
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 12 August 2010

Home Tuition Anyone?

NOTE : This is NOT a Paid Post.
Attention! Attention! Everyone.

I have an announcement to make. Nope..Mamarazzi is not pregnant and nope am not getting marry with my Dear .....yet .

The news is my Khai Ma have venture into her own small small small "Home Tuition" business.

She specialise in teaching kids from Primary 1 to 6, all subjects except Chinese language.

Willing to travel to Seri Petaling, OUG, Setapak, Ampang and Puchong.

Price wise she will charge reasonably one la. It will depend on the number of subjects and number of times in a week loh.

Aisey...very hard to get a Cikgu who love children and can be strict when required leh.

Some Cikgu really give a bad name to the teaching profession leh. Come in to teach tuition late and going off early. Complaining when the kid is inattentive or hyper. No patient and loving heart at all.

My Khai Ma is different leh. She really loves kids and can teach well.

And another bonus is that my Khai Ma is married and in a very loving relationship with my Khai Yeh. If you are a woman, no need to worry that she might go after your husband when your back is turned nor you, as she is not lesbian. If you are male, you have got no hope la coz my Khai Yeh is very handsome one.

You can reach her at 016 695 7488. Michelle Wu...not related to Michelle Yeoh. Do give her a call ya if you are interest to have a good tuition teacher for your kids.


  1. Hahahahaha!!! I can move to KL and then ask you to advertise for me... Hehehehehehe!!!

  2. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE12 August 2010 at 12:47

    A good wacky promotion LOL

  3. hahahhahahha..the way you advertise this home tuition teacher really funny la.

    How about Bangsar? Will keep her number, when i need a tuition teacher for my boys. :)

  4. LOL....the married woman sentence made me laugh. But yeah guess it is a genuine fear.

  5. STP

    Advertise for you ah? You already so famous. No need to advertise liao

  6. MRC

    Ya la...Mamarazzi a bit sotplug when writing this post.

    She saw you promoting all the nice show in your blog.

    Mamarazzi saw already she went and "Boil DVD Porridge" till 5 a.m. lo.

    Write post also write like blur sotong jor :p

  7. Annie

    If conventional the sure people read and then will forget as soon as they close this page.

    Wokay...will ask Khai Ma whether she go to Bangsar or not and keep you updated

  8. Ann

    Most Tuition Teachers are young girl just out from school or college wor. Many wives will worry also.

    Just like Maid. If given a choice, pretty Maid or not so pretty one. Most would choose the latter :p

  9. hahaha, can see it's not a paid post but then very hardselling (in a professional way) woh.. :p next time got anything, must ask you to advertise for me~~ :D

  10. Wor..still need to wait for few years more to get a tuition teacher...maybe that time can join J also for tuition class..LOL

  11. Joshua is the youngest advertiser in history!! hahaha...

  12. wow....good business actually...i myself got give tuition to kids last time when was a college student...very good money indeed,

  13. what a good way to promote. Wish your khai ma all the best in this venture!

  14. what a good way to promote. Wish your khai ma all the best in this venture!

  15. SK

    Must hard sell wor..coz my Khai Ma mah.. :D

  16. Mommy Ling..

    yours one very soon la :D

  17. Vialentino

    Wait till Dylan go Primary 1 my Khai Ma ya :p

  18. Kelvin.

    Sg ah...have to wait till she open branches 1st :D

  19. mNhL

    Thanks...if your KL friends looking for tuition teacher, remember to "Syorkan" my Khai Ma ya :D

  20. Interesting Advertisement! You actually have the talent in this field woh! I like the final statement regarding the woman's husband look...funny...

  21. Wai Kitt

    Betul or not??? Your hubi so handsome...if you hire tuition teacher you also will be more cautious la. Mana tau if your hubi dont kacau orang but orang kacau him leh :p

  22. LOL! What a cute advertisement - the way it's written! I really like how Joshua posed like a teacher when doing this promotion for his Khai Ma! Hahaha....this is one advertisement where I won't mind reading over and over again! ^_^

  23. special advertisement, hehe ^^

  24. Alice the inspiration from Angel Bear's blog

  25. Hi SK, can I send my three very young kids over?
    Ha ha.
    Love your humour, Lee.

  26. Uncle Lee

    Hmm...I wonder...... :p

  27. hahha...and free tuition for little kucing?

  28. Chris

    Still many years to wait :p

  29. nice, like it the way you advertised the home tuition teacher! can try putting it on


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