
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 19 November 2010

No Name Restaurant Along Jalan Sungai Buloh, Kampung Melayu Subang

This Restaurant no name one. Tersepit in between two furniture shop.Saw quite a number of people makan here whenever we pass by here. Hmm...hope the food is good la.

Papa ordered "ABC". Uiks...don't know how come purple color punya. Taste? Mmmm...a bit weird.

Hot ah hot ah...Thai Tom Som. spicy...I bet Auntie Cynthia would love this. She can really take spicy food.

Lucky got the Jumbo Watermelon Juice

Papa had Nasi Goreng Kampung(Top) while Mamarazzi and me had Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin.

Weird. Papa instructed them not to put Cili but how come the Nasi Goreng Kampung spicy one? Mamarazzi tasted and found that the Ikan Bilis was spicy. Not their Nasi

As for my Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin. Hardly have any taste of Ikan Masin at all.

 I bet Auntie Little Bird would love this. Sotong Goreng Kunyit. Taste okay la . Just goreng not dry enough.

Mamarazzi didn't like this Tomyam. She said the soup too "pekat" and got taste of rotten onion. Papa said maybe it's due to the mushroom leh. Well, we didn't finish the Tomyam. They gave quite a large pot. What a waste.

This one is the best. Burung Puyuh goreng. Well marinated and delicious. Mamarazzi ate so slow. I kept having to remind her to eat faster coz I wanna feed the bones to the cats sitting under my chair.

Would definitely come back here for the Burung Puyuh.


  1. The food doesn't look great...and I don't eat burung puyuh, amen! LOL!!!

  2. Boohoo... makan auntie's friend ya? LOL!

  3. Btw, this sotong does not look tempting enuff la... the sotong not dry and crunchy enuff. LOL!

  4. Hi Small Kuching, you guys sure live to eat....
    You eat out very often, huh?
    And the dishes here are really fantastic.
    Luckily there's bloggers like you putting up these foods as I have lost touch with KL foods.
    Have fun, Lee.

  5. Yeah..the way u described, macam tak sedap.. :) no need to go back.. maybe tarpau burung only..

  6. Auntie Cleff

    ya lor...AUntie Cynthia fried ones nicer

  7. STP

    You dont eat Burung puyuh ah? hmm wasted

  8. Uncle Lee

    How can it be that you losing touch with KL food? Mrs lee is such a good cook. It's surprising that you didnt expand size ways :P

  9. Malay food is not my cup of tea... I couldn't eat spicy food. If too spicy, I ended up in and out the toilet after the meal

  10. TZ

    hahaha..toobad. Some malay food very tasty

  11. i love deep fried burung puyuh. So crunchy. The tom yam really that bad arr? Really hard to find good tom yam soup.

  12. The Tom Yum didn't look appetizing :(

  13. Fuiyoh...puyuh. Looks so big wor the bird. Ada meat ka?

  14. Wow... very thoughtful and compassionate of little Joshua to feed kitty cat!^-^

    Hehe, thanks for reminding me not to pay any visit to this restaurant, lol!

    have a lovely weekend!
    p/s: I don't eat puyu either.:)

  15. Burung puyuh ate once time only. Already forgot how it taste like.

  16. I think it should read as Thai Som Tam which my Thai mum said "Tam" means pound with the pestel. I passed this shop many times and never thought of stopping. You are so adventurous!

  17. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE19 November 2010 at 18:21

    Burung puyuh goreng - errmm never try yet

  18. wa! i want the sotong goreng kunyit! im hungry :(

  19. but i wonder how much extra water and sugar syrup they added in to make it to that big glass lor..

  20. i'd say the best will be the Jumbo Watermelon Juice!! hahaha.. look at that huge glass, wow, so the very satisfying and refreshing and cooling lor~~

  21. I've never eaten burung puyuh before. Sad kan?

  22. cutie!! the watermelon juice looks heavenly!

  23. Alamak, ABC got purple colour, tom yam beh-tahan hot, nasi goreng hot-hot but ikan masin not masin, then the sotong goreng not dry enough? Hah? Maybe no need to go back. Somemore, can save more burung puyuh lives. All the quails will say thank you to Mammarazzi and Small Kucing.

  24. Alice Law

    I feed the meow meow but Mamarazzi very bad wor. She ate slow slow. Kesian the kitty :(

  25. Mommy Ling

    sikit sikit meat la. Well marinated lo

  26. Prince and Princess Mum

    Entah la...Mamarazzi looked high and low tak jumpa the name of the restaurant. At the front also no signboard

  27. Faisal

    Fast fast go cari makan :D

  28. MRC

    Tasty if it is done right. Taste like KFC :P

  29. Twillight

    Ooo thanks for the correction. Haiz...Mamarazzi tau makan aje but always forgot name of the food pulak.

  30. SK

    I guess this one no sugar syrup . More of water and ice coz Mamarazzi told them dont wanna add sugar

  31. SK

    Now many shops have these Jumbo juice . I like jumbo juice too coz can share with Mamarazzi

  32. Chloe's Mummy

    Why? Normal chinese shop also have. Saw in pasar mlm also. But rather mahal la coz 1 bird is around rm5.

  33. Franky

    Taste refreshing. Just nice without sugar


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