
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Restaurant Pangkor Village Seafood, Taman Megah

Haiz...say wanna eat Curry Fish Head. But how come become Crab pulak?.

Salted eggs Crabs again ah? You tak boring I also boring la. Though it taste pretty good, but not other crabs meh?

Huh? You must be joking!

PONDAN Crab? Adoi..STP going to laugh like mad again. Apparently it is not a spelling error. There really is a dish called Steamed Pondan Crabs. Must make another trip to this restaurant and order this dish some day.

 Love this Taufu dish. The seafood was fresh and got an unexpected bonus. They put a thin layer of egg at the bottom of the plate.

Hence we got a two-in-one dish. Taufu and steamed egg dish.

 What bean you call these ah? Guai Tau Miu? Very tasty and young.

Hahaha...this dish will have Auntie Little Bird drool. Sotong. Very tasty though Papa said it's a bit sweet. Mamarazzi love this.

Price wise...hmm..can't complaint la. PJ area punya price lo. Here is the address should you be interested to have a go at it 59, Jalan SS24/8, Taman Megah, PJ


  1. Arrghhhh... cilaka... sotong goreng... now tengah malam liao, mana mau cari sotong? Ciss... jahat betul lah!

  2. hahaha laughing at cleffairy comment . LOL!

    and cis i should come to this blog with stomach full because that kind of food make me drooling =.=

  3. Hey, i must protest now, next time got small kuching photos, must have big mama kuching photos as well,, ok now it is protest, only a request..

  4. Hey, looks good eh... the steamed eggs and taufoo.. great invention.. maybe we can do it too? :)

  5. It is near my house but I hardly go there. Thanks for sharing, I will try one day. I normally go to King Crab Restaurant. Cheers and take care :)

  6. i was there last sat and also had the same taufu and saw the pondan crab on menu and i tot PONDAN? forget it. later tangan tak turun!

  7. aiyah, salted egg crab is nicer than curry fish head mah, nvm lor.. haha!!

  8. Oooo....the sotong looks absolutely delicious! Must be so very nice - I love it when the batter's so nice and crispy like that! That Aunty Cleff sure drool like banjir... Muahahahaha!!!

    Hahahahahaha!!! Pondan crab? Eat, then you become pondan or what?

  9. Auntie Cleff

    Muhahahaha *evil grinz*

  10. Claire

    Ya lor can do it at home also

  11. Eugene

    Mamarazzi face not pretty nor young. So better stay behind the scene lor

  12. Sasha

    Hahaha...ya lor...Mamarazzi thought printing error or what...maybe Pandan crabs..but not wor

  13. Iriene

    King Crabs. Been there too.

  14. STP

    AUntie Cleff sure merajuk liao :P

  15. yummmm! always dangerous to come here and see delicious food when hungry.

  16. lol.. yeah.. pondan crab.. never know there's such a crab..

  17. Huh..Pondan crabs?? Should order it next time..haha.

    Wow..sedapnya the food. That sotong making me drool lah.

  18. LOL at Pondan Crab!! Make sure you go back there and order it the next time. Curious to see haha.

  19. 'steam pondan crab'...waaa... =.=|||

  20. Looks yummy lor! pondan crab ady nanti jadi pondan how ><

  21. hehe i call it french bean! i like it! hehe soooo much!

    crab? pengsan. my 1st favorite food in my list!!!

  22. Just the name 'Pondan Crabs' is enough to make me wanna try this dish. They are very creative with names, therefore the cooking must be just as creative too.

  23. I also drool on the sotong and crabs too..... and the name...pondan crab.... go and try and tell us whats the taste ok.

  24. tuti

    to tempt you to eat. Next time will find Chocolate. Chocolate is happy food. Makes you happy :D

  25. Shirleen

    Looks like we have to go and try out this "pondan " crabs one of these days

  26. Prince and Princess mum

    We too :D

  27. Chloe's Mummy

    Very curious lor...

  28. Mummy Gwen

    Ya lo...must go there another day and try the Pondan Crabs

  29. Faisal

    Come to KL and try out the Pondan crabs..wonder how it taste like

  30. Angel Bear

    Guess the Pondan Crabs will be very "steamy" gua :p. The waitress told us can only steam coz the crabs very "sweet"

  31. Autumn

    Must be creative cooking. Just see the taufu dish also know. At the bottom they added Steam Egg

  32. Beii

    Then my Papa and Mamarrazzi will have a "daughter" lo

  33. mNhL

    Not only tell but will snapp photo of it should we go makan that Pondan Crabs

  34. Leona

    Not bad la. Not that expensive nor cheap either

  35. i always prefer this Pangkor Village compare to the other one opposite and you went previous. I think the food at Pangkor taste a lot better and also the crabs.

  36. Luckily I'm having my lunch now.... looking at the food... crab... sotong... yum yum!

  37. Chee Yee

    getting pandai liao before come to this blog

  38. ANnie

    Next time must go and try the Pondan Crab. Hey! why not bring STP go eat Pondan crabs when he come KL?

  39. The Chinese writing on the menu listing the "pondan crabs" says ban gong mu (or poon kong mou in Cantonese and pnua kang bo in Hokkien) or half male-female literally. So I guess it's really pondan crabs after all.

  40. Thammai

    Thanks for the translation. Mamamarazzi cant read chinese hahaha...looks like we must go and try this crab


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