
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 13 November 2010

Bamboo Charcoal Tambun Biscuit From Pan Heong

Broom...broom......The other day Papa dreamt of Pan Heong's Noodle again. The Wat Tan Hor taste really good wor.

We went and tapau-ed lo. This round we didn't add the "Sang Har". Just the noodle. Surprisingly there is a lot of ingredient in the noodle. They put sotong, small prawn, fish cakes and etc. Very cheap too. RM9 only. Portion for two person.

While waiting, Mamarazzi spied this Bamboo Charcoal Tambun Biscuit. RM11-50 for a box of 24 biji. Not bad wor. Cheap.

Looks ugly. Taste? Not bad lah. Can buy again la. Not that sweet. Good for those people who wanna eat Tambun Biscuits but is health conscious.


  1. i want to eat the charcoal tambun pia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The biscuit looks yummy...make me feel hungry now...

  3. wah...Smallkucing look so 'yeng' riding on the bike..

    first time seeing this charcoal tambun biscuit. Agreed with you, really looks ugly.

  4. Jenny

    Hope Kit Boy is better now

    Ya said to be a healthy option hahahaha

  5. Charcoal biscuits don't sound very appetizing really. Maybe they taste better than the name sounds.

  6. oooooohhhh....tambun biskut is my fav!!!

  7. OMG! So black! Nowadays it's a trend to have black food ~ Moon Cake, Bread, Noodles and now Tambun peah!!!

  8. I thought just the making is using bamboo charcoal. I did not expect the outcome is so black one? Like eating charcoal in round shape. Hahaha.

  9. Twillight

    ya lor ...face also black LOL...put the death sea mask

  10. Glennis

    Supposed to be a "healthy" ption to the normal Tambun Biscuit.

  11. Chee Yee

    Lol...maybe coloring kot

  12. WOW! Now Tambun biscuit also got bamboo charcoal version.

  13. Annie

    Now black is beautiful :D

    Hitam manis


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