
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Kena Big Bird Bullied - Ostrich Show Farm, Port Dickson

NOTE : There is a disturbing and GORY picture ahead. Please navigate away if you can't stand the gory. Thank you.

Next stop, PD Ostrich Show Farm. Papa said bring me here to see Big Bird. Where is the Big Bird ah?

Is this the Big Bird? Smaller than me wor.

So many small birds. Papa, I wanna feed the birds also la. Gimme some of the bird feeds please.

Oh...this is the Big Bird ah.

Cheh! you think you are tall ah, Big Bird. My Papa is taller than you.

I look like a mini Big Bird or not?

Adei...TZ Kor Kor not here. If not he will sure like this. Kesian Big Bird. Don't know why his bum bum botak.

Lagi kesian this Big Bird's neck. Don't know what happen to it. Fighting or get hooked in the pagar?

Hmm...KFC? Popeye's? Ipoh Chicken Rice?

Scared Scared...the naughty monkey so fierce one.

Still got a bit of bird feed leftover. Don't waste. Give to the bird.


As we were going out, I saw this man feeding Big Bird. I also wanna feed. Ish... mana tau Big Bird thought my hand is his food. He "NGAP-ed!" my hand. I was shocked but didn't cry. Later on I told Papa Big Bird "Mum Mum" my hand. Ask Papa to ketuk the Big Bird!

Hungry la..Jom go cari makan.


  1. adoi..what happen to the ostrich???

    so kesian ni...

  2. Angel Bear

    Maybe fighting or what la...these two kena quarantine .. The bum bum also botak

  3. Aiks... tarak Little Bird. LOL...Tulah... smallkucing owez bully Little Bird... now see... Big bird ngap ur hand liao. balasan!

  4. Auntie Cleff

    I where got bully Little Bird oh...always feed little bird leh...see many little birds follow me around..

  5. So kesian :( My next trip I am not gonna go for animal shows coz usually they all very kesian wan :(

  6. Haiz!!! I thought Kucing in the end attacked by ostrich - tak ada pun? LOL!!! Wahhhhhh....Papa Kucing BIGGER than me!!! Hehehehehehe!!!!

  7. oh what is that bulat-bulat bird in the 2nd photo?? as big as smallkucing's head..

    haha, maybe that ostrich thinks smallkucing's hand are french fries~~ :p

  8. nice family outing! J must be very happy to see the birdies.. me old auntie also never been there leh..

  9. I'm thinking to bring MiaoMiao to Zoo Negara la....hehe!

  10. The ostriches here are not fully grown yet lah, I think. The one that we went to a few weeks ago were really big and tall! Smallkucing didn't sit on the ostrich? Watch ostrich race? Stand on ostrich egg? Eat ostrich satay?

  11. the poor thing :( but animals are very resilient .. saw a duck with a broken wing once.. the owner didn't set the fracture and the bones finally healed in an awkward angle .. so sad ..

    looks like petting zoos and feeding times can be quite dangerous for smallkucing.. scary


  12. hahaha...i like the two heads of the ostrich head....they look so dumb and cute....

  13. Poor joshua! Anyway, you are a brave and strong boy, didn't cry even though get shocked.

  14. That ostrich shld be isolated for that others won't disturb...


  15. Kesian the ostriches. where got ngap-ed smallkucing hand..takde pun.

  16. hahaha... so cute! not the bird. :P

  17. haha,so daddy got piak the big bird not?XD

  18. Agnes

    Maybe the ostrich fight or what . No show. But we went feeding big birds and small birds :D

  19. STP

    Big Bird attack smallkucing..the Papa will ketuk the head :p. u know there is two STP ya ..:p

  20. SK

    Not sure what bird that was coz it ran loose in the Farm.

    Maybe thought Smallkucing's fingers is the mini corns. They love to eat corn

  21. uLi

    Am sure Miow Miow will be excited to see all the animals.

  22. Auntie Claire time ask Kor Kor Aaron to drive and we go together gather...feed birds

  23. Mery

    It was real fun feeding the birds

  24. Chloe's Mummy

    No no no.....scared scared if ride ostrich kakaka

  25. Hidayah

    ya...sort of...that's why let him feed the small bids. But just before we left he wanted to feed big bird too.

  26. Dora

    The two ostrich were in a separate pen

  27. Alice

    He was kinda puzzled lo...why the big bird bite him

  28. Mummy Gwen

    Video taken before kena ngapped..:p

  29. Beii

    the big bird cabut lari before Papa piak :p

  30. Haha, no wonder u mentioned Big Bird in yr comments. Both Joshuas also saw big bird

  31. Joshua's Mommy u know la :p

  32. hahahhaha, we went to Ostrich farm too last time when we are at PD. Heard so much about it, but after look at the poor ostrich, hmmmmm..they should maintain the place and it would be make a good tourist place for kids.

  33. ANnie

    Maybe they dont have enough $$. The last round we went the condition is much better


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