
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 25 November 2010

Meeting VIP From Sibu At Restaurant Muar

This is a very late post.  I met with a VIP from Sibu at Restaurant Muar earlier this month.

I was rather nervous.

 But then I saw My Dear and her Mummy came.  .

Auntie Cynthia gave us a BIG tub of delicious mousse cake which we shared with everyone.
As I was checking out the mirror to see if am "presentable" or not, somebody else was checking out my bum bum.
This is the first time that I had Barley with Lime. Taste....hmmm..not bad.

We had Sambal Sotong with Petai. Fulamak! sedap. Sekejap only finished. I bet Auntie Little Bird will still drool at this dish.

 Mamarazzi loves this. Very long time didn't have Belacan Kangkung

Muhahahaha...taugeh..nothing special. I thought of "sabotage" Auntie Little Bird with the taugeh but the paiseh la since VIP was there.

Asam Fish..the fish was okay but the taste and colouring a to say ah? Not attractive enough.

The VIP also order this huge plate of Fried Chicken in BBQ sauce for us kids. Very thoughtful of him.

 This fried Egg would have been wonderful if they added oyster . hahaha...can become "Oh Chien".

 Next comes the famous Otak-Otak. Large portion. Mamarazzi and me didn't eat this but I saw everyone syok - syok makan.

Since we ordered the set meal, we were entitled to order their Cendol for RM1 a bowl. Size wise rather small for adults but just nice for me.

Thank you very much for the dinner and the gifts, Uncle STP. Hope we can meet again soon. Really enjoyed myself that night.

Here is the address just in case you wanna try out the food there :

Restoran Muar
No. 6G Tengkat Tong Shin
50200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03-2144 2072 & 012 219 2199


  1. Hi SK, wow! I love the food dishes.....I guess a 3 plates of rice no problemos with me, ha ha with those dishes.

    You guys sure eat out often too, huh?
    The last time I was in Muar was in the middle '70s....
    Old days I used to travel all over, I always say throw a dart on the map of Malaysia, include Sabah and Sarawak, I have left my footprints there, ha ha.
    Have a nice day, Lee.

  2. sweet this little kucing, so cute. You time I see you, sure I'll kidnap you and take you home.

    Had a lovely evening and a really very nice dinner - hope we can do it again sometime.

  3. Wah...very seldom I am the first to comment! But the food looks delicious as always. The asam fish could look better! :)

  4. wow, the food really ngam me ler, how's the pricing?

  5. waaahhh... stp got it!! ok, Joshua, prepare to give me one on Christmas Day!!

  6. When read your blog ah, sure make me drool 1... so many yummy yummy food...

  7. Barley with lime sounds interesting! How nice to meet Arthur in person, I can see Joshua likes him a lot!:)

    Have a nice day!

  8. You can get The Hunt For Atlantis by Andy McDermott @ BORDERS or POPULAR bookstores. :)

    Btw, thx for the visit. :D

  9. Uncle Lee

    welcome to this blog :D

    It's a meeting among friends. STP came to KL meet up with him and makan lo. All of us love makan

  10. Ann

    ya lo the asam fish could have been better

  11. Choi Yen

    Pricing not that expensive.We had the set package(7-10 pax) that include asam fish,sambal squid n prawn, vege,crispy fried egg and otak-otak. RM65-90 .

    Then side order of cendol rm1.

    STP ordered the fried chicken for the kids . I think rm12 or was it rm24 quite a huge plate. also the bean sprout.

    For KL the price kira as reasonable la

  12. Auntie Claire

    How many u want? I can turn into Kissing Monster anytime. U wait for my post next week. Dont tell My Dear. :p

  13. Yin Yue

    Next time dont drool. Come join us makan :D

  14. Alice Law

    Cikgu is one friendly fella. Though meet for the 1st time, feel like old friends.

    U know sometimes when we meet online people there seems to be a teragak-agak. This one none at all.

    When I met muka masam. Just woke up from my nap. Then he kept smiling and teasing me till I smile.

    There are two other lovely jie jie there too. Jie Jie Mandy and Jie Jie Zee. I like them too.

  15. Jensen

    Thanks. I think I saw it at Bookxcess too. Will pop over there to search :D

  16. *Drooling at all the food* Luckily I just have my luinch! LOL!

  17. Prince and Princess mum

    Very true

  18. Mars Mel-lo

    Food were made more delicious by the delightful company

  19. Alamak... lupa that ur post today is about this. *groan* auntie cleff wanna makan that kangkung again. Sobsob... the kangkung very sedap... and yea... still drooling over the sambal petai!

  20. All foods looks good and delicious, except the asam fish really looks ugly in presentation.

  21. Auntie Cleff

    Dont say I didnt warn u

  22. Wai Kitt

    hahaha...maybe if they put a bit of green on top would look better gua.

  23. Slurrppp...all yummylicious dishes..except i dont take otak-otak also..kkekekek.

    u know wat i havent try barli limau before...i guess it's very appetising

  24. U really know good places to eat,K!
    That petai dish is really making me sooo hungry!
    And how come u and SK din eat the otak dish?

  25. Wow, in order to be fit for a VIP, the food must be really, really good lah. I'm drooling already! :)

  26. Leona

    Coz I beh tahan spicy food and Mamarazzi not really into otak otak

  27. Chloe's Mommy

    Hahaha...the food taste okay la

  28. Great bloggers gathering and makan makan again. :) Your smallkucing is really friendly. He is not shy at all unlike my girl..hehe.

  29. yummy food and excellent company! what can be better!!

  30. hahaha, i already guess that's STP, cos i remember reading his blog about this restaurant..

    first time trying barley limau?? hmmm, it's quite common already lah.. actually i think cincau limau is even nicer lor, have you tried that before?? :)

  31. Wow...nice food...So good that you met uo with STP...

  32. wow...kucing seems travelled a lot lately. ANd nice food!!!

  33. Mummy Gwen

    At 1st I shy shy also la. But STP and the rests was so friendly. So I also started to "eksyen" lo

  34. SK

    Paiseh paiseh...really never had barli with lime. Had Cincau with soya bean la...didnt know there is cincau with lime. Next time will try that

  35. Mery

    Ya lor..finally met up with him.

  36. Chris

    Coz Papa was grounded can travel lor

  37. alamak jadik lapar pulak tengok makanan ni...yummy hehe

  38. Cik Liz

    The company makes the food taste nicer :D

  39. hi, thanks for dropping by my kiwi photography, by the way, is it ur uncle STP is a teacher in smk sacred hearT?

  40. Alan

    I think he was. You dropby his blog and see


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