
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 5 August 2010

Father And Son Bonding Time

Mamarazzi was unwell that day. Lay on the bed like mayat hidup with me getting very restless.

Thus, Papa took me go gai gai to let Mamarazzi recuperate at home.

Papa brought me to Dan Neh Noh for some father and son bonding time.

Guess what Papa told Mamarazzi when we got home? He said rupa-rupa I love Dan Neh Noh not for the food. Rather I love the Playland and the Happy Meals Toy especially if it is toy car.

Papa also got me this Barney Bag. We went into the shop. I wanted the Pink Hello Kitty Trolley Bag but Papa bought me this one.

Then Papa also got me this remote control toy car. I love it.

Here is a video of me playing with the remote control toy car. Please ignore the messy background. Mamarazzi still not that well yet.


  1. wonder la....hahaha...but nice toy car owh...when can drive real car aa?

  2. I think Joshua loves this father/son bonding..see how much he can get during one outing? so profit! :)

  3. Wah papa sure know how to bond with SK... LOL! Btw, SK like pink hello kitty??!! Or he just want the trolley bag? Kids like to play the trolley bag!

  4. Angel Bear

    anak he is "learning" how to drive already. Been observing the Papa. The other day gave me a shock. He went and shift the gear stick. The car jumped. Lucky the handbrake was on

  5. Chee Yee

    Dont know ish ish..

  6. young know how to play remote control car alreay. Smart boy.

  7. your hubby so sweet. Bring J for kai kai and let you rest.

  8. Pink Hello Kitty for girls lah! You pondan kah? Hey! What's wrong with ur mama? Expecting baby kah? You want a brother or a sister?

  9. Poor Mamarazzi! Hope Mamarazzi is well already! Hahaha, same also, Juan Or also likes to go to the playground at McDonalds! Anyway, it's good opportunity for father-and-son bonding since it has been mother-and-son most of the time.

  10. hi, dropped by your blog after seeing your comments in other mommie's blogs... wah, u r one very funny writer... haha, got me addicted through all the posts!

  11. mNhL

    Normal day he dont see the kid much. So now is the chance for him to bond with the kid lor :D

  12. Sheeny's Mom

    he memang loves toy cars

  13. STP

    what is pondan? Related to Pandan ka?

    Haiz...Mamarazzi sakit teruk will know tomorrow..

  14. Alice

    Haiz...long story la about Mamarazzi. Read about it tomorrow lah.

    True what you say. Normal day not enough time for them to bond. Now is the time.

  15. Irene

    Thanks for dropping by.

    Funny writer? hmm...kekeke..haiz..what to do? My english and bahasa is like rojak. Hence comes out farnee ler :P

  16. wah...really enjoy....i only have bonding time with dylan during weekend nia

  17. Owhhh..Nice nice...) Great time!

  18. Mamarazzi, how are you now? Feeling better? Hope you'll get well very very soon. Take more rest.

    Btw, Kit boy also has the same remote control toy car but just different colour/design. It is using rechargeable batteries right?

  19. Great Papa and son bonding time. The remote control car is so cool. The wheels can move around and with light some more.

    Mamarazzi, I hope you are feeling better now. Take care.

  20. hehe, mamarazzi fell sick and smallkucing got chance to play things mamarazzi never allow.. :p

    get well soon mamarazzi~~ :)

  21. hehehhee...father and son bonding time, so nice. Got to play at dan neh noh, get new bag and new toy. tsk tsk tsk.

    Get well soon!

  22. Poor Mamarazzi... Sounds like you are preggie wor, no?

    As for the Hello Kitty bag, it is only "natural" for smallkucing to be attracted to another kucing ma haha :p Luckily he still loves cars in the end. The remote control car is so cool! Can do breakdance!

  23. wow, father and son bonding time is important^^

  24. quality time spent..great!

  25. Dan Nen Noh? HAHAHA! I thought wat is dan nen noh, the i figure it out its Mcdonalds. lol!!

  26. he looks so big in the pictures... so cuteee!

  27. Vialentino

    Coz Papa working time is not fixed. Weekends also have to work most of the time. Thus have to sneak some Father and son bonding time whenever he can lo.

  28. Prince & Princess mum

    ya loh and let Mamarazzi rest a bit :D

  29. Jenny

    Better now.Thanks :D

    Ya it's a battery controlled car.

  30. Mummy Gwen

    At 1st he was scared of the car. He would stay up on the chair/bed when he play with the control.

    Thanks Mummy Gwen, Mamarazzi recovered much already

  31. SK

    That is one cheeky boy la. hahaha

    Thanks SK

  32. Annie

    Hahaha...ya lo..he loves to go Dan Neh Noh

  33. Chloe's Mummy

    Sigh...much worse than preg ...

    *pengsan* that he went for the Pink Hello Kitty bag. Got Garfield bag also but he didnt go for that wor...but the Garfield bag no trolley la

  34. Medie007

    Ya he is growing very fast

  35. Lindy

    He kept saying McDonald as Dan Neh Noh..*sigh*


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