
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 12 August 2010

Reach Popeye's By Air and Land

Once again we went looking for Popeye's. This round Mamarazzi googled. Confirmed there is a Popeye's at Sunway Pyramid.

Seems that there was a Guardian Fair going on then. Of course have to go and "kaypoh" a bit. Maybe can get some good bargains.

Play a bit at the Enfagrow booth. The Jie Jie gave me a small cup of milk but I accidentally dropped it. The Jie Jie didn't give me anymore. Maybe thought I purposely throw down on the floor gua.

Then I went to play at the Huggies booth. Got choo-choo-train there.

Papa got me this Herbal Lotion for rashes and repels mosquitoes. Our place have a lot of mosquitoes. Daily spray also the Mozzie won't die.

As I was walking, I saw this. Beryl's Chocolate Wonderland. It's a Funfair. There are rides and I wanted to get on the rides.

Papa bought the card for the rides. I wanted to get on the "Aeroplane". But when I was "on board" I become scared. Nope..I didn't cry nor jump out from the plane. Got no parachute leh.

I just made boring face as shown in the video here.

When I got down from the "plane ride", Mamarazzi asked if I am alright. But I just kept looking at the plane with a puzzle face. Hmm...from here it looks harmless but how come when am up there it was so scary geh?

Then I wanted to ride the car-car pulak. Hmmm...once again I got scared. Just sat there with a "puzzled" look.

Fuih....finally at Popeye's after the "plane" and "car" rides. Scary scary. Time to calm down with some makan-makan

Delicious fries


Some fried chicken and muffin. Papa also said Popeye's Fried Chicken taste nicer than KFC. Said something about the oil wor. Better type of oil used to fry the chicken or what.

Papa also got me some Popeye's Wicked Chicken Strips. I had one but I preferred Fries. Papa finished the Chicken Strips.

Now perut kenyang already. Not scared anymore. I wanna go for some more rides. Can ah?


P/S : Remember to vote for me at BookXcess Facebook Page ya..Click here to vote. Thank you very much.


  1. popeye is yummy-licious.... wayyyy nicer than kfc and mcd :D

  2. Kids, don't they just love this kind of cartoon characters! I think your boy enjoying himself very much. Lucky little guy he is! Have a nice day.
    Cheers, kristy

  3. Popeye's huh...hrm...KK don't have...will definitely try this...

    how's the pricing like?

  4. Mamarazzi come the photo of you asking J if he is ok or not looks so scary wan?? Now it's 1.25am you know? *shivers*

  5. I think Popeyes fried chicken is better than KFC too. Maybe he tak biasa with the rides. Gwen loves it.

  6. what a cute kiddo!!! looks like he had so much fun!

  7. Scaredy cat!!! So usless. Boy some more... My daughter when she was a toddler also - would want to sit on every ride at the place before going home...until she went up in a helicopter. Scared the living daylights out of her when she went up and never wanted to go on the rides again! A blessing in disguise!!!

  8. Oh...must bring my son for the plane ride. Got train ride ah? And how much?

    Have yet to try Popeye. Alot of ppl tell me it is very good.

    Sunway Piramid here we come!

  9. Oh yea...i spotted there is Popeye in Pyramid. I cant wait for the next round to have a great dining there...i miss the kikisi there la.

  10. Wow...finally guys found Popeye! i want to try too... wait i have chance first...French fries look crunchy to me...yum yum...Where is it?

  11. Oh...brave Joshua because he did not cry! My boy when for that ride and cried inside the plane. haha....the guy got to stop the machine to let him down.

    Popeye fried chicken is really delicious. yummy !

  12. haha, like there are so many booth for the kids to play there.. yeah, that ferris wheel in front of giant, haha..

    sometimes when bored with KFC, i'll opt for other fried chicken lor.. and popeye's one taste not bad also.. :)

  13. So nice.. last time mana ada all these games in the mall? better take advantage of all these facilities before they grow bigger.. hahaha..

  14. OMG... all hantus kena hasut by one angmoh hantu to makan Popeye liao. LOL.

  15. Popeye, there is one outlet at MV, but i have not try out yet. Should try one day. :)

  16. Popeye taste better than KFC? Must try must try. Just saw one Popeye outlet at Mines Shopping Fair few days back.

  17. Zhi Qing

    me thinks so too. The only lacking is kiddy meal no toys and the restaurant doint have playland.

  18. Kristy

    Yup...he sure like it very much :D

    May you have a nice weekend too!

  19. Agnes

    what are you doing up at 1a.m?

  20. Angel Bear

    pricing similar to KFC. The stuffs also similar like KFC but we think it taste nicer

  21. Hotcakes

    Thanks...would..your nick really makes me hungry :p

  22. Mummy Gwen

    Ya..Popeye taste nicer. He paper tiger la :P

  23. STP

    Paper tiger lo...Go up so high and the music very loud wor :p

  24. Mommy Ling

    I wanna foloooooowwww...kekekeke

  25. Ann

    Each ride rm3. Not sure it's still there or not coz it was under Berly's chocolate promotion Fair.

  26. Angeline

    Ya...after going big round baru found. it's at Sunway Pyramid near the skating ring..opposite McD

  27. mNhL

    Mamarazzi was worried to that he might struggle and jump out..but lucky he just sat there

  28. Claire

    Each rides RM3 leh...go Giant better. Rides are free.

  29. SK

    Rather expensive at RM3/ride. But once in awhile should be okay la

  30. Auntie Cleff

    Popeye dua!!! Dan neh noh satu!!

  31. Chee Yee

    It depends on individual la. We like Popeye. :D

  32. Annie

    Not bad la for a chnage. Always KFC also boring

  33. i love popeye!!! but sometimes, it is quite oily, just like kfc :( not consistent

  34. 2ma

    Guess it depends on luck. hhahaha


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