
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 22 August 2010

Bedtime Stories And Prayers By Enid Blyton-A Man Who Went Out To Sow

There was a story in Enid Blyton Bedtime Stories and Prayers book about "A Man Who Went Out To Sow".
This man went to his field and sow some seeds there. Hoping to see some strong grains in the future so that he can feed his family.

He scattered the seeds by hand. here and there in his field. There was a path nearby where the earth was  hard. Some of the seeds fell onto this path and was eaten up by the birds. I wonder was it Big Bird like the one that bit my hand. Those seed didn't grow.

Some seeds fell in stony grown. They grew a bit but when the sun came, they withered and died.

Some seeds fell in thick weeds. The put out leaves but could not grow because over crowded by the weeds.

And many fell on good ground. These grew and feed the man's family.

Well, according to Jesus, the words of God go out all over the world and heard by many. The seeds are like the words of God. 

Some people will not hear Gods words and they take no notice. These are like the seeds that fell on hard ground and will not grow.

Some people heard Gods words and listen for awhile but soon give up. These are like the seeds that feel in stony ground.

Some people have evil heart and bad thoughts. These are like the seeds that fell in to the weedy ground where seed won't grow.

But there are many who listened to God's words and let kindness and goodness enter their heart. They are like the good ground where the seed grow plentiful.
he seeds.

I have been sowing some seeds too. And now it had bear fruit. It's the seeds of friendship.

Got these three durians from my friendship seeds.

See! There is even a "Durian Kucing Tidur" here. No  joke. It's really called as Kucing Tidur because of its shape curl up like a cat napping.

This is one of the best type of durian. Not many seeds in it. Normally 2 or 3 seeds but taste very good.

 Eeee...I love durian.

From my friendship seeds, grew a tub of "Fat-fat" and "chubby" durian. Thank you, Auntie Cleff.

Earlier this week, another of my friendship seed brought us a good meal at Rak Thai Restaurant in Amcorp Mall .

Thai Fried Rice and Sambal Petai Fried Rice. Both tasted delicious.

A trinket for handset from Japan and a book borrowed from Kor Kor Manglish.

Thank you very much Kor Kor Manglish for the lovely meal, trinket and the book.

I wonder what fruit would my friendship seed bear next?


  1. hahah....kucing seems to love durian a lot! His expression in the pix is like 'chap tou pou' in canto!

  2. You so suka durian... next year Auntie try to get you satu guni from orchard... feed you kao kao. Or mebbe bodek uncle bring auntie go pick from orchard la... LOL... this one not so nice liao... oredi end of season... small size oso. Lucky you get one still can eat =S

    Really called kucing tidur ah? LOL... That auntie dono... auntie not durian expert... choose durian oso tembak oni. LOL...

  3. much good food. The durians are so tempting.

  4. wahhh friendship seed can grow durian! i must go plant some!

  5. Hi SK, tonight I am going to eat durian.
    Your pics here suddenly reminded me I have a packet of frozen durians in my freezer I had bought 2 weeks ago suda lupa makan.
    They from Thailand...
    I defrost them, eat while still slightly frozen, like ice cream....out of this World too.

    You have a beautifulSunday, Lee.

  6. WHAT! WHAT! Auntie Cleff gave you the nice durians??? I also want! Maaaaaaaa!!!!!!! LOL!!!

  7. Sambal petai fried rice... Looks good. Nice or not. Saw a stall selling that day... Was wondering whether should try or not.

  8. Chris

    Memang Chap tou pou leh :D

  9. Auntie Cleff

    Aiyo! you really tarak tau durian year why not you do a durian giveaway for your blog. Winner will get a day trip eat all you want to the durian orchard *evil grinz*

  10. Angel Bear

    The other day you made Mamarazzi drool...:p

  11. Mummy Gwen

    Lol....yummy durian...isk this Auntie Cleff really teruk. Told me say durian Kampung. One taste of the durian , know already is one of this "branded" ones ..kakaka

  12. Uncle Lee

    Thai durian taste not strong enough leh. Come back to Msia and wallop kau kau la.

  13. tuti

    go plant at Auntie Cleff there. Next year will get free durians :P

  14. STP

    ya lo...auntie cleff gave lo. She got one whole car boot load of durian the other day. Too bad the Lift still rosak the other day or else would have sapu more *evil grinz*

  15. STP

    The Petai Fried Rice taste good but a bit spicy. Mamarazzi dare not eat that much. Scared heaty.

  16. Yes..the durian is so yummy...thanks for sharing som with Mommy Ling.

    Wor...sambal petai fried rice,wondering how it taste.

  17. Good food and good friends go hand in hand! :-)

  18. hehehe....your turn to eat durian ya...yummy!

  19. Mommy Ling

    it's sambal rice with Petai. Not enough Petai la. More Petai lagi bagus

  20. wow, baby boy is so strong can open the durian@@

  21. Xjion89

    Acah already punya...he saja wanna make it bigger :P

  22. so much seeds sown in a week... all my favorite type of seeds some more..

  23. oh, you met up with manglish!! and i like that book, i want to read that~~

  24. next time we go to the lulian farm you want? ko ko bring you!

  25. I want lu lian! nice lar , must be syiok!

  26. BBO

    The pulp was very thick and the taste very strong :D

    want ah want ah...want follow to durian farm ah :D

  27. SK

    Saw that book in Manglish booklist. And Mamarazzi muka tebal and pinjam from him la :p

  28. Wah durain!!! I want also! :P

  29. Erm almost forgot. I like this Bedtime Stories and Prayers by Enid Blyton. If you come across it anywhere, let me know k? Thanks. :)

  30. Chee Yee

    No problem . Will let you know should we see it.


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