
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 9 September 2010

Licence To Fly

Note : For adults eyes only. 18 years old and below, please navigate away.

Last week, Papa brought me to a place called Immigration Department. He said wanna apply for my Licence to Fly wor. Then, I can follow him to work and maybe get to meet Princess Gwen.

Uiks! so many people there but service quite fast.

While waiting, I saw slot machine that sell soft drinks. Thirsty. Wanna get a 100 Plus. Mamarazzi gave me RM2 to buy a drink.

Aiyo...I nearly got "cheated" by this Auntie. Going to Government Department, wore so sexy. Don't know how many people' Puasa kena batal that day because of this. If still 18 years old gal tak apa la. At least I can "cuci mata".

I nearly put the 50sen coin into the slot. Buta-buta kena lempang nanti.

Jeng~jeng~jeng~After two hours and PLB warehouse sale, my Licence to Fly is ready. Now, if only "someone" would sponsor my plane ticket to Sibu.

Handsome or not? I managed to "smile" for my passport photo leh.


  1. haha i guess people who read this post pun batal puasa if saw that 'sexay' pic. mihihi ;p

  2. muahahahahahahhahhaahha!!!!!! *cough cough* ok ok...anyway....that's what I like in the immigration department now...last time I make my passport, come at 8am, by 10am I already got my passport, as long as you got every documents they wanted, the rest is easy already (3 hour policy) =)

  3. such a handsome smile on his passport pic - will melt any heart! aunty cynthia correct or not?

  4. aiyoh, really KNS lor, wear until the jeans almost dropped, and let people see the butt butt.. quick quick cover your eyes smallkucing.. maybe smallkucing smiling so handsomely in the photo was because he saw the butt?? kakakakaka~~ :D

  5. gosh..i have to look few times... :)) i thought enough bumps in the movie Piranha last night .. but see see here, lagi real..
    eh mama, going to Jakarta? when?

  6. Wah...he's such a good boy, can smile for the passport photo. If it's Juan Or, I think most likely it will be a fretful and crying face pasted in there! LOL!

  7. Aiyo... ur smile in ur passport picture can melt any girls heart la!!! What a charmer!!!

  8. You look so much older in your passport photo? Why ah? Like teenage boy. See pompuan's crack...suddenly mature dah kah? Muahahahaha!!!!

  9. Wahseh...auntie also has no licence to fly yet...sob**sob.Scared of the crowd

  10. Wao! So good, now Joshua can "fly" dy :)

  11. Congrats! Finally Small Kucing is ready to fly liao.
    Ha..the way his jean on his bum very sexy lor.

  12. Waaa waaa.. sexy wor... but turn around cannot see right? hahaha!

    Now can everyone can fly! Ask uncle STP sponsor :P

  13. Coming to Sibu?...Yes...come and visit me..

  14. Sibu? Tak ngam. Bintulu ok ke?

  15. Planning for holidays? Good good.

    HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA...adoi! Lucky small kucing didn't put the money to the wrong "slot"!

    I wonder how you manage to take that picture? hahahahhahahhahahahhahahhaha really mamarazzi ya.

  16. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE9 September 2010 at 16:33

    LOL - How come mammarazi so notti take picture - what if she turn & said what're u doing?? She might even want to "complaint" against you later LMAO

  17. Deanona

    Muhahaha...ya hor...forgot to put those who puasa navigate away :p

  18. LG

    Hmm...come to think of it...going Sibu no need passport but going NZ need passport...hmmm maybe should bodek sponsorship to NZ ..

  19. Angel Bear

    Here is 2 hours policy :D. Not bad lar. Not like last time queue up 6am just to take number and have to go back and collect after 1 week.

  20. SK

    muhahaha...auntie some more leh...if "18 sui, pok pok chui" then wokay la.

    But seriously, thought not supposed to wear revealing baju to government offices. Last time sure kena kick out. Now they relaxed quite a lot

  21. Alice

    Actually i was fretful when we were at the photo salon when the Kakak as me to go first.

    The Papa told the Kakak that I have to see Papa have his photo taken first.

    Papa sat down and the Kakak snap Papa's photo. Mamarazzi kept saying Papa handsome boy.

    I also wanna be handsome boy. I also climb up the chair to have my photo taken lo. I had to smile when Papa make bunny ear behind Kakak. kekekeke

  22. STP

    *ahem* ahem * sponsor*ahem*ahem*

  23. Leona

    Got one more photos where i smile showing my gigi. But the Kakak did not develope that coz scared the Imigeration thought I wanna eat people wor

  24. Mommy Ling

    Now very efficient jor. Not much crowd if you avoid school holiday.

    Papa bring me there around 10-30am-11am.Took number and submit documents. 11.30am can cabut liao.

    Pick up the passport lagi fast. 15mins kau tim.

  25. Shenny's mommy

    That was not smallkucing bum bum leh...

  26. uLi

    Yup bodek-ng people bring me fly fly

  27. Wai Kitt

    Bintulu ah...wokay sponsorship or not :p

  28. LV like advertisement for AA :P

  29. MRC.

    Use "Zoom" mah. 20X zoom how to see leh :p

  30. Annie

    Mamarazzi's camera very discret one muhahahaha...can do "undercover" mission punya :p

  31. Wah, very hemsem leh. Like taking photo for some ad audition :)

    That indecent exposure is such an eyesore... not smooth oso the butt :p

  32. He is so cute ^ ^

    Ur post reminds me of searching my passport which i lost at HOME =_="

  33. Chloe's Mommy

    wakakaka..laughing at the not smooth part of the comment. Ya lor...not like Taufu Fa :p

  34. Tuti

    ahem ahem what were you thinking ah... :P

  35. Kelvin

    Yikes...lost your licence to fly ah? hope you will find it soon

  36. nothing obscene also.. lol =)

  37. Hahaha...license to fly..creative lah your Mummy. Wah..hensem lah small kucing's photo.

    Papa going to Jakarta ke? :)

    Ish...teruknya the jeans so low until like that. -__-

  38. I know understand y u need a 20x zoom camera!!!

    MAS is on sale to NZ - but gotta login via grab a deal...try ler

  39. Mummy Gwen

    Thank you thank you

    Papa always go there one :D

  40. my nieces said you very hamsome lar they want to get to know you! cool!

  41. Little Lamb

    No need passport but saja wanna bodek someone for sponsorship *evil grinz*

  42. LG

    *evil grnxz* 20x zoom coming soon

  43. Regarding that sexy lady, I nearly pengsan seeing them wearing like that! Nowadays, no matter young or old they all wearing like that. Sometimes, I purposely asked my kids to look at them and see the unproper way of wearing the jeans. Frankly, it's difficult to find the proper jeans in the market nowadays. It's not their fault either!

  44. Kristy

    Nah...where there is a will there is way. Found some Applemint Jeans that cover the "slot machine" during Mamarazzi CNY shopping.

    It's trendy to wear when go clubbing or party but kinda too sexy to be wore to government department. Some more during fasting month

  45. oh.. I am going to tell my daughter you 'yat keok tap leong shuin"... :p go take lisen see gf in Jakarta.. :p

  46. Auntie

    Cham...I ask Papa to bring you and Anna along la...dont tell anna lah :P


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