
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 27 August 2010

Mamarazzi's Kiasu BKT

Not long ago, Auntie Cynthia gave Mamarazzi a tub of BKT. A lot of "liu". Got the long long mushroom la..then the black black thingy la. Don't know what it's called. Tau makan only .

Then this tub is given by Mommy Ling pulak. Yummy looking leh? Jangan jeles. I bantai all together with Mamarazzi already.

Then, Mamarazzi kiasu also la. Went and korek-korek in the fridge and found this packet of BKT rempah given by Auntie Woo.

Some pieces of meat. Not enough meat, Mamarazzi decided to add meatball *pengsan*

This Salad Leave goes well with BKT, right? Easy. Just pour hot water over it. Add some fried garlics and some soya sauce. Kau tim.

Here is the BKT. Alamak! why so dark geh...some more got hard boiled eggs and meatballs.. Haiz ..Rojak BKT?? If Paulo Coelho see this sure he pengsan.

Eeeee...I become Guinea Pig again. No eyes see.....*Closed eyes* hope for the best.

Uiks! Still alive. In fact the BKT taste quite good. Must go and bodek Auntie Woo to buy some more of the Rempah.


  1. haiz..then I realised haven't eatan BKT for so long....

  2. haha, so cute..BKT is surely yummy!

  3. Yum yum! Looks good! I prefer more liu - the more the better! *greedy*

  4. wah I love BKT, all thos looked awesome! ;0

  5. you eat with your mami only 8**sob **sob**

  6. ohhh very cute facial expression! hehehe! The BKT looks yummy!

  7. Waaaa yummy leh... and I am not full from lunch aiyor!

  8. Looks yummy lol.......too bad I don't have chance to try it out..

  9. wah! BKT add meatball and eggs,good try huh!

  10. Ooh sedapnya! Have a nice weekend dear

  11. Nice! Your mama's one looks the most delicious! Yum! If only I could try a bit... Hey! She saw my post on BKT, tak mahu kalah, izzit? Hehehehehe!!!

  12. Angel Bear

    LOL...this one home made :p

  13. Lenglui Witch

    Ya lo but Mamarazzi doesn't know how to clean the stomach and intestine. So tarak add those lo

  14. Wenn

    Mamarazzi's one taste okay la. Not enough liu only

  15. Anney

    Taste boleh tahan la...not enough ingredients only

  16. BBO

    LOL...wokay time freeze in the freezer and contact u to pick up. Don't cry ah. Big Boy dont cry one leh :p

  17. Mery

    Shy la...Mamarazzi cant cook well. LOL

  18. Angeline

    And you too have a nice long weekend :D

  19. Wai Kitt

    Tarak cukup liu lo...tarak those stomach and add chaplang lo

  20. uLi

    The soup yummy but not enough mixture of pork

  21. STP

    if not ah...later you say me always eat outside Mamarazzi sumbat me with home cook BKT lo

  22. BKT with hard boiled egg? Wow..your mama very "creative"! hahahahhahah

  23. Annie

    Coz Papa love to eat egg punya. So add some hard boiled eggs lor

  24. So funny !!! But i think anything poultry related can throw into BKT. Must be really yummy!

    Mana she get the rempah?

  25. Ann

    Ya lor...pakai hentam since not enough meat

    Got the rempah from a friend in Kemaman. Her friend bought from Penang. LOL long route ya

  26. I am going to cook bak kut teh too...

    Yummy, BKT with alot of mushroom and enoki mushroom.

  27. Joanne

    Mamarazzi tak pandai Cook :(


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