
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 5 August 2010

A Surprise From Who?

Yesterday afternoon as Mamarazzi was making "Turtle Jelly", the postman came knocking.

Hmm...Mamarazzi thought it was photos delivery from eoe Online. But couldn't be ah. The e-mail from eoe Online said 3 working days. Not yet 3 working days wor.

Nope, it was not from that company. It was from LVBeii.

I wonder what is it. Very "kan cheong". Hand not enough to open the envelope. Use legs also.

What? Me boy ma! More ganas one la. Tear and tear everything one la. Can open faster mah.

Wow! it's not a book. It's TWO books.

The Lenglui Mummy knew Mamarazzi gila books and she sent Mamarazzi two books.

Thank you very much, Beii!


  1. wah, make turtle jelly, nak jadi Ninjaturtlekucing liao! LOL!

  2. I wish someone would send me gifts too! :)

  3. why did show the turtle jelly picture? Let us see whether nice to eat or not :p

  4. Joshua must be tired of opening presents now and then.. NO ah? ok ok, carry on opening..lots more to come!

  5. wa.kesian the pos ekspress envelope! haha,hope you will like the books! Can't find a better person to give to other than you!haha

  6. BBO

    Jangan jealous...some more this Beii very Lenglui punya.

  7. Pete

    Hmm...that is an idea wor...a good blog post title :p

  8. Claire

    Now each time the postman/courier comes to the door he will say"Camera ah?" kakakaka

  9. TZ

    *horiffied* that "turtle jelly" photo again ah? Later Uncle Hock will have an heart attack

  10. Beii

    The boy ganas leh? kakaka

    Love the books. Aiyo..the "Scarred" seems to be a very cham sort of story. Wanna read that after I finish with the current one.

    Thanks a gain :D

  11. Wah, you are one lucky person, quite often got people send gifts one! :-D

  12. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE5 August 2010 at 21:05

    Can see Joshua gain a bit weight - courtesy of TLC of mammarazi

  13. MRC

    Now 16 kg already lo. One and a half bag of rice jor .

  14. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE6 August 2010 at 12:19

    GOT MATRiX MEASUREMENT SOME MORE LOL...Nvm win-win situation: Joshua will grow up faster (less liability) & mammarazi goyang kaki senang hati reading all her books ..LOL

  15. MRC

    Cham leh coz when he said "Mama carry". I pening liao. Carry 16kg wor...


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