
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 2 August 2010

Dan Neh Noh GCB

Went to Dan Neh Noh the other day.

They were having promotion on GCB(Grilled Chicken Burger). Looking at the illustration big ah...

But the original burger came..rather disappointing. So small geh. Taste wise okay okay la.

ARGH!? Happy Meal no more Batman Toy ah? Give me so girlish toy geh.

Hang it on my ear? or on my wrist? which one better? Sure Cikgu STP will laugh at me again.


  1. 1st betul tak??!!

    Tomorrow I think my lunch will be Dan Neh Noh's GCB la :P

  2. advertisements are always deceiving! same goes to KFC's pocketful.. lol

  3. hrm...i never believe those 'iklan' ones la..always turn out different from the photo...haiz....speaking of which...haven't been to Mc donald's for quite sometime now...hrm....*hungry*

  4. Agnes

    Betul LOL

    Lunch GCB ah? I think you might need to add something more..portion a bit tooo small

  5. Ken

    True..that is why they always put the clause "for illustration purposes only. Actaul product may...."

  6. Angel Bear

    After tasting GCB, Mamarazzi still prefer the Spicy McChicken better. But if compare Spicy McChicken with Zinger Burger..Zinger taste nicer to Mamarazzi

  7. ahhhhhhhhhh i think i just ate tat a few days ago, the meat very juicy...

  8. Ya...they had something like that before, can't remember - same bun...and VERY small, eat two not enough. Hmmmm....hang anywhere you like, just don't hang it "there"! Hahahahahaha!!!!

  9. i have yet to try this G burger, heard so much, saw so many.. hmmm...

  10. i'm trying to remember smallkucing's Dan Neh Noh... So now we have
    Starbucks --> Starbie
    Mcdonalds --> Dan Neh Noh
    Laptop --> Lappie
    Picture --> Piccie

    Any other word?

  11. Auntie Cleff makan McD til muak liao. Last time, everytime lunch, McD, McD. haizz...once in awhile... when gai gai with Smallkucing, eat McD ok lah... got excuse to buy toys ma. LOLOL...

    ps: Dun let Auntie get started on a nasty acronym for GCB. LOL...takde nama lain dah ke that they can put? Ish ish ish!

  12. Hubby already tried....say it's not that great also.

    oh well....

    McD running out of Happy Meal toys ah? what character is that?

  13. ha ha ha, Dan Neh favourite franchise!

  14. Ai yoh yoh, you got me scracthing my head lah, was thinking what was this,,Dan Neh Noh,,, i thought what kind of Celup restaurant was that,,

    looked further, baru i tahu itu kan McD..

    cute lah you small kuching

  15. alamak...i see from ads looks big...aiyoh...that portion of gcb sure not enuff for me one ler...

  16. haha. dun be fooled by the advertisement!

  17. is the GCB nice ? haven't try leh

  18. Is this GCB for limited period only? Ya usually the advertisement will make the pic looks soooo big. Seldom go Dan Neh Noh. Instead, hb thought of trying the Spicy chicken nugget from KFC.

  19. Manglish

    Mamarazzi ate said ok ok only. Different person diferrent taste

  20. TZ

    hahaha....learn "new" slang daily

  21. Pete

    coz dan neh noh have play land and toys

  22. Aunt Cleff

    Pengsan...dont teach me bad words ah..kekeke

  23. Ann

    That promotion they were suppose to have Batman for boys and sugar something soft toy for girls. The boys toys finished. So had to take the girls one lor

  24. Eugene

    He cant say McD althought taught him many times. Insisted that it's Dan Neh Noh hahaha

  25. Chris

    For Mamarazzi, GCB tasted okay okay only.

  26. Chee Yee

    i think so...for limited time

    Am glad KFC is back to the normal Hot and Spicy chicken. Prev theye were selling Black pepper chic..too spicy liao. Eat then get sore throat

  27. I had this yesterday (sunday). Not too bad la....the taste and size. Just nice for me but a bit pricey la.

  28. MCD...I also tried this burger before...nothing special.
    The size is small,I still prefer
    McD prosperity burger...taste superb.

  29. Have not try GCB yet. It is not for kids meal but why got the toys one?

  30. Wai Kitt

    Papa bought Happy Meal also but never snap photos :p

  31. Mery

    Mamarazzi prefer the Spicy McChicken

  32. Pricey and not filling enough? Like that, not shiok lor...

    Yesterday we went to BookXcess, kept looking out for you but guess u were at this Dan Neh Noh elsewhere. We tried the Uncle Snack Corner there, super-fast man the service! Food oso quite good :)

  33. wasn't that keen on it .. for some reason mine came almost undercooked.. I prefer KFC's Zinger :)

    MY LATEST POST: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

  34. Thanks for sharing about the burger! Been thinking of trying it out, but now I don't think so already.

  35. My mum tried this too last Fri but she dun like it :( She said the meat is not cook...alamak!

  36. Hahaha, never expect it to be a slang XD

  37. why Dan Neh Noh?? sounds like vulgar words like that one?? hahahaha..

    i have not tried that GCB woh, but don't think i'll try that lah, it doesn't looks nice to me at all leh.. :p

  38. Chloe's Mommy

    alamak...nearly went to BX yesterday. But since BX new stock always comes in the middle of the month, so we went other place gai-gai lor.

  39. Hidayah

    yuck! almost uncooked...?? ya preferred KFC Zinger burger or McD Spicy MacChicken.

  40. Alice

    Cham...if Dan Neh Noh read this will sure ban me from going there :p

  41. Prince & princess Mum

    taste okay okay only

  42. uLi

    Aiks ...same result like Hidayah!

  43. SK

    ish ish ish...what vulgar word you thinking ah :p


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