
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 21 November 2010

Bedtime Stories And Prayers By Enid Blyton-The First Stone

I love playing with stones and pebbles. But Mamarazzi told me not to throw stones at people. Very bad. Jesus also said some thing similar.

According to Bedtime Stories and Prayers by Enid Blyton, a long long time ago there was this woman caught by the Pharisee. She did something wrong. The punishment at that time was bad. People gets to throw stones at her. Ouch! Very painful one.

The men that caught the woman also very bad. They plan to trap Jesus coz they hated him. They plan to get Jesus to say something that people will hate.

Their plan was to bring the woman to Jesus and ask Jesus if the woman should be punished by stoning as it was written in their law. If Jesus say no, they would say Jesus is bad for going against the law of the land. If Jesus say yes, then they will tell people that Jesus is cruel for condoning the stoning.

Then dragged the woman to Jesus but Jesus already know of their plan. He looked at the woman sobbing face and said to the crowds "Which of you here who has never done anything wrong may cast the first stone at this woman".

Everyone looked into their past and felt ashamed for none was sinless. They went away. The woman was saved.


  1. Auntie saw this buku... Bedtime Stories and Prayers by Enid Blyton at amazon. So expensive. Mahal.

    Osos saw that buku Auntie have been wanting badly... 'the Ordinary Princess'. Mahal oso... and the tarak deliver it to Malaysia. Sobsob! Boohoo!

  2. Hah!!! Don't throw stones... Come and visit this fat uncle in Sibu. "Buang batu" in Malay means not dropping by or visit for a long time ( very sombong).

  3. yes...good story! before u judge others, judge yourself first!

  4. AUntie Cleff

    okie will let u know if saw this book

  5. ChrisAu said...
    yes...good story! before u judge others, judge yourself first!

    November 21, 2010 1:28 PM

    smallkucing said...


    November 21, 2010 3:22 PM

  6. Verone said...
    :) Very good to teach the little ones this story of not being bigger kids still appreciate their 'young ones' bible stories.

    November 21, 2010 8:30 PM

    smallkucing said...

    Yup even Mamarazzi still love the stories from Bible. And Maarazzi is practically a dinosaur

    November 22, 2010 12:19 AM


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