
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 20 November 2010

Water Crestnut With Egg Thong Sui

This is a poor folk Thong Sui according to Mamarazzi.

Last time great-grandpopo had a large family and not much money to feed all the thirteen kids. Whenever they have the chance of getting an egg, Great-grandpopo would make this Thong Sui as a treat for the kids. Just beat an egg and pour into boiling water with some sugar added.

Mamarazzi saw Water Crestnut sold very cheap at the Pasar Malam the other day. Bought a packet. Peel off the skin and chop it up.

Throw it into the pot and boiled awhile with the sugar water.

Beat an egg and slowly pour into the boiling water.

There you go...Water Crestnut With Egg Thong Sui. Best serve chilled.

Actually Mamarazzi have added some "Sea Bird Nest" in to it. Mamarazzi bought this from Tanjung Sepat but didn't know how to cook. The 1st round she made, she throw everything in and boiled withe the Sea Coconut Leong Sui and it dissolved into nothing.

This round Mamarazzi, soak it overnight and put it in for 5minutes. Again it dissolved. Failed again. Maybe no need to boil kot? Maybe after the Thong Sui is done, just put in and eat like that kot? Anyone know how to cook this?

Nevertheless, the Thong Sui tasted good. Yumm...


  1. yea, it will dissolved, similar agar-agar ^^

  2. Aiyo, so long didn't drink tong sui already. Saw ur blog makes me drool la. *slurp slurp*

  3. Aiyo, make me drool only. Long time no drink tong sui ler.

  4. Not a fan of such things. Can go and stuff that Auntie Lizard. Muahahaha!

  5. Choi Yen

    The one we drank at Tangjung Sepat not disolved. The "seaweed" was like the white fungus. Crunchy and springy. Wondering how the lady manage to make that

  6. Oh..looks yummy..I wanna try too.

  7. Wah, looks good eh. Share with auntie here boleh ka?

  8. oh, sea bird's nest?? first time hear this kind of thing leh.. so it's actually some kind of agar-agar?? hehe.. :p

  9. i just boiled suet yee thong sui..

  10. Go back to the same shop and ask them to teach you how to cook. They might chase you out. LOL

  11. Yin Yue

    This thong sui is easy to make . just sugar, egg and the crestnut. Kau tim

  12. SK

    seems like this thingy getting to be very popular...haiz...too bad Mamarazzi cook take jadi

  13. STP call her auntie lizard ah...Later she mengamuk cham liao

  14. Twillight

    Too far la.... Shah alam go to tanjung sepat nearly 1 hr leh

  15. Jenn

    wow suet yee very nice ..yum yummmmmmm...

  16. Angeline

    Kenot coz auntie already very pretty. No need bird nest already :p

  17. never tried this before. but will try to boil one..hehhehhee

  18. i love the tongsui with a lot of longan and the... er what do you call the yellow thingy inside there? LOL

  19. I think u have to put in fridge for it to harden?

  20. @Cikgu... grrrr... walao... call me auntie lizard... cilaka... so long nobody call me that liao... since school time... so cilaka tht name... eeee... I prefer little bird better. Cisss....btw, smallkucing's mamarazzi did sumbat-ed me with this tong sui. LOL... but i tak sempat drink... my hubby drank all liao! Cis. He said nice to drink worr... by the time I see the botol, oredi empty. LOL!

    @smallkucing... oo... so this is how your mamarazzi make this la...auntie dono how it taste like... got one uncle in auntie's house telan all... haihh... one drop oso tarak leave for auntie. He said nice to drink worr...

  21. Sea bird aledy smallkucing skin sure become smooth and nice...

  22. Faisal

    Huh longan...not the seacoconut longan thong sui ah? another one is the gingko thong sui

  23. Auntie Cleff

    hinting again ah? :P

  24. Kelvin

    harden...yikes...become jelly lo

  25. Tong shui is good for the complexion.

  26. Autumn

    Then must ask Mamarazzi to make more :D

  27. Mamarazzi, don't soak it for too long... But mine, I boil it until dissolve leh... Only left little bit of cha in the end :D

  28. AGnes

    weird wor coz the one we drink at Tg Sepat it was not melted . WOnder how the lady make


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