
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 23 August 2010

Restaurant Kim Heong, Seri Petaling

This restaurant replaced the former Janbo Restaurant. Address 22 - 24, Jalan Radin Tengah, Sri Petaling Kuala Lumpur.

What is good here ah?

According to the Captain, this Taufu is very good. Their "Chiu Pai" Taufu. The topping was "Chai Po" and the bottom of the taufu was greenish. Some kind of vegetable. And indeed it was very tasty.

Claypot Pork with Salted fish. Very appetising. The pork were sliced thinly thus the taste of the salted fish was mixed thoroughly with the pork.

Another dish that Mamarazzi liked. French bean with fresh mushroom. Really yummylicious. The beans were very young and crunchy while the mushroom were sweet.

Ginger Village Chicken with something something mushroom or fungus . Sorry ya..the name too long. Hard to remember. Taste ordinary.

Dessert - Mango "San Mei Lo". Hmm...weird. I thought San Mei Lo supposed to comes with shaved ice? Taste okay okay la.

Coconut jelly. This one taste very refreshing. Yumm..I like. I nearly finished the whole thing by myself.

Like this restaurant. The staffs are very attentive. One Jie Jie even gave me a Paper Bird to play. Then the birdie fell off the table. Papa asked me where is the birdie. But I thought he was asking about my birdie. I pointed to my pant. Papa laughed. Hmm...don't know why he laugh at me.

Total bill for 3 adults and 1 kid RM105. Not bad. Food was good.


  1. pork look nice....slurrrppp.... =p

  2. Hahahahahaha!!! So funny, your birdie... I think I went to Seri Petaling for dim sum last time. The food looks nice.

  3. hey, KL food is quite expensive compared to Ipoh hor.. yeah, klites salaries are much more also.. compared to ipoh.. gosh, the last part is funny.. haaha...

  4. wah nice lar, you makan satu orang also don't ajak koko here ;( next time yah!

  5. nice... looks very delicious...

  6. Uh Uh, luckilly no birdie dish!

  7. STP

    Yes, this restaurant i located 2 rows behind the Dim Sum Restaurant that you went to.

  8. Angel Bear

    LOL yup....nice. Can eat a lot o rice with the pork. In fact we got tambah nasi also :p

  9. Claire

    Not really salary more leh...

    Betul mah..Papa asked where is i point la...ish

  10. BBO

    Aisay...wokay will korek your contact ..:D

  11. Medie007

    Not bad la...can telan sort

  12. Woo...I love the claypot pork with salted fish. So nice to eat together with white rice.

    Hahaha....the last part.....can't stop laughing.

  13. That is really cheap & Looks delicious! I'm so gonna pop by malaysia soon! There are so many states i yet to cover

  14. mNhL

    That dish very "hoi wai" when eat with white rice :D

    correct mahhhh....birdies...whose fault is it? Papa and Mamarazzi always refer it as birdie mah

  15. Double Chin

    Do pop by Msia soon

  16. Auntie Cleff

    No worries...will point the bill to Auntie only :P

  17. Dun point to Auntie Little Bird sudahla...

    *drooling* Time for Ban Huat again. *nottie grin*

  18. This restaurant has people to distribute flyers to my parents' place quite frequent but we have yet to try their food.

    A number of restaurants in Sri Petaling like " now you see it, now you don't..." :-)


  19. adui..point to your pants ah..such a honest boy!:P

  20. Dora

    Actually Janbo was there for more than 10years. Now change hand. Hmm..true, dont know how long this restaurant can survived. Many restaurant at that area change hands every few months :(

  21. Nice food.. but considered a bit on the expensive side since you guys didn't order seafood... anyway as long as the food is good eh? :)

  22. Smallkucing just being missing birdie..LOL

  23. pengsan!! little kids are so innocent.

  24. the food looks seriously least ur taufu looks much sedap than mine at sin hup kee...

  25. the toufu really looks nice woh, and i am very interested to try that coconut jelly, so special leh..

  26. Yeah..I remember Janbo restaurant. Oh sudah "chap lap" already ah. The pork dish I've never heard before but sure sounds delicious.

  27. Oh the restaurant change ownership? I used to buy the Yu Sang from there during CNY (yes go to this resturant for that during CNY only. LOL!)

  28. heheheh..i thought two of you having so much food again. :)

    Quite expensive wor?

  29. Lenglui witch

    Kira okay la the price at that area. Now Seri Petaling area price getting to be quite high

  30. Vialentino

    Ya the taufu worth the ry. Not sure what is the green thing at the bottom of the taufu.

  31. Mummy Gwen

    Janbo chap lap jor lu :(. Kesian the taukeh

  32. SK

    first time eat this kind of "chiu Pai Taufu" coz normal ones are fried. But this one have so many things

    The jelly refreshing but dont order the mango thingy la. weird.

  33. Chee Yee

    Hahaha wait for u to "pong chan" once a wonder chap lap la. :P just joking.

    Too moch competition gua. Last time Janbo was the only "presentable" restaurant in seri petaling. Now have so many new ones like Overseas Restaurant, Tai Thung, this and that

  34. Annie

    Kira okay la since the price and Seri petaling area also not cheap. I guess they price it similar to The Overseas Restaurant and others grand restaurant gua,

  35. The food looks good indeed. The mango loh is cold?? Ya, I thought it should be with ice.

    The coconut jelly looks special. Must be very refreshing.

  36. Ann

    The Mango sa mei lo was cold but no ice. Ya the coconut jelly was refreshing :D


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