
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 6 November 2010

Jumpa Tak dJeumpa, Amcorp Mall

This is a very much late post. Went to Amcorp Mall to visit BookXcess. But before visiting BookXcess, Mamarazzi said wanna "re-charge" energy first. If not, no energy to grab books .

Tired of going to Uncle Snack every time. Tried out this dJeumpa Restaurant at Lower Ground Floor.

 Nasi Campur. Just some taufu, kacang panjang and an egg.

RM5-50. Expensive?

I Can't Get No Satisfaction!~Rolling Stone


Then I went McDonald. At least I get to eat ice cream. Hmmm...I wonder why the lady behind me is staring.


  1. that one sure cost too much leh. better eat jom jimat kfc chicken rice, rm5.90. heheheh

  2. Normally those places are charging higher price for rice or mee one. Actually i never been to Amcorp Mall before.

  3. yer....where is my ice cream leh....

  4. Not bad leh... I've eaten something like that as nasi kandar shops and paid a lot more - those daylight robbers!

  5. Wai Kitt

    If I know, I go Uncle Snack better

  6. Gold Flower

    Tarak meat also....mahal :(

  7. M-Knight

    come fast fast fly to KL. If not your ice cream melt liao

  8. Ai yo yo! For RM 5.50, I can have vege, acar and chicken at the nasi kandar shop. McDonald's ice-cream sundae is my favourite too, I like mocha twist.

  9. Ishhh... Dan Neh Noh cheaper leh... at least can refill the drinks til tum tum bloated!

    You haven't seen those economy rice around Auntie's house... more expensive... cilaka wan... the economy rice really ikut the economy punya!

  10. hehe, I tried a thai restaurant at Amcorp Mall before, Lower Ground floor also I think. Yummy food !! And if not mistaken the price quite reasonable since it's authentic Thai people....

    p.s : big bad wolf ... go or no go ?? :P

  11. Joanna

    Ya been to that restaurant before. Manglish belanja us makan there.

    BBWS..yup going. You going?

  12. Auntie Cleff

    Aiks...McD can have free refill ah? I didnt know lehhhhh. Ribena can refill or not?

  13. I seldom eat at Amcorp Mall. When I go there, really is just go BookXcess then cabut. LOL!

    Have you tried the A&W opposite Amcorp? I go there every month. :p

  14. Chee Yee

    Ya have makan-ed at that A& W b4. A bit run down now.


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