
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Restaurant Pan Heong, Batu Caves

 Ni Auntie Claire punya pasal. She recommend this place very highly. Papa and Mamarazzi finally go coz can't think of anything else to eat.

Pass by this Gigantic structure. Gosh! Kesian those Amazing Race Asia people. Have to climb up the stairs and tell the Priest there how many steps made up the stairs. Count wrongly they had to go down and start all over again. *pengsan*

After cari punya cari, finally found this restaurant

 Hot ah! Hot ah! Gimme ice.....

Come here must order their signature dish la....the "Sang Har Mee" . But Papa prefers Keoy Teow, so we ordered Wat-Tan-Hor with "Sang Har" instead.

The Keoy Teow was very tasty. Yummy yummy but the same can't be said for the "Sang Har". The prawns were pretty much tasteless.

 The portion for this plate of Kangkung was rather small for RM6. But at least the Kangkung was young and juicy.

 Nam Yu Pork. Another one of their signature dish.

 Ngap-ngap-ngap...I bet this Nam Yu Pork goes well with Beer.

Ah hah! Papa's favourite. Fu Chuk with fish paste. RM2-20 a piece. Minimum order is 3 pieces. Mamarazzi ordered 3 pieces. Then had to top up another 3 pieces as Papa walloped all in a blink of an eye.
 Fried Rice? kinda full already wor.

 Hmm...don't know it's because am kinda full or what but I find the fried rice not that appetising. Papa said it taste okay.

However, the Wat-Tan-Hor and the Fu Chuk Roll is worth the drive here again. Here is the address just in case you wanna have a try , No 2, Jalan Medan Batu Caves 2, Medan Batu Caves. tel : 03-61877430. Opens from 8a.m. to 3.30p.m

The shop is located next to SRJK Kheow Bin. We actually got lost when trying to find this place but the clue about the Chinese school helped a lot. Oh ya...make sure you call them first before going as they don't have a fixed date on when they close for business. And Mamarazzi saw somewhere that they don't entertain reservation.


  1. Aiya... the amazing race ppl dumb dumb lah... why nid to go up there and count pulak? Ish ish ish... online wikipedia there says it's 272 steps. Apalah, they tarak tau online punya geh! Around there got cyber cafe ma... aiyo... they shud have just go into cyber cafe and online and see wikipedia. LOLOL... apalah...

  2. Alamak flied lice tak laku? The Nam Yu pork looks after eating 'sang har' got jump like on eor not hehehe..tQ for the address.

  3. Ngap-ngap-ngap...I bet this Nam Yu Pork goes well with Beer.
    i laugh so hard at that, cnt imagine joshua drinking beer while ngap that. LOL but i agree, its sure go well with beer ;)

  4. Wow, these are the dishes I like. Looks like it is not easy to get good 'sang har' nowadays. Maybe can go there while on the way to Genting.

  5. So? Did you have a beer with the pork? LOL!!! Eeeee...I wouldn't want to go all the way for that. The fried rice and kangkong reminds me of what I had at Jalan Alur. We had an or-chian dish (oyster omelette) as well, two persons and were charged over RM50.00...and the worse thing was - everything so salty, so tasteless...we ate a mouthful of each...and left. Terrible!

  6. I watched that Amazing Race on this batu caves too....poor contestant. haha

    Wah...papa really love that fu chok so much. haha.....

  7. Auntie Cleff

    By hook and crook they have to go up coz the priest was waiting at the top top give them the next clue.

    Lagi teruk is that they have to bring a tray of offering and the monkeys on the stairs kept trying to snatch it

  8. Gold Flower

    I drink beer before ah. Naughty Papa sumbat me some beer during CNY. After that I mabuk LOL

  9. Bananaz.

    Jump till Mamarazzi also no "breath" to chase me

  10. STP

    Oh Chien then go to Puchong la. Well at least you tarak "lausai" after eating the Oh Chien. Mamarazzi kena cirit birit after eating Oh Chien at Midvalley

  11. Area Batu Caves sememangnya banyak kedai makan.

  12. mNhL

    Kesian the contestants. Kena kacau by the monkeys pulak.

    The Fu chuk was good Yummy

  13. Autumn

    Ya...the Sang Har pretty tasteless that day.

  14. zmah

    Boleh recommend what else is good at that area? Tak berapa kenal that place la.

  15. I like their wat dan hor... very eggy gravy~~

  16. oh..this is the place that Claire blog before.

    That nam yu pork look good and the fu chook.

  17. Choi Yen

    Ya lor...saw your post the other days. Drooling. The Wat Tan Hor very sedap

  18. We like the sang har hor fun here very much. next time you can try the porridge too... i think your son will like it.

  19. Ha ha, been to this place a few times but forgot to blog about it!

  20. Annie

    The Fu chuk real good. Papa ate and ate and ate non stop. I managed to eat 1 piece only before he wallop all

  21. Baby Sumo

    ya...saw many people order the porridge. But kenot sumbat so much food at one round. Must split into two. Next round must order the fish also. Auntie claire say very good

  22. Pete

    aisayyy...mana lagi place you have not blog about one. Fast fast blog. Wanna curi idea from you


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