
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Subang Station, Kampung Melayu Subang

 Round round don't know what to eat again. Then Mamarazzi recalled Uncle Chai mention the food at Subang Station Food Court is not bad.

Hmm... I hope so lah.

 Papa ordered "Special Fried Keoy Teow" RM5 I think. Taste pretty good. Standard is as good if not better than those Chinese Fried Keoy Teow.

 While waiting for his plate of CKT, Papa ngap-ed a packet of this Nasi "Amak". He gave me some.

Taste good but too spicy for me. 

Haiz...after makan-ed his plate of CKT, Papa makan-ed one more bungkus of Nasi "Amak". Said Spicy but nice wor.

Mamarazzi wanted Kerabu Manga. They have this but the waitress said nobody wanted to make as they are short of staffs. Well, at least she is honest and didn't bluff say "habis" or make you wait half an hour baru say "tarak".

Then Mamarazzi had this Tomyam Seafood. Tasty and the good part is that it's not oily. See..the soup is clear of oil.

 Finally, Mamarazzi's and my Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin. I find it "hot'. I didn't like it. But Mamarazzi said not bad though portion a bit small as compared to Vichudda's

Overall, not bad lah this meal. At least found an alternative to a nice Tomyam.


  1. Yummy char kuey teow!! Haven't eaten that for quite some time.. hungry already..

  2. what is so special about that "Special Fried Kuay Teow" and cost RM5!!!

  3. How much the nasi amak? Looks like what they sell at the kampong stall here. The kway teow looks real good though...

  4. This kucing will grew up to become makan king !! Lol

  5. Now Cat, i must ask you this question,,, you eat out everyday?

  6. U really go anywhere for food.. :)

  7. Lenglui Witch

    Hahahaha...time to search for CKT

  8. SK

    Special kerang and prawns lor...for Malay CKT, this kira as very good already.

    Then ingredient similar to chinese CKT la

  9. Eugene

    LOL...this month kira as yes.

  10. STP

    RM1/bungkus. The CKT taste and look like chinese CKT minus the pork. Kira worth it since there are pretty lousy chinese CKT around.

  11. Claire

    Coz tarak pilih makan mah

  12. Chris

    If I really grow up to be Makan King and have my own TV show, i sure kaya lo.

  13. I'm eyeing for the nasi lemak..hehe. Small kucing's sweating already after makan the nasi lemak..haha.

  14. Nasi amak is spicy one lah, small kucing, hehe...

    The CKT looks nice!

  15. oh poor little J... all spicy one, how to eat? :-( hee hee

  16. The tom yam soup really look clear. Make me drooling.

  17. Boey Joey

    Diet lor....getting rather round in the tum tum

  18. Mummy Moon

    Bee boo bee boo ice ice baby

  19. no staff to make it? 1st time heard such excuse wor... =.="

  20. Choi Yen

    There is always a first time lol


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