
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 24 November 2010

My New Double Decker Bed

 Hah?! 6 storey bed ah? Going to have 5 more siblings ka?

 I want the 2nd tier.

 Or maybe the top "floor" will be the best? wanna...Dun want oi oi here. Papa say not for oi oi one. Papa say for Mamarazzi's books one...but then is 1 shelf enough ah?

Mamarazzi just borong-ed a lot of books from the BBWS wor. Looks like we might have to go back to TTF at Kepong to get some more shelves lor .


  1. lol just like bx's warehouse punya shelf. wonder how your library will look like when it's finished.

  2. That's not a multi tier bed..sure smallkucing would roll off hehe

  3. Hey... this is a good idea for storing books! I always bought from IKEA, darn expensive and not reliable... I should have buy this metal shelves!

    Thanks for sharing ya, have a nice day!

  4. I want! I want too! I sleep on the top shelf! Muahahahahaha!!!

  5. those shelves are sturdy-I have colored ones.

  6. this must be a joke,right?

    Hey i've always prefer wooden book shevles.

  7. nylusmilk

    After the last round of boronging from the BBWS, this shelf is not enough. Must go to TTF and get some more. The only problem is...duno where to put

  8. Bananaz

    Fuih!...I thought is to be my bed coz Papa just dismantled my baby cot.

  9. Alice Law

    we went to IKEA to look but found that it's expensive and does not suit Mamarazzi's BIG hoard of books.

    Have to find something sturdier and of course within our price range la.

    Bought from TTF . You can check out their site at

  10. Foodbin

    The yellow and blue ones right?

    Happy coz these are cheap and nice.

  11. good wor, books also have new home :)

  12. Eugene


    We had some wooden shelves too but not that durable.

  13. Choi Yen

    hahaha...that too :D

    People buy these shelves for their shops but we buy for books.

  14. make sure u show us the pic of ur books colletion...

  15. too small la.. u need a 10' by 10' at least.. like a mini library.. whereby you can put all the books there and categorized them.. each rental, charge a few ringgit..

  16. Mommy Ling

    hahahaha...cannnn. You come and raid also can

  17. Claire

    wait till Mamarazzi open Book Cafe 1st LOL

  18. I have a concealed bookcase. If not my daughter tangan gatal will touch all my books all the time. Lol.

  19. Baby Sumo

    Mamarazzi wished the she have a house large enough to convert a room into a library...books from wall to wall

  20. Good choice. :) For books, I think this kind of metal shelves more sturdy and better but just not as good looking as wooden book shelves.

  21. Chee Yee

    The main thing is that it can with stand the heavy weight of Mamarazzi's books and gosh they are really really heavy

  22. nice 6 storey "bed" for your books!

  23. Actually i also looking for this type of shelf for my store room. Could you give me the price and the measurement for your shelf?

  24. Wai Kitt

    You go to this website to see

    They have many types and size.

    How many slot and all you can sendiri buy and adjust.

    This one was RM200 plus minus.

    There is one slightly smaller was RM80. Blue and yellow color one.

  25. Annie

    hehehe...I want to climb also but kena marah

  26. Not enough to keep Mummy's books lah..haha.

  27. Should make up to the ceiling lah! And have to cover all 4 walls baru cukup, I think haha. Is it self-made? My dad used to make this kind of shelves too... those metal with holes are really sturdy. White colour is nice :)

  28. Wah lau, you really wanna sleep there? haha!

  29. Wahhhh... new bed for books ah... auntie oso no place to put books liao... now put inside box den sumbat inside the cupboard! LOL!

  30. Lol, look how excited u are, later sleep inside cannot come out~

  31. Mummy Gwen

    No more space for more shelves :(

  32. Chloe's Mommy

    Mamarazzi ketot wor..if reach ceiling she not tall enough

    Yes, D.I.Y type. Say can put up to 200Kg wor.

  33. Ghostly Nana

    You have no idea yet. Mamarazzi is really one crazy woman

  34. Prince and Princess Mum

    Papa said am "nano"

  35. Auntie Cleff

    at least u can still put into box and sumbat cupboard. Here all cupboard full up

  36. Kelvin

    No not that fat wor


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