
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Chili's, Empire Shopping Complex

Tell you one funny story . Mamarazzi's mind is going kaput. Mamarazzi wanted to have Popeye's Fried Chicken. When Papa asked where is the location, Mamarazzi told him she remember someone told her there is a Popeye at The Empire Shopping Complex.

We arrived at The Empire Shopping Complex and made a few rounds. Yet no Popeye's.

Actually someone told Mamarazzi Popeye's is at Sunway Pyramid but Mamarazzi blur sotong and thought it was in Empire Shopping Complex.

That's how we end up in Chili's

Service very fast. Masuk aje, they gave me crayons and kiddy puzzle to keep me occupied.

At Chili's kids eat for free if parents order Main Course. Mamarazzi chose Burger and Fries for me.

Hmmm...the burger not much taste geh. Not like the one at Bangsar.


Youck..also no taste geh. It's either the kitchen ran out of salt or the restaurant is really health conscious. Kids are not supposed to eat so much salt and sugar.

Hmm..what do you say? Give them the benefit of the doubt la. Say it's heath conscious la.

Caesar Salad. Very large portion as it is usual for Chili's

Papa's Mushroom Jack Fajitas

Mamarazzi's Ribeye's Steak. Taste not bad.

I stole Mamarazzi's Garlic Bread.

This one is GOOD. I like. Not bad lah this branch. Each person taste is different. What I don;t like, you may like. This is just my personal opnion la. Worth coming again.


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  1. New shopping place. Haven't drop by there yet!

  2. past Empire few times but driver said next time baru pigi....*sigh*

  3. Hi SK, you kid learning about live to eat, not eat to live, ha ha.
    My wife and I have not stepped into a fast food joint many years.
    We live across the street from several fast food joints, and 23 years stepped into McDonalds 3 times, once to eat, twice meet friends for coffee.

    My wife avoids fast food....afraid she cannot wear her sarong, ha ha.
    Have a nice day, Lee.

  4. Chili's? I thought Mexican food? Those don't look Mexican to me...

  5. Chilli's ah? You got to request for the burger to have salt if you order for kids. They dun put salt for kid's meal wan. Plus, they expected parents to put tomato ketchup for the burger... hence, the tastelessness. Auntie got eat in Chilli once in a while when Auntie's parents are in town... all branch same. their kid's burger wun have taste if you don't request for it.

  6. eh..chili is nice.. i like.. one time experienced only .. wanna go again..penang is the nearest.. hahaha.. big portions, right? the price is also big too!

  7. LOL! Yea Popeye is at Sunway Pyramid! But I think you went to a better choice.. coz I think Popeye's fried chicken is just so so. KFC much better :P

  8. huh?? where is Empire Shopping Complex?? new shopping mall??

    errr, actually i guess Chili's is a lot nicer than Popeye's lor.. Popeye's in Sunway Pyramid, Mines, MV and Wangsa Walk so far i know..

  9. how r u? fully recovered yet?

    ok..thx for the tip. will check out Chili's soon.

  10. Heard so much on the Empire but yet to visit. Less salt is good.

  11. Reading ur blog is horrible when having diet.

  12. Your boy is so cute....
    Wow....the food looks yummy.

  13. ANgel Bear

    Quite a number of boutique there if you love shopping .

  14. Pete

    Ya a lot of makan place there too

  15. Auntie Cleff

    Then it's a healthy restaurant la kakakaka...

  16. Uncle Lee

    That's why your wife stay sweet and young. Fast food aged people very fast

  17. Claire

    Price in any western restaurant also "big" nowadays.

    Love Chili's Ceasar Salad coz the portion very big and taste good

  18. Lenglui Witch

    Mamarazzi fell in love with Popeye's Chicken. Too bad Popeye's dont have playland for me to play

  19. Little Lamb

    Thanks. Have recovered 7788 already :D

  20. SK

    That's why la..Mamarazzi's brain going kaput.

    Empire is next to Subang Parade, behind the big Maybank buidling.

  21. mNhL

    A lot of shops have opened its door at Empire now.

    This one is like no salt. Guess it's up to the parents to put salt la.

  22. Beii

    yaaaa....steeeeak..yum yum..

  23. Hahha...the first time i went there also settled in Chili.

  24. Only one time to Empire but not very impressed 'coz it's just like another BV then no need to travel to Subang but happy for their temporarily free-parking!

    Read your old post re lump in your neck. Are u ok now? Try to eat healthily, less meat more fiber + less oil, less sugar & less salt. Lucky u the good Samaritans ard when in need :-)


  25. Wah...looks like mamarazzi's kid loves to eat too.. choose the first bite of ur garlic bread...Chili's..hmm i've never tried before, we can't have it in Ipog nor Penang...

  26. Ya... last time auntie oso complain why tasteless geh... but they said, for kid's burger, they dun put salt unless got request.

  27. Wah, did't know kids eat for free if order the main course. Anyway, I have eaten at Chilliz before 2 times - one was hubby took one and another was office birthday makan held at the Midvalley's outlet.

  28. Dora

    Hope the Free Parking will go on for longer.

    Now recovered 7788 already. Thanks :D

  29. Angeline

    I thought they have Chili's in Penang . Well, maybe they will open one there soon. The Ceasar Salad are very good :D

  30. Hope you had your Popeye's meal by now.

  31. Still havent got the chance to visit Empire yet...sigh! Will try to go one day :)

  32. Smallkucing doesn't like ketchup? Oh I just learned something new here. So far we haven't brought C to Chilli's yet... that's how long ago since we last ate there!

  33. Auntie Cleff

    But how come Bangsar branch have taste geh?

  34. Alice

    yes and there are a few choises to choose from the kiddy menu. Not bad

  35. Chloe's Mummy

    Ya he dun eat ketchup. Maybe coz it's red. He kept thinking it's spicy.

    It's time to bring Chloe to Chili's. The kiddy menu quite attractive. Got spaghetti


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