
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 14 November 2010

Bedtime Stories And Prayers By Enid Blyton-The Ten Unhappy Men

 Simple meal. Mamarazzi cooked Bak-Kut-Teh

 Fried Cabbage Indian style.

Me ? Happy with any food as long as tummy is full. Not like those unhappy men in the Enid Blyton Bedtime Stories and Prayer book.

The story goes like this. There was these 10 lepers. Lepers in those days very kesian one. No cure one. Everyone was afraid of them and they are left to rot in the hills and caves. Away from the community.

One day Jesus pass by an area where there are lepers. They got to know this and shouted for Jesus to have mercy on them.

Jesus heard them and ask his disciples to bring them to him. He healed them and ask them to go and show themselves to the Priest. During those days, they have to show themselves to the Priest to get a confirmation that they are cured. Not like now where you can start go and get Medical Check-up at any hospital.

Well, out of the 10 lepers that Jesus cured. Only one came back to thank him


  1. I just collected my membership card from Gleneagles today so that I can go for check ups!

  2. Kathy.. pandai buat BKT? My kids do not like so i seldom go for that..

  3. LOL! Tankiuuuuu veliii velii much for feeding auntie cleff with food... and also with books!

  4. Mamarazzi very clever because she can cook Bah Kut Teh for Small Kucing. Yeah, the leppers really had a hard time in the old days. They were treated as untouchables because people were so scared of their contagious disease.

    Mamarazzi, thank you very much for informing about Big Bad Wolf Sale. I went to South City Plaza and bought 12 books, but still not enough. Wanna go again!

  5. So the other 9 are not being thankful? Sigh what's wrong with the people nowadays.

  6. Must say thank you to mama kucing for case she says I'm also like the nine. And nice meeting you little kucing...and the very big kucing too. Muahahahahahaha!!!

  7. Auntie Cleff

    so next time you must feed me McD ya and Mamarazzi Popeye and papa Tomyam

  8. Claire

    Haiz...Mamarazzi tak pandai maska BKT leh....

  9. Twillight

    LOL...Gleneagles? "thiow Kung" used to work there

  10. Autumn

    Oh no...Mamarazzi have created another monster...first auntie cleff..then Kristie...then....and now you?

  11. STP

    Alamak...must say THANK YOU to you also for giving me so much(much coz uncountable) things and also belanja me makan


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