
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 7 November 2010

Bedtime Stories And Prayers By Enid Blyton-Daniel In The Lion's Den

Go away you evil Lioness! Or else I stab you with my sword. I am as fearless as Daniel.

What? You don't know who is Daniel? You should ask Mamarazzi to read the story from Enid Blyton's Bedtime Stories and Prayers for you.

Daniel is my hero. Daniel was good friend with his King. Then there was some people who is jealous of him so they give evil thoughts to the King. The King pulak listen and made a law that everyone should pray to him for 30 days. Haiz...he belum mati also want people to pray to him. Really don't understand lah.

Well, Daniel believe in Lord God only and would not pray to any other people.

The King threw him into the Lion den with last word that he hopes that Daniel's God would protect Daniel.

Mana tau Daniel survived for Lord God had protected him and calmed all the hungry Lions there.

The King was surprised and amazed for he now realised that Daniel's God is the living God and steadfast forever. The King made a rule that everyone must prayer to Daniel's God.

Hah! God is all seeing. Here comes my accomplice! He shall stab you with the other balloon. Don't think I am smaller than you, you can bully me. Together we will defeat you!


  1. Dont Big bully Small, right? tai har sai...

  2. Hi SK, hey, I love your boy's hairstyle, that tail at the back. Real cute.
    Reminds me of that Chinese martial arts movie, 'Hwang Fei Hoong', ha ha.
    He sure growing up fast too.
    Have fun, Lee.

  3. Wahhhh....your sword sooooo panjang! I takut...!!! Muahahahahaha!!!!

    P.S. Omigawd! The word verification - cibeh!!! Blush! Blush! ROTFLMAO!!!!

  4. Uncle Lee

    LOL Wong Fei Hong ah...scary.

  5. Auntie Claire

    People bully me wor

  6. Buy more guns and swords for him ...LOL

  7. Kucing the lion

  8. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE7 November 2010 at 22:24

    The power of prayer sometimes

  9. Pete

    Hmm...come to think of it..weird killing cat


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