
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 13 September 2010

Immanuel's Veins By Ted Dekker

Mamarazzi the Advance Reading Copy "Immanuel's Veins" by Ted Dekker, free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. She was not required to write a positive review. The opinions she have expressed are her own.

This is a fantasy novel set in the historical time around late 18th century eastern Europe

The hero, Toma Nicolescu and his side kick, Alec Cardei were ordered by the Queen to protect the Cantemir family. This is where it all started. The two sisters, Natasha and Lucine, which they were protecting were very beautiful. Who can keep themselves from falling for them?

But this is the wrong timing for all these. It's really a tales of terrible longing and seduction. Also of bold sacrifice.

Mamarazzi have heard so much about Ted Dekker's talent but have yet to read any of his book. This is the first which she read and I bet this will not be the last.

Seems to be a page turner. Mamarazzi burn two nights of midnight oil to finish it.

The characters were well developed and there are heart stopping screen. Mamarazzi felt like she was watching a movie when she was reading this book. Everything was so vivid and gripping

However, bear in mind, this book maybe for everyone but as described in the summary "But remember, not everyone is for this story."

Mamarazzi give this book 4 stars out of 5 Stars


  1. I also borong-ed a few books from the Big Bookshop in Atria yesterday. Have you been there before? Lots of cheap books too but not as pleasant as BX la cos it's a bit old already. Lots of hard cover, thick novels for rm10 only.

  2. wonder whether i like it or not.. going to finish your books soon..

  3. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE13 September 2010 at 21:40

    My 6th sense is telling me that u & cleffairy may be the same entity???LOL - Ok if different person, support both of you in spirit - to "fa yong kwong tai"

  4. Vialentino

    ya veryu Kan cheong type of book

  5. Prince & Princess mum

    Mamarazzi makan buku tidur buku even poo poo also buku kakakaka

  6. Chloe Mommy

    BBS seems to do warehoese sale in Ayria last time. Now become like permenant sale already.

    Last time went there saw price similar to BX. Maybe rm1 or rm2 cheaper. But like you said, have to hunt.

  7. MRC

    Same entity as Auntie Cleff??? Maybe in body size only. Mamarazzi does not have her flare of writing.

  8. Claire

    Just nice when u coming down again. Make you you give Mamarazzi the booklist early ya coz need to go dig in store room

  9. @MRC... lol... that's not the first time someone mistook me for Mamarazzi. Unfortunately, I am not Mamarazzi... hahahah...I don't have talent for photography. Whatever picture I snap, it would come out blurred.

  10. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE14 September 2010 at 16:27

    haha to both : As said, just suspect since so many similar books review by both...Last time, mammarazi used to be cheeky & i believe she can pull of the bluff if she disguise as cleffairy..LOL


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