
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 7 September 2010

The Boy Who Changed the World By Andy Andrew

The Boy Who Changed the World written by Andy Andrew and illustrated by Philip Hurst.

This is a Children's Book. The story starts with young Norman Borlaug playing in his family’s cornfields with his sisters. And when he grew up he changed the world by using his knowledge of agriculture to save the lives of two billion people.

But is it Norman alone that changed the changed the world? Or was it Henry Wallace or was it George Washington Carver?

This book really makes young mind churn from the effect. It sends a message that everything we do and how we act will have an effect. Just like the effect of butterfly flying.

I love this book and so does Mamarazzi. Though I am a bit too young to understand the story, but I love the lovely illustration. I would kept holding this book out to Mamarazzi and asked "Mama, read book".

But then sadly, Mamarazzi was too engrossed in another book. It's called The Butterfly Effect. Its also by Andy Andrew.Mamarazzi said this book is written based on The Butterfly Effect.

Mamarazzi said she would recommend this book to others since I love this book very much.

Mamarazzi would like to thank Thomas Nelson for providing her with a complimentary advanced reading copy of this book. We are not obliged to give a positive review in return of the book.


  1. seems interesting..I was wondering if I should start reading story books to Jasper now or not >< he's 4 months, what do you think ? As of now I am jz reading to him flash cards :P

  2. I only know the book cover looks nice and cute :D

  3. uLi

    The illustration very nice :D

  4. Very beautiful and good quality hor? Partly because of that, I give it 5 star. LOL!

  5. Chee Yee

    Me too attracted by it's illustration. Guess the cover and the illustration plays an important part in a book nowadays.

    Btw I just bght Mickey Mouse Clubhouse book from BX RM24-90. Very nice. Many stories there. Got Pooh Bear, handy manny, little einstien and etc. Worth buying for Hao and Lynn


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