of angin... so Smallkucing's dear dear got and play drum lorr... *pengsan*

    Come, Come... Cikgu, come KL... hahahahah... KL here got so many weird food that comes straight from the kitchen.

    @smallkucing... must chaperone leh... later u steal kisses again den how? Ur dear cry again, den cham lorr... kenot see her liao, den no more cake for you! Kesian, yunno?

  10. Auntie Cleff

    No mooncakes then I bodek from u la..easy peesy

  11. wah, so young got girlfriend already ahh... and got pet name somemore... heheh... your papa and mamarazi must be relieved already lar..

  12. haha you are hantu makan tu! no wonder they called it hungry ghost hehe. just kidding yea...

    eh, when is the veggie festival? can't wait!!! :) but the food during the feast is getting expensive

  13. wah..u gals.. never send SOS invitation to ipoh also.. hmmpt!! Joshua, how come u never call this Auntie?? must have forgotten me who A.C is liow... sigh...

  14. Irene

    Not confirm gf yet leh. She have many admirer punya. I have to queue up and take number :D

  15. Faisal

    Starving la. Vege feast ah? dont know when as all of us are carnivores :p

  16. Hahaha, use a bird pic to replace Cleffairy XD

  17. Pete

    Have to start early la...kakakaka

  18. Claire

    SOS ah...okie...this weekend...Merdeka weekend...U come down here la

  19. Kelvin

    Coz suits her well mah :p

  20. Wah....all de plates like 'mei yan chiu keng'...avthing sapu abis....hhaahh

  21. Mommy Ling

    Ya lor...everything licin.. no need to wash plates :D


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