
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 12 November 2010

Dining with Joy By Rachel Hauck

The other day,  I went to visit my Dear. Her mommy have been baking yummy chocolate chip cookies for sale. Auntie Cynthia looks so happy and joyful when she was baking. No wonder when I eat my dear's mommy's cookies I feel so happy. It's because when Auntie Cynthia was baking the cookies, she bake it with love and joy.

This reminds me of a book that Mamarazzi received from Booksneeze free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. She was not required to write a positive review.All opinion are her own. The book is called Dining With Joy by Rachel Hauck.

The book is about a young lady called Joy.

When her father passes away, Joy Ballard takes over his cooking show and she renamed it from Dining with Charles to “Dining With Joy.”

But then again, there is just one small, minor problem. Joy can’t cook. Oh, uh! Trouble brewing! How can you host a cooking show without knowing how to cook?

She is able to hide the fact that she doesn't know how to cook until her producer sells her show. When her show is picked up by a major network and given a prime time slot, trouble begins. People began to suspect that she doesn't know how to cook, and Joy's enemies really wants to see her failed!
And then enter Luke Redmond, a handsome , creative chef who has just lost his own restaurant due to financial failure. He is asked to co-host the show with Joy. Joy and Luke are thrown together on the show and he uncovers her lack of culinary skills.

After Luke rescues her from certain cooking doom, she thanks him and life gets a little sizzly after that.

Mamarazzi says this is a very cute book. She likes it very much. She said, out of 5 cookies, she give 4 cookies out of it.

But I think my Auntie's Cynthia's cookies is yummier. Nothing beats that!


  1. I love the cover of the book :)

  2. talking about cookies..sigh.. must remember how to post that tomorrow!!

  3. Joanna

    You join Booksneeze or not. They published some real nice books

  4. LOL... bodek mode again ah? LMAO!

  5. This is like dining with STP eh? Nice meeting you, Wee Kean and of course, the so-very-cute and so-very lovable little Kucing! Muuuuuaaaacckkkssss!!!

  6. STP

    bila wanna meet some more...hehehehe


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