
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 14 August 2010

Turbo Charged Breakfast

Hmm...wondering what for breakfast. Must be half boiled egg again. Mamarazzi have been feeding me half boiled kampung chicken egg daily lately.

Said many people falling sick this month wor. Thus, she sumbat me with this turbo charged breakfast to build up my immune system lo.

Nestum Oat + Half boiled egg. And to down it all with a cup of Orange Juice. A variation to this was to feed me bread dipped with half boiled eggs.

Help me please!!! am getting bored with this breakfast leh...anyone have a better menu? Can I go to your house and tumpang eat breakfast ah?

P/S : Today is the final day. Remember to vote for me at BookXcess Facebook Page ya..Click here to vote. Thank you very much.


  1. so kesian...eggs everyday eh? how about just some oat mix with fruit? or cereal with milk?

  2. i want to tumpang u J... u will cry if u eat what i eat each morning..

  3. eggs everyday ah. Gwen's breakfast also very simple. Cereals, bread, fruits and milk.

  4. When I was small too...two half-boiled eggs every morning. Look at me now! So big and strong - so sui-tuapui! Hehehehehe!!!

  5. my breakfast = milk + muesli + yoghurt.. also very healthy leh~~ :p

  6. has been ages since i have nestum oat. i want the half boil egg...yummy.

  7. Wow...ryan does not want to eat hard boiled I always have to fried egg for him.

    You can try to cook meesuah soup,frogleg porridge,noodle for your boy's breakfast.,

  8. my kids love to eat oat meal too.. they take it with a bit of honey and fresh milk :)

    PS: I don't eat oats ..hehe

    MY LATEST ENTRY: Tagged- I am a Muslim!

  9. Eat more apples can liao...won't get sick one~

  10. lol reading claire's comment. kesian!
    i also pathetic breakfast. eat leftover dinner. or supper, if there is anything left of it. some days i do get some food though. so can't really complain. must be grateful, no matter what.

  11. Come auntie's house. Feed you with big english breakfast kao kao. =D yunno rite, smallkucing, angmoh eat breakfast like king punya... come auntie's house, feed u like a king!

  12. Angel Bear

    Done that also :(. Running out of idea

  13. Mummy Gwen

    Eggs and oat, bread celup egg....

  14. Mommy Ling

    LOL...want me to pass you some :p

  15. SK

    Mamarazzi have to learn how to fix that breakfast dulu.

  16. Mery

    Have tried those also but normally he wont eat much during breakfast

  17. Kelvin

    apple ah...good idea wor

  18. Hidayah

    Mamarazzi also dont eat oat :p

  19. Aunt Cleff

    you can wake up so early meh? :pLater breakfast become lunch liao lo

  20. tuti and claire from the same gang ya

  21. LOL... sometime your auntie vampire tarak sleep ma. ^am oredi makan bfast. Den go melingkar like ular after bfast. Syok leh. LOL.

  22. Auntie Cleff

    6a.m. makan breakfast or u makan supper :p


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