
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 16 September 2010

A Day Trip To Museum Negara, Kuala Lumpur


Today is a good day to go back to the history.

UIks! This is not Dan Neh Noh. Kena tipu again ah. It says here "Muzium Negara".

What is Muzium Negara ah? House for "Chugginton" ah? Got Chugginton Train-Train here wor. many old cars. Aiks! Proton Saga also here?

Wanna climb into the Fire Engine. How ah? Mamarazzi guarding me tight.

"Mamarazzi, look there! money is dropping from the sky!"

No eyes fast sneak in...

Alamak! Kena caught. Kena caught tak apa but have to accompany Mamarazzi to "camwxxxx". Oppss...I know Mamarazzi don't like that word....better change it to "take photo with funny face". That word is widely used but it's kinda *ahem ahem* not so refined... pulak...ish ish ish...

Naughty kitten. Papa caught it climbing up this Bonsai plant. Mamarazzi said looked like it wanna "poo pooty" . But it ran down again when it saw Papa pointing camera at it. Berak pun tak senang. lenglui going there. Walk faster la, Papa and Mamarazzi. Let's go there as see.

Masuk aje saw got Cannon. Testing Testing...secured one or not. Secured. Then can play "Jongkang-jongkit" la.

Oh ya...if you are wondering who is that guy who is standing behind of me, he is Sir Frank Swettenham. Hm...must have makan a lot of sweet sausages and ham during his lifetime.

He was a very big shot back then. Help British to "takeover" the Straits Settlements but Mamarazzi said that this Ham guy life was full of tragedy and dark secrets.His ending was real bad. Ask Auntie Cleff. Maybe she will tell you the story coz she love reading Biography.

This place is so wide. Can run freely. Wah...can do like "Bollywood" pulak. Even have flowers here. Put behind the ear and dance.

Stand up straight. Now smile and say "smallkucing!".

Hmm..why your teeth so black? Never brush gigi ah? Mamarazzi said have to brush gigi daily. Maybe that's why you have a toothache.

Naughty! Pull your ear. Next time must listen to adult when they tell you to brush your teeth, okay? this is how the front of the museum looked like. Beautiful!

Hai! Can see me from up here or not?

I spied something interesting over there. You wanna know what it is? Check out the coming post.


  1. suda tidak visit...

  2. next time take me goo... ooh..2nd tots, no need, go makan place better for me... heehee...

  3. Claire

    Ya....makan's very near to the CKT place :p

  4. Angel Bear least pernah visit la...the old aeroplane dah hilang

  5. All the pics taken outside the muzium...ermm...inside got nothing to see huh....hehe.

  6. Mummy Gwen

    Papa and Mamarazzi didn't bring me go inside the Mesuem wor. We "jenguk" inside but everything looked so quiet and proper. Dare not bring me inside wor. Said scared I wreck havoc inside the Museum coz am very ganas

  7. hehehe, i tell you, i only been to museum negara twice, and the last time was like 20 years ago.. hmmm, mamarazzi went there after eating the CKT leh?? haha~~ :p

  8. Aiks..this time muzium pulak..pengsan. Next Science centre ka?

  9. Mommy Ling

    Science Centre a bad idea wor. Got air-cond and not worry about raining :D

  10. SK

    Ya loh...after CKT have to "exercise" out all the lemak. That's why go "bollywood-ing" at Museum Negara lor :P

  11. I never been to Museum Negara... somehow didn't appeal to me o.o

    Though I do want to go to zoos :P.

  12. The last time I visited Museum Negara was in primary school. That was my school trip only.

  13. nice trip!and you are a beautiful family,with a cute little boy!

  14. Wah! Small kuching is actually the small kid? So clever huh...

  15. Happy Malaysia, Small Kucing.

  16. Haha, dunno why, i find this post damn funny XD

  17. LV

    Not bad lar to walk around there

  18. Akison

    Thank you thank you :D. Ya the day was not that hot so it was just nice to walk around

  19. Wai Kitt

    Mamarazzi lagi teruk. The last time was when in Kindergarten hahaha...still remember we had piinic outside the musuem

  20. Twillight

    Yup...coz Papa and Mamarazzi not photogenic enough LOL.

  21. Kelvin

    Good la...a laugh a day keeps the doctor away :D

  22. Rose

    Same to you. We ha a lovely day over here

  23. The last time I step foot in Muzium Negara was when I was 14 (school trip). Never thought of going there again with C. I guess small kids won't understand all the sejarah things yet so no point bringing them there also. And hub dun like to go cos he said very spooky inside haha..

  24. Dan Neh Noh = McDonald's? So cute!

  25. Chloe's Mommy

    Looks like you are better than Mamarazzi. The last round she went was when she was in kindergarten.

    Musuem have been renovated. No longer spooky. We went in a had a peek. It's bright and nice. Air-conditioned some more

  26. I am like most of your frens, I have not been visiting museum for so long...

  27. Joanne

    Mamarazzi also longtime never been to the museum


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