
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 20 September 2010

Restaurant Yin Her, Sg Buloh

Heard so much about this place from Kaw Poh. She likes to come here to makan. This is our first time here.

Hmm...not bad. Got people pancing ikan there. Hope the food is good.

How many ice?

Kam Heong sotong. Taste good.

"Kwai Tau Miu". Very young and sweet.

Salted Vege and Taufu Soup. A lot of liu...pork, prawns, sotong, tomato, salted vege and Taufu.

The MAIN dish for the day...Crabs cook with Salted Eggs! Alamak! Mamarazzi forgotten to tell them to make it small portion.

Mana tau they give so big portion. Dies...sure the bill will come to RM150.

Handy Manny! hahahaha...I've got hammer!

Knock! knock! Mr Crab! Are you awake? oh ya to be awake as it's already fully cooked.

NGAP! mmmmm...yum yum...very fresh and sweet. Love the taste.

Aiks! we tarak order Thong sui wor. Complimentary one ah? Lohan Guo Thong Sui. A bit too sweet. But after adding ice, taste just nice.

Total bill? RM59. Surprising.

Here is the address just in case you are interested to go: AL114, Jalan Welfare, Kampung Baru, Sungai Buloh, Selangor. Tel : 03-6156 5876


  1. wah..salted egg crabs! I miss it... use to have it last time regularly. Now all my family members scared of cholesterol..seldom eat already :(

  2. cheap wor..the vege looks yummy! =p

  3. The food is good and cheap! The place is a bit far though.

  4. RM59?!!! Here, got good crabs...over RM100 at least. Some places with reared crabs - small, soft flesh...not nice at all - those cheaper...but not worth going!

  5. wow....nice food makes me feel hungry everytime read ur post about those yummy food.

  6. Ei..this place ambience definetely much better than BH lor..haha.

  7. Wat RM59 only with crab still? Dun believe it. Nice crab...

  8. wah, RM59 only not bad woh, somemore got free desserts.. hmmm, the squid, the french beans, the soup all looks nice!! hehe, but i don't really fancy eating crabs, lazy to eat them~~ :D

  9. cheap! Def have to go and try.

  10. ok.. no more ban huat.. now we change place la.. .:D bila bila?

  11. cheap one!! worth wor.. can go again next time..

  12. RM59 with a crab dish??? Wrongly charged is it? The kam heaong sotong looked so nice.....

  13. You bad you bad, today i puasa, now i have to endure these photos,,hahahahah.

    i agree RM59 is cheap

  14. Wah! Really cheap wo.. I roughly know where.. Not too far from where we stay.. maybe should give a try one day.

  15. I kept on rubbing my eyes looking at the price ...I couldnt believe that with crabs can come up to RM59 only!!! Did they forget to charge the crabs>??? haha!
    Wow..definitely will try that place eventho it will take an hours drive to reach there.

  16. Chris

    Now mamarazzi gila salted egg crabs liao

  17. Mummy Gwen

    Far for you la kakakaka...near for us muhahaha *evil grinz*

  18. Angel Bear.

    We were surprised at the price too..the verge was young and crunchy

  19. Mommy Ling

    Ya lor no need to swat flies some more :p

  20. STP

    These are good. We were shocked too when heard the price. Thought they have forgotten to put "1" in front hahha

  21. SK

    Ish....can eat also lazy to eat...wait till old already and no teeth then lagi cham...wanna eat also kenot.

    Ask your wife or gf to peel for you la :D

  22. Ann

    But the service...haiz..duno how to say read Mamarazzi's coming post then you will know

  23. Cynthia

    yup...change venue...hehehe...bila ah?

  24. Claire.

    Eh near your sis house leh. Next round you come must go there. If timing correct we'll bring you there ok :D

  25. Eugene

    Today puasa but tomorrow can eat puas puas la. Penang got Oh Chien wor :p

  26. mNhL

    Tarak wrongly charged wor. RM28/kg and got 3 crabs there

  27. Inspired Momx1

    The next time you are in this area then you know where to makan lo :D

  28. omg!kam heong sotong!! so long din eat seafood ady lor :( yum yum

  29. Leona

    No leh. The Crabs was rm28. They gave itemised bill

  30. Beii

    Bring Jasper la. The restaurant quite clean and nice enviroment

  31. Crabs? and total bill only RM59? Wah!! Very cheap!

  32. Annie

    Ya wr...written on the bill. Crab was RM28. When we ate, we counted. There are 3 crabs there. Guess it's 1 kg gua

  33. Is the crab meaty? I like those meaty crab claws..

  34. Baby sumo

    Yup meaty. Not sure they have the type white the roe ones or not.


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