
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Asia Cafe Kota Damansara (Part 2)

We went to Asia Cafe Kota Damansara on two consecutive days. Yup, you heard it right. Two days in a row.

Mamarazzi memang crazy one la. When like a place, she would go there again and again till she muak.

This round we arrive quite early. I get to play at the small Playland there. 

But then Papa kept following me around when I play. No more macho liao. How to tackle girl girl there?

It's Mamarazzi fault lor. She said the Playland dangerous wor. Said the ride very near to the kerb. Scared I too "ganas" and fall down hit my head on the sharp kerb.

She even snap some photographs to show you.

Well, back to the story. Mamarazzi fell in love with the soup there. This round she ordered Water Crest Soup(Sai yong choy).

Delicious. Enough "for hau". Papa "curi" drink till nearly finish the whole bowl.

Then comes Mamarazzi's plate of Nasi Pattaya. Quite yummy but not much "liu" in the nasi. No shrimps nor much of the mix vege.

Papa had Mee Sotong. Looks appetising.

While Papa went and order one more soup for Mamarazzi (Coz he drank most of the water Crest soup) , I "curi" some of the Mee Sotong to eat. Not bad but too spicy for me.

 Ah...lucky got Kedongdong juice. 

Here is the "replacement" soup. Lotus Soup. Taste equally yummy. Now I know where to go for good soup.

After a long long long time, my plate of Wan Tan Mee finally arrived.

Very large portion of noodle and the BBQ pork but its taste does not suit us. Some of the noodle stuck together. Maybe the cook didn't "wash" the noodle in cold water once before putting into hot water again.

Mamarazzi didn't like the pork smell

Satay. Hahaha ....I bet Angel Bear going to drool on these. Hey, next time you come K.L. do come and makan Satay here. The gravy have very thick "rempah" taste. Papa said it's lemongrass wor. As for the Satay itself...taste okay la.

Overall, not bad lah. Will definitely come again for the soup soup.


  1. wow I didn't know there is asia cafe in kota damansara (: shall go check it out next time!

  2. waaaahhhhhh!!! pancing me already!!! how to lose weight la in KL huhuhuhuhuhuhu~~~

  3. wah....order so much food! can finish or not wor?

  4. Dunno if this is the same one or not but on a previous trip, Mandy took me to an Asia Cafe in the vicinity of all the colleges - inti, taylor's and what-have-you... BIG place, lots of choices...but nothing really great. Don't think I'd want to go back again...

  5. Now i really know something about this post of yours, correct me if i am wrong,ok?

    Now Asia Cafe was founded by one Datuk from Penang who has F N B business in the USA,,, there was one Asia Cafe in Penang too, but changed hand due to business no good,, cos expensive ma,, Penangites are kemsiap ma...right or not Kat?

  6. Ah, the next time I go KL must try Asia Cafe already. Heard so much about it but never went .... :( Yumy yummy food !

  7. Is this Asia Cafe a food court? The serving plates looked so different for every dish! It's undoubetedly a great place for family with 'hyper hyper' kids to hang out!^-^

    Have a nice day!

  8. Long time i didnt boil soup now that I see it.. last night went for thai food..
    so the food in asia cafe must be good.. otherwise wont be two times in a row. :)

  9. Wah, u ate Nasi Pattaya, Mee Sotong and Wan Tan Mee?

  10. ANgel Bear

    Ya lo...year end coming. A lot of holidays. Come KL la

  11. STP

    Nooo this is not the same place. There are a few Asia Cafe in KL. This one is new one. Mamarazzi didnt like the SS15 asia cafe coz hard to find parking

  12. AUtumn

    Food depending on your taste. Some good and some not that good., But I can say is that the soup is to die for

  13. Eugene

    By a Datuk ah? Tarak tau wor...We saja know how to cari makan there. There is one in Puchong too.

    Havent been to the Puchong one, But have been to the SS15. Didnt like that much

  14. Alice Law

    Ya it's a Food Court. But the one at Section 15 doesnot have Play ground.

  15. Claire

    Coz there are a lot of choices. Wanna try out the food lo

  16. Went there 2 weeks ago, but haven't blog about it.

  17. The soup here is nice and I love their chicken soup.

  18. i edy hasut hub to bring me makan there after reading ur post..LOL

  19. Poi

    Yet to try their chicken soup. Nexzt round must try

  20. Wow really a die hard fan of Asia cafe soup! If it's nearer to my place I'll go there more often too!

  21. Lenglui Witch their soup soup

  22. Wow! Without fail, there is always a lot of food on the table. Yummy! Can finish or not?


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