
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 28 August 2010

Faithful By Kim Cash Tate

Mamarazzi received this free book from the publisher, Thomas Nelson to review as part of their book review bloggers program. She was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are her own.

This book is a mix of romance and Chick Lit.

About the life of 3 friends, Cydney, Dana and Phyllis.

Cydney was going to be forty soon and she is still single. She had longed to be married all her life. But God seems to have other plans for her. Instead now she is stuck on being the Maid of Honour for her demanding little sister.

Dana, married with kids and seemingly loving husband. But then life brings her a crushing blow. Her picture perfect life is no longer seems to be perfect.

Phyllis, also with a great husband. The down side is that he does not share the same faith. Tension mounting after 6 years of unanswered prayers.

What caught Mamarazzi's attention in this book is Dana's story. She seems to have a perfect life, perfect family, then suddenly, WHAM!... her husband had an affair and her world is falling apart. It made her think, that these days, people do not honour wedding vows anymore, and all we heard is just divorce and infidelities spreading around.

When she first read the synopsis of this book... Mamarazzi couldn't wait to read about Dana... and how she is going to deal with her crumbling marriage. Wondering if she'll have faith to hang on and work on her marriage and forgive her husband... or just give up and walk away like the rest of the world when such things happens?

Mamarazzi like this novel as it echos with realism. Some part of what was written here had happen to her friends and family before. Scary ya? It could happen to anyone.

Overall, it's a good read. This book could be a form of inspiration and comfort for those who are going thru what these women experienced.Mamarazzi is looking forward to her next book.


  1. good, got free novel!

  2. This boook surely makes you wonder... someone in a perfect life... thinking that everything was going so well for her.. out of sudden the world changed on her... everything starts to turn sour... how they would survive? How would they make it through?

  3. Some men just can't be "faithful", still "itchy" for other women although there's one very faithful at home!


  4. I would love to read books too.

  5. Interesting Kathy! Erm, where else i can get the book? The story line quite interesting.

  6. I thought got CASH to give away... Hehehehehe!!!

  7. Chris

    ya...if you want, register at Booksneeze and they will send you books to review

  8. Wenn

    Book is the best companion when travelling

  9. Dora

    but now...seems like same goes for woman too

  10. Angeline

    It will be in the bookstore in September. Not sure whether will be world wide or not. This one is an Advance Reading Copy

  11. STP

    Ish.....If got Cash giveaway, Mamarazzi sure quiet quiet run and grab ..:P

  12. wow...quite good to get a free book.

  13. Ann

    Go register at la. They will send books for you to review. Not obliged to give a positive review. If the book is not good can say not good


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