
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 15 November 2010

The Warung @ MidValley

 Anak Bapak....

 Mamarazzi saw her friend posted a delicious photo in his Facebook. Stall name is The Warung. Located in Midvalley, near the exit to the KTM many choices. What to eat?

Papa ordered Sirap Bandung for me while he had Teh Tarik. Mamarazzi had Kopi O.

This is my first Sirap Bandung. I know why Uncle Pete's son loves Sirap Bandung.

Jeng~jeng~Jeng~ Nasi Tumpang(RM9-80). It's a Kelantanese food. Used to be "bungkus" by the farmers wife for their husband to go to paddy field.

This is the Nasi that Mamarazzi's friend posted in his Facebook. Quite tasty but rather expensive.

Papa ordered Nasi Lemak (RM3) for me. Nice but the Sambal very fiery.


Halfway eating I beh tahan. Use hand better la. After all, in the old times people use hands to eat at warung

 After makan, I wash my hands using the basin provided.

A random photo taken by Papa .

We went jalan-jalan after makan. Stopped by Dataran Merdeka. Saw a man selling this funny looking ball. Mamarazzi bought two for me.


  1. i only walked passed this place whenever I'm in Midvalley..will try it out. =)

  2. Hahahaha... really anak bapak. Ooo... nasi tumpang looks nice... auntie never see before!

  3. oh, this one, if not you telling me that one near KTM i really won't recall.. only have drinks there couple of times, and i still remember their barli is super super sweet as if drinking sugar syrup..

  4. Looks appetizing and I must try them as I love such food. I love Sirap Bandung TOO!!!. When I went to Jakarta and Bali, the vendors there never heard of Sirap Bandung at all. So I guess I must go to Bandung instead. I really thought it originated from Bandung. No?

  5. Haha, interesting pose small kucing made with his daddy. Did he copy his daddy or his daddy copy him?

  6. Sometimes, I like experimenting with hands too, especially when eating curry rice in Indian dishes. They say it is finger licking good!

  7. Interesting name - Nasi Tumpang. hehe... would love to try it.

  8. the nasi tumpang looks like very moist, I don't like ler...

  9. Yum! Nasi lemak again! Making me crave again! LOL! Never had nasi tumpang before.. quite expensive though..

  10. hahaa.. i like the first pic.. ada gaya!!

  11. I saw a big glass of sirap bandung. How come he still using his bottle to drink that?

  12. Haha, the way he chat with u is very cute. Kept repeating wat u said. Haven't heard a children talking like that for a long time ^_^

  13. Always love to see SK photo... always made my day. :)

    Btw, Mamarazzi so lucky. I always have to order what I drink for the kids too. Coz they would want my drink instead of the one I order for them. It's like, mommy's one always taste better. *shaking head*

  14. RM3, the rent there expensive lorr!

  15. Nice? Then we can go there on my next trip to KL...

  16. Angel Bear

    next round must try it. Quite nice

  17. SK

    The Kopi also super sweet. That is the "trade mark" of kelantan food. Most are very sweet punya. Must tell them to kurang manis

  18. Auntie Cleff

    Hahahaha....ask your mom to cook and feed us. Famous in Kelantan

  19. Shenny's Mommy

    I copied Papa. Anak Bapak :P

  20. Twillight

    Bandung ah...Mamarazzi never been to Bandung. Only Jakarta and Bali. But heard Bandung famous for clothing. Hmm...must follow Papa to Bandung one of these days

  21. mNhL

    Mamarazzi saw this in one of her friend's FB

  22. Autumn

    Yup...finger licking good :D

  23. Lenglui Witch

    Belanga also have Nasi Tumpang. Heard quite nice also. One day have to go and cuba there

  24. Choi Yen

    Ya quite moist. That is the farmer's rice la..All leftover throw into it and packet for them to go makan at the farm/paddy field

  25. Kelvin

    hahahaha...can be irritating sometimes

  26. Wai Kitt

    so that he wont tumpang the water all over the place

  27. Prince and Princess mum

    Next time can have a go

  28. Chee Yee

    Next time order the same drink LOL

  29. STP

    Hoope can meet in Feb la..not CNY right?

  30. Pete

    Ya lor rent must be expensive...but the food also kinda expensive la

  31. Haha .. the pics ! And the last video soooo cute !!

  32. I walk pass this place few times, but never try the food. Is it good? Maybe should go there for nasi lemak.

  33. Annie

    If u dont mind spicy then its okay la. Oh ya..besure to ask for less sugar for your drinks else they would put a lot of sugar into it


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