
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 24 September 2010

Restaurant Yin Her Sg Buloh and Everyday Food Court, Pusat Bandar Puchong

Papa wants Oh Chien. Tak puas with the King Oyster the other day. Mamarazzi wants crabs. I want see Lengluis.

That's how we end up at Restaurant Yin Her again. The waitress baju are like MAS Airlines air stewardess' and the Captian dress in Cheong Sam

Alamak! The don't have "Oh Chien" ah?

Once again Salted Vege and Taufu soup. Papa said the soup tasted a bit too sour.

Baby Choy Tham. One of Mamarazzi's favourite vegetable.

Then after quite a long wait, comes the Nyonya Steamed Talapia Fish. Papa and Mamarazzi love the gravy. Very tasty.

I am FED-UP liao. waited for 1 hour already. Food all finished and the crab still yet to arrive. Have to wait for the crab to be caught ka?

Service also pretty bad this round. Ask them to check on the status of the crabs, the reply we received was crap.

Ask them to replenish Tea and Ice, we got the "ignored mode". Why suddenly the service so lousy this round. Last round was pretty good. Everyone baru kena goreng by the boss ka?

Well, Papa got so fed-up of waiting. He told us to get up and just walk out of the restaurant. He went and settle the bill. Ish...they didn't even say sorry for the delay or anything.

That's how we end up at Everyday FoodCourt, Puchong.

Papa wants to have the delicious "oh chien" again while Mamarazzi wanna have crabs.

They have crabs here. Wah...the crab looked so fierce. Siap open the claws wanna "kiap" people. And soon, it end up in Mamarazzi's tummy. Yum yum. Fresh.

Papa buas loh. Walloped "Oh Chien" and Satay. The satay tasted not bad.

Haiz...finally everyone puas liao except me. I wanna go Dan Neh Noh Playground but Mamarazzi said Cannot. Nigh time already. Time to "oi oi".


  1. Wah, got lengluis.....I wanna follow smallkucing!

  2. woahh! so many food lor!! So jealous and it is friday for u already. hope you enjoy your weekend hor :) have lots of fun and enjoy it with your family :)

    have a wonderful day !!!
    jen @

  3. Where? Where's the or chian? that, I better go to Penang to eat. The crabs look good though - can buy french loaf and eat with the gravy. Nice!!! If restaurant like that, have to wait so long...I would mengamuk already. My daughter hates that!!! LOL!!!

  4. Ladyyjae

    Happy weekend to you too :D

  5. STP

    The restaurant say tarak Oh Chien so went to the food court la...taste very good leh the oh chien. Tarak lausai.

    Maybe the crabs so slow coz they have "tangkap" the crabs yet gua. Really geram at their answer la. Said coz normal day they did "pre clean & cut" the crabs. Tak kan la till 1 hour also kenot finish cleaning and cutting the crabs! Maybe they were out of crabs and went and buy gua :(

  6. haha, i thot how come you posted the same food photos again cos i sort of saw the soup and vege before in earlier post.. didn't realised it's the same restaurant that you patronised again.. :)

  7. Oyster fever again haha... wah, from Sg. Buloh to Puchong, sounds very FAR to me. Got food, will travel :p

  8. Wah...or chien again....makes me waana eat also le....

  9. I will scold them i were ur dad. Some ppl just deserved to be ranted at

  10. Wah! After dinner still can have crabs, or chien and satay? tsk tks tsk.

    The crabs look good.

  11. Aiyaa...mood swing jor. Get neglected

  12. Wah from Sungai Buloh to Puchong! That's like 2 ends of LDP wor... so far! You didn't go to both places in one night, did you? Salute salute!

  13. Must have oh chien & crabs that night huh ^^

  14. Ooohh....I love oh chien and crabs too! But have to be careful not to eat too often ah, cholestrol level in blood easy to go up especially when we are getting older already.

  15. Ooi..suddenly service so bad one. This oh chien stall at Everyday Foodcourt kat mana ya? I wanna order that when I come back..hehe..tak tahan lah.

  16. SK

    1st round ate the crab syok syok mah. Want some more la. But mana tau this round the service so bad. Maybe kena scolding by the boss or what la

  17. Chloe's Mommy..

    hmm....maybe can make this as a tagline for this blog wor "GOT FOOD, WILL TRAVEL!" lol

  18. Annie

    DBKL family mah :P...become like junkyard lor

  19. Kelvin

    Papa doesn't wanna scold them. Just walk out like that enough. Waste of breath only scolding them

  20. Mommy Ling

    wokay round tapau for you..what is your favourite? :p

  21. Lenglui witch

    same night la...coz tak puas makan mah

  22. Mummy Gwen to explain ah...easy to find punya. You just need to go one round at the food court. only 1 stall there selling Oh Chien

  23. I am back...thanks for ur wishes on Dylan...he is recovering.

    sorry for my dissapearance from ur blog.

    i been to this foodcourt lots of time...many foods and like some foods here

  24. Mummy Gwen

    Hahahaha...a one of the corner :p

  25. Vialentino

    Glad to hear that Dylan is recovering. But even after recover must refrain from eating "poisonous" food.

    Hope you and Yve is well also

  26. I like choy dum very much, but I always can't get it here.

  27. Joanne

    How come? I thought Choy Dum can be found easily


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