
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Papa's Car Went For A Check-up

Oh no! Papa's car is sick. Very sick, and therefore, Papa's car have to go to car's hospital for full body check up. Papa said, cars are like human too. They become sick once in a while, and they require body check up every now and then.

Papa said, if a car is not healthy or in a tip-top condition, it is very dangerous for it to be on the road, because it can cause accident. Gosh, so scary. Papa don't want anyone to get hurt in an accident, so Papa sent the green colour car into 'car's hospital'. Hospitals for cars are known as 'workshops'.

When a car like Acura TL and many other kind of cars is sent to workshops like Houston auto repair for 'full body check up', there are many parts of the car that needed to be checked before a car is certified safe for driving.

Before 'unhealthy' cars are released from workshops, they are usually given oil change and break job. Wow! so many 'jobs' and 'changes'. I wonder they would change my Baby Chair or not.

I hope Papa's green car will come back soon, because without Papa's green colour car, Mamarazzi and I cannot go sightseeing or hunt for delicious food to eat.


  1. yeah, should always make sure the car is healthy, because a sick car is very dangerous on the road..

  2. haha,ur baby chair your daddy can repair,no need go workshop one!:D

    Hope the car will be back soon and you and mommy will come up with alot more yummy food photos for me to drool at!

  3. Oh? Ask papa buy new car - big, big one... Then I go to KL, both of us can sit in it. Muahahahaha!!!

  4. SK

    Yup yup...scary scary. Accident can happen

  5. STP

    Buy HINO Lorry big enough ah? One of Mamarazzi's customer was HINO Lorry manufacturer :p

  6. Beii

    Hope so la since it's a major service. A lot of things needs changing

  7. Hope your hubby's car will recovery soon.Meantime no choice use your "no 11" car(your two legs) lah.

  8. without car very hard to get around le.

  9. safety first...

    hahaha....without car, cannot go out...nice one

  10. Can't hunt for delicious food!!! Tats the worst thing tat can happen to me and u!!!!!!!

    Luckily singapore small, no need car XD

  11. mNhL

    ya lor very mah farn..KL not like Spore. MRT everywhere

  12. Kelvin

    Singapore public transport are great. MRT all at strategic points. Not like Msia :(

  13. Vialentino

    Going to bodek Uncle to be "driver" muhahahaha

  14. Ooh my car's battery kong yesterday morning when want to come to work. Luckily got hb to change the battery!

  15. I say ask papa to buy a new car than no problem lor hor??

    have an awesome day!!!
    jen @

  16. Jen

    New car ah...toy car can la LOL

  17. Chee yee


    Yesterday morning was a rainy morning wor...

  18. After check up, can bring you kai kai again...

  19. Green car masuk "hospital", still got black car ma, no?

  20. Chloe's Mummy

    Black car Uncle using wor


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