
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 26 September 2010

Bedtime Stories And Prayers By Enid Blyton-The Boy Who Went Away

This story is very good. About a boy who when away.

There was a farmer with two sons. His elder son was hardworking and happy but his younger son was idle and bored.

One day the younger son asked his dad for his share of money and begged to be let go. The dad gave him the money.

He went to far off town. There the people saw he have a lot of money and everyone wanted to be his friend. Soon his money were all used up and none of his "friends" were there for him.

He had to find work and his bosses were horrible to him. Sometimes he don't even get enough to eat. This makes him think of his generous dad who treat all servants well.

He decided to go home and beg his dad to take him back as a servant of the house.
His dad did not gloat when he say the waylaid son come back him with tail between his legs. In fact the dad immediately ask the servants to bring his son a new change of clothes and welcome him back warmly.

Mamarazzi said the same goes for the Lord. He would welcome his children home with an open arms though they have been naughty.

Oh ya...Mamarazzi have a new blog. Mamakucingmeow. It's mostly for ranting about books that she love and those that she disliked.


  1. The prodigal son.... Nice sharing to kucing!

  2. Your alien kor kor just kik sei auntie.... grrrrr.....wanna toss him out of the house! Mebbe Lord can take him in! GRRRRRR!

  3. Have you put on weight? Your cheeks look fleshier. LOL!!! out, eh? Some so-called friends only know you when you have lots of money...

  4. All babies look cute when sleeping :-)


  5. wa.good one.I hope I can big as big heart as the daddy :P

  6. cute child . and nice story there to share. GOD is always waiting for our return.

  7. STP

    Dont wor. Papa said i skinner already

  8. Auntie Cleff sendiri cakap Alien lor...alien you have to give him a space ship to play la

  9. Glodflower

    where you been missing to? Long time no see

  10. Beii

    Me too. That day got one chinese girl girl buli me in McD playland. Mamarazzi ask me give her fries to eat. I didnt give. I give to two malay girl girl instead

  11. @Cikgu... Joshua loosing his baby fat lerr... these days he looks like he lost weight more than he gained weight. Saw him on M'sia loosing baby fat.

    @smallkucing... ish... kasi wud? UFO ah? Wokay... Auntie go ask Mulder and Scully... see they got simpan anot spaceship!

  12. AUntie Cleff

    Mintak Superman to catch one UFO need to trouble Mulder and scully :p


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