
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 16 August 2010

Restaurant Min Kok, Seremban

7 early 8 early Mamarazzi dug me up from my slumber. Said go exploring wor. Papa bringing us go gai gai wor.

After a hour ride, finally arrived. Eee....impressive wor.

Restaurant Min Kok, the famous Dim Sum place in Seremban.

Uiks? The Fried Dim Sum still comes in a trolley ah? Just like those in the Hong Kong movies.

Mamarazzi loves this. But these are a bit special. The inti instead of the normal lotus paste, the put grounded kacang.


Various of Steam Dim Sum. The Fishball, Siew Mai, Herbal Fishball and Pork ribs.

Mamarazi's tongue must have been sotplug a bit coz she said the Dim Sum tasted a bit too salty. But Papa and me eat just fine. Papa said everything was tasty except for the Pork Rib.

Green Siew Mai tasted good. Mamarazzi said the Har Kow skin a bit too salty and thick but it felt fine for Papa.

Char Siew Pau...Papa managed to finish all 3 when Mamarazzi said she is too full already

The Hong Kong Chee Cheong Fun was not that nice. Too thick and only have 4 pieces of prawns but the Sambal tasted very good.

This one was Mamarazzi and my favourite. One Scallop on the top and inside consist of prawns.We wallop finished one basket and we ordered one more basket.

Price are reasonable. Total inclusive of Chinese Tea was around RM50 only.

Yay! Finished breakfast. Energy fully charged! Let's go! Next stop?

oh ya...the address for this restaurant is No 7645, Lot No 5990, Jalan Labu Lama(Terminal 2), 70200 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan tel :067618458


  1. looks nice woh those dimsum, and only RM50, quite ok lah.. a lot better than my chicken rice which costed me more than RM60~~~ :(

  2. I envy ur life so much!
    Everyday eat and eat XD

  3. So nice!!! So cheap!!! Here, dim sum...only two "better" places but actually so-so only...and expensive. Sobs!

  4. Claire

    Ipoh??? wrong direction leh

  5. SK

    Still sore with the chic rice ah? But that chic restaurant memang mahal than normal. Guess you are unlucky to get waiter that kept asking you to order such big portion.

  6. hehe me too love with grounded kacang! :) yummy...ingle

  7. wah, cheap wor... i like the scallop on whole prawn dumpling too :-D yummeh!

  8. wah, you went back to my hometown... haha, we ate at Min Kok many times but your pics make the dim sum look so yummylicious! Min Kok has many memories for us, we celebrated full moon for both kids there...

  9. nice dimsum dishes....rm 50 for everything...wont too say expensive wor....

    wah...but all the way to nice trip

  10. i love it with grounded groundnuts too!

  11. wah, u so geng ah, cari makan till seremban... i've been here few times, the dim sum still ok lah, maybe next u should try their lunch and dinner menu..taste good also..

  12. Wah so song... drive all the way to Seremban for breakkie. This is your 2nd time there right? Remember reading about it somewhere, some time ago...

    Min Kok is quite near my parents' house. Can jalan kaki go. So where's your next stop? Got eat beef noodles or not?

  13. STP

    Saw your Dim Sum post looks very nice leh

  14. Boey Joey

    That's why la...we ordered two plates of that.

  15. Faisal

    KL hard to find. They like to put lotus paste instead

  16. Irene are from there ah? We been to Seremban many times but always stopped at the market for beef noodle.

    This round Papa did "homework" already. He bring us to this restaurant :P

  17. Prince & Princess Mum

    Our 1st time there :D

  18. Wenn

    hahaha...kind hard to find

  19. Wyson

    Our 1st time there. Hmmm....lunch and dinner ah...hmmm...maybe will try one of these days :p

  20. Chloe's Mummy

    We been to Seremban quite a few times. Just didnt nlog about it :p

    Had quite a shock when the GPS lead us to terminal 2 and said "you have reached your destination"...that was at the graveyard kakakaka

  21. love dim sum! and so cheap!
    but one hr ride, i think i would have nibbled titbits till i reach there, and then half full already. :P

  22. tuti..

    can stop here and there to cari makan la

  23. Vilentino

    It was a nice trip la...makan angin trip

  24. yummy dim sum & reasonable prices too!

  25. Eh, tip tip... don't go to Min Kok for dim sum during CNY... it's like 3rd country, ppl all scrambling for dim sum and waiting for the trays to come out from the kitchen!! no need choose, jst take only!

  26. hi-5 , Irene, been there on cny last year, people mountain people sea, and have to wait for almost an hour for seats, and they just grab the dim sum from the trolleys like nobody business.. 1st thought, just released from prison and doesnt eat for a year??

  27. 2Ma

    It was worth it la especially the scallop dimsum

  28. Wyson

    wah lau eh....kebuluran that I rather eat other things

  29. Irene

    *horrified* That teruk ah???

    But CNY also wont be going to Seremban as will be "balik kampung-ing".

  30. OH...the dim sum look good. Will take note, if happen to go Seremban, will try this out.

  31. Annie

    The price is reasonable too. Be sure to get the scallop dimsum. Taste very good.


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