
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Celebrate at Restaurant SF Seafood, Kg Baru Sg Buloh(Updated August 2010)

Eh! This place looks familiar. Oh ya! I was born here. Why am I here again?

Well, waiting to see Doctor lor. No Doctor aren't sick. I was. The other day I had CCF,right? Well, after that some rashes appeared on my back. Papa and Mamarazzi panic lor. Measles ke? Chicken Pox?

Sunday Pead mana ada open. Thus, Papa brought me to Dr Surindar, the doctor who deliver me.

Dr Surindar checked and said it's nothing. Very common one. Some kids will have rashes after they had fever or sick. was Papa to know that wor. Coz touch wood, I seldom fall sick punya.

Hehehe...clean bill of health. Thus, I "celebrated" with makan-makan outside lo. Went to Restaurant SF Seafood at Kg Baru Sg Buloh coz the service is fast. Oh boy! I was real hungry.

While waiting for the food, I entertained myself playing with my car car. My latest craze...toy cars.

Mamarazzi said just order some "Cheng-cheng" dishes. Salad leave. RM6. See! Portion much bigger that the SEXY Chicken Rice place.

Bitter Gourd Soup. Taste very good. A lot of ginger. Takes out all the wind. You should hear Papa and me playing "trumpet" the whole night coz of the wind.

Steamed Cod Fish. Rather expensive at RM30. Not that nice as the meat was rather "fat".

Papa beh tahan and wanted something spicy. Thus, we ordered Kung Poh Sotong. The sotong not that good though portion is big.

Overall, it was a good meal.


  1. So happy to see the words,"clean bill of health" therefore no need to eat cheng cheng one lah..

    go wallop kaw kaw ya, small kuching,,,kekekekekekek

  2. yes,cod fish is very expensive.. buy one piece in market is also around 15rm.. but nice if just steamed with ginger..

  3. haha....celebration pulak.

    Cod fish is nice to eat while still hot. If cold, got very strong fishy smell. Yucks.

  4. Which reminds Auntie Cleff ah... time to visit Ban Huat again. LOL...

  5. Eugene

    Wow so early online/ Good morning to you too. Have a nice day!

  6. Claire

    Ya ka? Didn't know coz seldom buy fish. Asked the shop what fish got less bones and the lady suggested this :p

  7. mNhL

    they have the tiny fire there. But the fish a bit too much fat la

  8. wah! you must be a good boy! you looked to have a great appetite!

  9. BBO

    He is something like DBKL :p

  10. Bila? tak tau... have to ask ur Mamarazzi and her konco konco...Auntie sked go there then the Ban Huat ppl ffk pulak... den susah lohhh... will kebuluran nanti. U ask ur Mamarazzi and her kakis, okay? When ok liao... u gv Auntie a call... kakaka... yunno Auntie's number. Call me. LOLOL...

  11. Celebration or no celebration, you guys seem to be always enjoying good food! Here's a toast to smallkucing's good health! :)

  12. Fish fat is ok, contains healthy fats!

  13. rashes, cannot eat sotong lah! Gatal! Spank! Spank!

  14. haha,make daddy kan cheong ah small kucing! At least we all know he's healthy!:3

  15. Auntie Cleff

    bila la....sobs...ghost festival leh

  16. the steamed cod fish looks so fresh and delicious...aiming at that fish only...

  17. yup .. quite common for kids to get a rash after viral fever.. it's known as a viral exanthem.. can be quite alarming for parents.. it's good that you check it out to rule out other things like measles, chicken pox, kawasaki, fifth's disease etc.. am glad that smallkucing is ok :)

    MY LATEST ENTRY: Delicious “nasi berlauk” at Restoran Haslam

  18. Chris

    Not nice la if fat. Felt very muak when eat

  19. Beii

    ya lor coz he seldom fall sick punya

  20. STP

    Rashes cannot eat sotong meh? I thought cannot eat crab and prawns only

  21. Vialentino

    Fresh but a bit too fatty

  22. Prince and Princess Mum

    Taste not bad la

  23. Hidayah

    Ooo...I see. Didn't know about that coz he seldom fall ill. Thought his rashes jangkit from Mamarazzi. But that is another story...schedule this weekend

  24. hello, is this the shop opposite the primary school? =D
    You staying nearby?

  25. Amanda

    Yes..opposite the chinese school near the pasar. Yes staying nearby. :D

    You staying around here also?

  26. yes... I'm staying at Taman KIP, near Aman Puri, tak fook restaurant there..... =D Wow...
    Where r u staying then?

  27. Amanda

    oo...different place then. Me behind subang airport :P


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