
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Oyster King at The Garden

Papa still "mengidam" Fried Oyster. Hence we came to what term as the "Best" Oyster KL. Oyster King at The Gardens.

Wow! very unique. Menu came with a "kiap-kiap". Can bring home to "kiap" Papa's baju ah?

We opt for their value set RM9-80 that come with oysters cooked in several ways, Wun Chai ko/Yam Cake and a choice Tea/Coffee/Mineral Water.

While waiting for our order to come, I played "kiap kiap" Papa's finger. Papa said "Ow! pain pain". I got worried. If Papa's finger pain pain means no more gai-gai wor. Ginger pain pain cannot drive car.

Papa ordered Yam Cake for his set while Mamarazzi ordered Wun Chai Ko. Papa had one bite of the Yam cake and said he don't like. Mamarazzi had a taste too. Said maybe not eough yam.

The Wun Chai Ko tasted so-so only but the Sambal was nice.

Finally comes Fried Oyster. Uiks! why so "wet" geh. Not dry and crispy like the ones in Puchong geh. Hmmm ...maybe this is the Malacca style of "Oh Chien". Taste? Do not suit us.

Mamarazzi ordered Oyster noodle for her set. Bigger portion would be appreciated. Can finish in 3 spoon full. Disappointing.

Haiz...still hungry. Not satisfied.

Well, this is just my personal opinion lah. Not necessary represent the truth for many have praises this stall. Each person have different taste.


  1. really not nice at all??? nanged!!

  2. I sure love oystters too! but sometimes can eat it all the time lah. I heard high chloestrol eh?? is it true??

    i sure do see a lot of food at this restaurant though :)

    Have a lovely monday :)
    jen @

  3. Bean

    Could be different people , different taste. But for Mamarazzi it was pretty bad lor.

  4. Yer!!! Hates not fresh punya oyster!!!

  5. oyster must be fresh or else..confirm duduk toilet whole day...

  6. Ish ish ish... shud call this Jamban King post ma... not Oyster King... kesian ur mamarazzi... ish ish ish~ Go... go ayam her and make it better!

    ps: Ayam her kao kao on auntie's behalf, okay, after that ah...she recover liao... can cook good food for auntie to eat. Mwhahahahaha!

  7. These franchise places...where got nice? At best, just so so only... Ain't nothing like the real thing!

  8. gosh.. like that, no more King la.. should be oyster unfresh...
    jamban pulak? can sue them too! hahaha...
    hey, one day u must go Kuala Sepetang.. u can take all the best oyster then.. go during the evening when the fishermen come back from sea.. :)

  9. Gosh, I will remember not to patronize this restaurant.

  10. Yummy! I love oyster. Slurp. Must try this place when I go over....

  11. Aww... poor mamarazzi.... hope she's better now. And lucky SK did not take the oyster.

  12. Oh man! Hate eating at a place and then suffering for the food later.
    No more Oysters for some time then..

  13. Oyster?! My most favorite ! But i not dare to try at this place after heard you said have to "duduk jamban".

  14. Jenny

    Ya i think high cholestrol too

  15. AUntie Cleff

    Ish rupa rupa ada udang disebalik maggi mee ya

  16. Angel Bear

    duduk toilet one night lor :(

  17. Claire

    one day....but now clever already..get ready a lot of Poh Chai Yin :p

  18. STP

    what to do...saw many good reviews ma. Thought Ok lo

  19. Shenny's Mommy

    Maybe our luck lo that day the oyster not fresh

  20. Chee Yee

    Ya lor. He ate noodle only

  21. what is the "kiap kiap" for ah actually?? looks quite cute leh.. oooh, i didn't try this before although many times walked passed, thanks for telling us this is not nice, haha!! i will not go and eat liao~~ :)

  22. Oh no!!! Had to end up in toilet somemore! poor mamarazzi! Guess the oysters used must not be fresh eh..

  23. hah? wah, i too kampung ady!dun even know the shop exist!hahah! lucky got this review, next time even if stumble upon it also won't go in :D

  24. Wai Kitt

    near BPJ br have one nice one leh

  25. SK

    The Kiap Kiap they use to kiap their Menu punya. Haiz...that day bad luck gua. Osyter ngum ngum not fresh. Saw many blog say taste good wor :(

  26. Beii

    Go Puchong one better kakakaka

  27. Lenglui Witch

    Ya lor..maybe bad luck that day

  28. Kesian Mamarazzi. Will blacklist this place..hehe.

  29. *grinz* You ayam her la... she cook for auntie liao, Auntie bring you go makan Dan Neh Noh! Bwhahahaha!

  30. Auntie Cleff

    Dan Neh Noh ah...hmm....see 1st..kekeke

  31. Mummy Gwen For Mamarazzi will blacklist lor. One time kena "par par" already. Could be it's just Mamarazzi's bad luck on that day, since many have ate there and said it's good.

  32. OMG !!! That's a very bad news indeed. Hope you are better now.

    Wah..the giap giap soooo huge! Kind of interesting...but the food so bad ya.

  33. From your pics, they all looked so yummy! In my mind, I was planning to go too until I read the words "not nice" and "jamban"... aiyoh!

  34. Chloe's mommy

    lucky you didnt speed read :p

  35. mNhL

    Ue to kiap the menu lol...but J had fun playing with that . Mamarazzi had fully recovered lor


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