
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Sun Fatt Kee Bak Kut Teh & Vinegar Pork Knuckle, SeaPark

Papa's car masuk car hospital. Lucky my Uncle Chai came to the rescue. If not, sure will have to take cab home.

Uncle haven't had his dinner. Hence we decided to go to the nearby shop to makan BKT

Yum char yum char....Fu Chuk Barley. Not bad

What is BKT if without "Oil Fried Ghost"? And Mamarazzi said have to have some vegetables also.

Mamarazzi have this crazy craving for Vinegar Pork Knuckle lor. Yummy Yummy..

BKT, very tasty and big pot too. But of course big pot la since the price also "big". RM11-50 per person. According to the Kor Kor Taukeh. All claypot punya is RM11-50 per person. Worth it? Okay la since it's tasty.

Address : Jalan 21/11B,
46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

GPS: 3.109920, 101.622301


  1. Vinegar pork knuckle AGAIN!!! Didn't you have that the other day? So jealous... Drool! Drool! Hey, mama's got craving kah? Expecting little brother or sister kah?

  2. I love vinegar pork knuckle..all time fav...does it taste good?

  3. as long as tasty.. i think i wanna drink the vinegar choe.. i love that too..sweet ..

  4. i miss the vinegar pork

  5. die loh, you posted so many photos, but on the barley drink attracts me lor.. haha!!

    1) BKT - i saw lots of intestine that i hate, so not nice, haha!!
    2) Vinegar Pork Knuckle - i don't like the vinegar :p

  6. favo...when I saw this picture,it make me recalled back to BKT in Singapore. There is one shop which is pretty famous with their BKT at Rangoon Road, every time when I was in Spore, I won't never miss their BKT.

  7. That reminds me so long I did not eat BKT. Must go soon. hehe....

    Hmm...RM 11.50 quite pricey le...over here RM8 per pax we already complaint. hehe

  8. Chamzz..make me craving for BKT jor.

  9. go eat yummy food again.. yummilicious!

  10. Yum! I love claypot BKT! I don't see why people will like the BKT in bowls as they lose the heat so quickly!

  11. at the point that I am hungry aiyar!

  12. Yeah..very big pot. 2 persons can eat wor.

  13. Hehe I like to eat Vinegar Pork Knuckle too. :) The vege looks very fresh. Yummy!

  14. Mmmmm, need to get some BAk kut teh shot this weekend!

  15. Angeline

    If you like sour then this one is good. Very sour.

  16. STP

    Mamarazzi kiasu. Tapau-ed two bungkus back home. In the freezer still have LOL

  17. SK

    Barli is GOOOOOOOD...cooling :D

  18. Wenn

    LOL why miss? Ipoh also have a lot of good food ah

  19. mNhL

    Ya lor rather exopensive but taste good. At least not heartachce la. If expensive and taste no good then cham

  20. Mery

    Really? that if we go Spore must go and have a try :D

  21. Mommy Ling

    you can cook leh hehehe..bila :P

  22. prince and princess mum

    LOL yummy

  23. Lenglui witch

    this stall very seng muk..they give in the claypot and a separate bowl of soup coz sure people will ask for more

  24. Chee Yee

    yes the vege very baru rememeber i have a bunch in fridge...1 week already sure yellow jor

  25. Hahahahaha!!! Cleff says you're on kiasu mode - also post on too kha (pork leg)! Like me...

  26. STP

    LOL coz she is jealous. She tengah sick now. Eat what also no taste


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