
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 9 August 2010

Korean Food Fair, 1Utama

This is a much belated post. Happen on 27th July 2010.

As Mamarazzi was given an almost clean bill of health by the Doctor, she wanted to celebrate with eating Bak Kut Teh. She read in Little Prince's blog the day before about this delicious String Tied BKT.

That's why we end up at 1Utama Shopping Complex. And ngum ngum there was a Korean Food Fair then.

We went exploring loh. many goodies. I wonder sedap or not.

Unable to go Korea yet. Take photos with lovely painting of Korea landscape also jadi lah.

A lot of instant noodle wor. Opps...better not buy coz Mamarazzi have been having too much instant noodle already. Maybe that is why she fall sick.

Candy and biscuits. Hmm...Mamarazzi didn't buy coz said at home still have a lot of these.

Red Dates, Lemon Lime, Aloe Vera and don't know what drinks. Hmm..the Red Dates drink taste very good.

Papa bought one for Mamarazzi coz Red Dates is supposed to be very good for those who have low blood pressure.

Tired. Time for some Ribena on the go.

Aiyo...browse so long only bought so little barang ah?

Just the Red Dates Drink and some Udon Noodles ah? Papa ate the Udon Noodles. Said not bad wor.


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  1. i love korean food too, and their noodles just so sedap..but u didnt said the bkt good or not woh after u how izzit?

  2. Red dates good for low blood pressure? Auntie Cleff dono that... oooo....

  3. Not a fan of korean food. The noodles nice...but not that nice to make it worth the price. More though...and they say no matter how long you boil, will not get soggy. Not like our local brands.

  4. HAHA. Small Kucing so cute when he scratches his hair.

  5. Hi SK, my wife and I love Korean kim chi.
    We eat very often as we have lots of Korean stuff on sale here.

    And the Koreans are among one of the World's healthiest people.....reason being they eat kim chi everyday....its got garlic.
    Add Chinese green tea, or Korean green wonder some of the Korean men can make women walk into lamp posts, ha ha.

    I remember we flew Korean Air some years back, and the pilot, he about 6' tall, well built, had looks made my wife....she very rarely turns to look, but this pilot made her head spin, ha ha, when he walked down the aisle greeting passengers, ha ha.

    Love your pics....Lee.

  6. Now Air Asia got korea promotion... frens asking to go in dec for 885rm to and fro.. but i turned down.. lazy to travel overseas this year.. dont know why..

  7. Now Air Asia got korea promotion... frens asking to go in dec for 885rm to and fro.. but i turned down.. lazy to travel overseas this year.. dont know why..

  8. okayla,enuff enuff,don't buy too much of food, can buy more books!wahahaha!

  9. I prefer Japanese food more. But would love to visit Korea one of the day. hehe's the bak kut teh?

  10. oh, i was there too.. but i didn't even step in there haha!! cos i'm very scared of those promoter aunties~~ :p

  11. I love korean food. But everytime I am there no korean food fair wan :( I love their marinade sauce and their noodles ...yummy Joshua you so lucky...*wink Mamarazzi takes you everywhere :p

  12. Kathy...glad to know you are given a clean bill of health :) but do take care and try to eat more home cooked food :)

    Take care ya

  13. Red dates made into drinks?
    Can't imagine the taste XP

  14. Ha..I love korean food especially their sweet potato vermicelli, soysauce mushroom flavour and ginger honey drink.

  15. Love Korean Food!
    Smallkucing didn't meet any Korean babes?

  16. Hv never tried any Korean food before except for their instant noodle..hehehehe.

    If I'm there, sure will grab their instant noodle cos very yummy and big packet as compared to others.

  17. Does the red date drink taste good? My BP also always on the low side. But so far don't have any dizziness etc.

  18. mamarazzi has low BP ke?

    smallkucing must be a good BP lowering agent then ..hehe..usually kids make BP shoot sky high :)

    MY LATEST POST: Lamb Feast at Castle Restaurant

  19. Iyson

    The BKT ...will make a post with photos. Will be up by tomorrow :D

  20. Auntie Cleff

    Red dates are good for blood. Boil it and drink

  21. STP

    Eee...soggy noodle ah...traka sedap leh.

  22. Uncle Lee

    Wow...gotta grab more of the kim chi then hahahaha

  23. Claire..

    Go la korea. Maybe can meet Korean lengchai kakakaka..Uncle Lee said a lot of lengchai there wor

  24. Beii

    No need to buy more books coz got nice people like Jasper's mummy send mah :D

  25. mNhL

    will be posting the BKT tmw :D

  26. SK

    why so scared? Got lenglui promoters also

  27. Elin

    1Utama always have these sort of fair. Sometimes korean..sometimes japanese etc

  28. Elin

    Ya will take care mostly steam food

  29. Kelvin

    taste sweet. Like Longan water

  30. Pete

    Said to say monstly Malaysian selling wor. But there were some lenglui there

  31. Shenny's Mommy

    The noodle rather expensiv but okay la

  32. Jenny

    Next round la.If not mistaken the go around to various shopping mall to promote punya

  33. Chee Yee

    Yes taste good. Last time after give birth, I took this also

  34. Hidayah,

    Low Bp and high cholestrol :p.

    Ate too much beefy and durians kot :p

  35. Ahh I love Korean noodles!! Gimme!!

  36. Usually the Korean instant noodles not bad one, just tat expensive :P

  37. uLi

    ya expensive. That day they were having offer. Not that bad la

  38. Lenglui Witch

    too late jor...all masuk Papa tum tum ady :P

  39. I only know Korean instant noodles very expensive ler..... but I like it so much! hehe..

  40. Mamarazzi need to "bou" more. Papa take care of Mama very well. :)

    I love Korean instant noodles..hehe.

  41. Can ask ur mamarazzi help auntie boil ah? *muka tak malu* Auntie kasi u makan Dan Neh Noh, wokay? Get those happy meals with toy car inside punya... wan anot? Go tell ur mamarazzi to boil for auntie. LOL.

  42. Auntie Cleff

    isk isk isk later u vomit pulak

  43. Lil' Bulb

    hahaha...ya expensive. But at the Fair they gave some discount


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