
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Restaurant 88, Continental Park (Updated August 2010)

We went to Restaurant 88 again. Had a nice meal there earlier this year. I love to play with the swirling thingy..turn turn turn...till my "Happy Mug" fly off the table.

Kena Mamarazzi scold. Mamarazzi scold me, I go manja with Papa. If Papa scold me, I go manja with Mamarazzi. If both scold me I go manja with Auntie Florence. Clever eh?

Service very efficient and fast. Rice comes in a tub.

Aiks! what is Papa face doing inside the tub?

Mamarazzi originally had wanted to have Steam Fish but at the Taukeh's recommendation, we had this Tomato sauce fish. No regrets. Taste very good.

Of course we had to order their Kampung Chicken also. Taste very good especially with their special sauce. Don't know what they put in it.

Errr...don't ask me why but now Mamarazzi gila this Salad Leave pulak. Hmm...this one a bit overcooked.

Sweet Potatoes leaves. Taste good. Young.

Taufu with Angle Gourd. Mamarazzi said too much pepper but the rest said taste good.

Yam Basket.

I just loooove the crunchy "bihun" from the Yam Basket. Yummmy!

Over priced fruits. Guess how much for this plate of two mango and a few slices of watermelon? RM15!!! Nuts!!

Seems that the fruits is not under the Restaurant. Separate vendor. Some more we discovered that there are some black thingy on the ice. Mamarazzi do not recommend you to order fruits if you were there.

Total bill excluding the fruits comes up to RM125. Not bad considering 5 adults and a kid eating.

A special THANK YOU to Uncle Patrick, Auntie Florence and Auntie Siew for everything ..the love and the care.


  1. makes me hungry again...*drool*

  2. Angel Bear

    Jom's near the Kuchai place where you had the tempoyak fish

  3. and my stomach began to rock off the concert. damn.

  4. havent had yam basket for sometime ...hungry.

  5. Tsk tsk tsk, Smallkucing.. the salad madness must have started when your Mamarazzi go makan makan at Kota Damansara Ipohroad YTF. Auntie realized that since then... she kambing for the salad leaves betul!

  6. cong-ngek, cry baby. Manja-manja! If I ur papa, whack whck...end of story!!! Hehehehehehe!!! Ooo...the food looks good especially the fish!

  7. the swirling thingy on the table is called a lazy susan... i found that out from the ikea catalogue, they are selling it lol.

  8. crunchy fried bihun, my daughter's favourite too. I can eat my meal while she is busy eating the 'bihun'.

  9. H-n-f

    Dangerous to come to this blog as regular reader knew. Sometimes there are delicious food post while sometimes there are mad ranting by Mamarazzi :p

  10. Auntie Cleff

    So you know la..the next few weeks will be salad leaves salad leaves and more salad leaes. There are 2 biji of salad leave in the fridge :p

  11. mysimplefood

    We also havent had Yam basket for long time already coz yam basket need many people to eat baru syok

  12. STP

    That is why his name initial is SMJ..stands for "So Man Ja". Tarak go to those fortune teller for name punya :p

  13. Jessica..

    Yup...he busy with the "Bihun"..Papa and Mamarazzi have ime to eat kakaka

  14. SuLyn

    Lazy Susan ah...hmm..wonder where they got this name from. Lucky not call as Lazy Kucing :p

  15. Prince and Princess mum

    ya loh. Thanks to Foodbin blog. He introduce this nice restaurant.

  16. the fruit platter really cut throat,man!!!
    Definitely would have thought it was complimentary!

  17. yes...the lettuce looks yellowish.. but i love yam basket.. yam is my favorite..but nowadays dare not eat so much cos bisa one..

  18. Leona

    Ya really cut throat.

    We didn't think it's complimentary. Thought order fruits as dessert but didn't realise they charge so expensive. Thought maybe like RM5 to RM7 like that. More over the portion just a bit only

  19. Claire

    The Salad leaves was stir fried instead of just celup hot water.

    Mamarazzi not really fond of yam. Just ate the mixed vege in the basket

  20. the steam chicken look very shiok with the special gravy.

    Smallkucing very clever ya....manja the right person. hehe

  21. Looks good!! Kuchai Lama, a place i dont go..wahahhah

  22. drooling now ler....u always eat out?

  23. Mommy Ling

    why jek....else we can have hantu gathering there :p

  24. mNhL

    Ya the sauce very sedap. Dont know what is that

  25. Vialentino

    Not as much as you :p

  26. So much food!! Oh..manja with Papa ah..clever boy. ;)

    BTW, I voted already.

  27. Mummy Gwen

    thank you very much for the vote

    aiyo ya lor he very manipulative one

  28. Hahaha Papa smelling the rice ar?
    We had yam basket a few days ago too and I used those fried beehoon as bribe to make C finish her rice quickly. Very effective ooh, she loved it haha!

  29. Chloe's Mommy

    hahaha...same la over here....those crunchy like keropok he loves punya


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