
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 24 September 2010

The Nativity Collection By Robert Morgan

Mamarazzi have requested a review copy of this book from Thomas Nelson, the publisher, as part of their bloggers review programme. Mamarazzi is not required to give a positive review and all opinions are her own.
Frankly, Mamarazzi have yet to receive the copy of this book. Then how to review, you may ask. Well, she know one blogger friend who had also requested this book and had finished reading it. This friend had given this book a glowing review. Mamarazzi was very impatient to lay her hands on this. Hence she borrowed her friend's copy.
This book consists of short stories that was written by Robert J Morgan and shared with his church at Christmas Eve every year. What so special about this is that he only write one short story a year even though he have over two millions books in print. All the lovely stories that he shared with his church is now in this book.
There are 6 stories all in. Each were very moving and heart warming. Brings hope that there is goodness in this world after all.

Some of the stories had brought tears to Mamarazzi's eyes, especially the story of Ollie. *sob*sob*.
Christmas will be here in 3 months. This book will be a very good Christmas gift for those who love reading. And for those who can't read yet like me, maybe can get their Mommy or Daddy to read to them.
Mamarazzi give it 4 stars out of 5.


  1. Wah...really tabik you for having the time to finish reading fiction books. My paperback books all read tak habis-habis one. :-(

  2. Yes, I do agree that this would make a lovely Christmas present... Must look out for it...especially considering that you've given it such a high rating!

  3. STP

    Yup Mamarazzi love it coz Mamarazzi aa also read punya. Like Bandaraya. LOL

  4. ALice

    This is a very thin book only.Easy to finish.

  5. Ish ish ish... ur mamarazzi really la...she kebuluramn buku until makan auntie's buku oso... LOLOLOL! Glad your mamarazzi like the buku... :D Next time, which one your mamarazzi wanna pinjam? Let auntie know ya...if ur mamrazzi's books haven't arrive yet, can raid auntie's store room! LOL.

  6. Mummy Gwen

    This is a very thin book. 100+pages only

  7. Auntie Cleff

    You very bad la. Later Mamarazzi too engross reading book and make rojak vege for me to makan pulak.

  8. Takpe... takpe... your godfather uncle Paulo can ada... sure defend you kao kao and tell ur mamarazzi to feed you nicer food punya. Dun worry lah... u wun bulur wan la... hahahaha...u bulur liao, u tell auntie... we go gai gai go dan neh noh and cincai makan! :D

  9. Auntie

    *pengsan* Cincai makan again ah? The Taukeh see your face he will cabut lari lor

  10. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE25 September 2010 at 15:39

    From bookxcess again???...Red in newspaper today - Good yeah to be "ambassador" - Hope you & cleffairy reap some success / benefits out of it

  11. MRC

    You most have been speed reading. Nope. his book is not from BookXcess. It's from Thomas Nelson, the publisher of this book. Mamarazzi received the review copy of this book from Thomas Nelson with no obligation to give a positive review

  12. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE26 September 2010 at 14:13

    Oops sorry lol - i CANT REALLY PAY MUCH ATTENTION TO BOOKS -LOL BUT OBjective to leave some comment :-D

  13. MRC

    Thank you for leaving comment but Mamarazzi would appreciate if you would read the whole post in the future before leaving comment so that there will not be any misunderstanding.

    Mamarazzi and me are NOT "ambassador" of Bookxcess and have NOT reap any benefit from Bookxcess apart from getting to read affordable books purchased from Booxcess with our own money.

    Mamarazzi reads a lot and appreciate cheap books. When the blog started initially, Mamarazzi frequently highlighted about Paylessbooks which also brings cheap books to everyone. But PLB is not longer in business.


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