
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 30 September 2010

I Like Paper Cutting and Craft

I was pleasantly surprised to received an e-mail. Very happy too coz I was so lucky to have been selected to win such an appropriate prize.

Most of the time,  it's not how expensive the prize is but the appropriateness. No point winning a trip for a World Tour if a person is bed-ridden or winning a book if that person doesn't read.

Gosh....Mamarazzi seems to be rambling on again. Sorry, Mamarazzi tend to "potpet potpet" when she is excited.

Not so long ago, Jessica of I Like Paper Cutting And Craft, held a giveaway in her blog in conjunction of the 1st anniversary of her blog. blog so old already, Mamarazzi yet to hold a giveaway. Too kedekut.

Wanna know what was the giveaway? It's 3D bookmarks. And I am the lucky winner !

THANK YOU very much, Jessica.

Aren't these cute? Looks great on Mamarazzi's and my books. Such lovely bookmarks.

Jessica is a real talented lady. Check out her blog here and check out the posts labeled under Paper Cut Art. They are just soooooo beautiful. Tell me, don't you just LOVE them?


  1. wah, i so jealous of you small kucing... i collect bookmarks. yours are so cute!

  2. congrats wor... I now reading the Auntie Little Bird punya buku.. so thick la.. can pinjam ur 3D bookmark mou? :p

  3. nylusmilk

    Very beautiful hor. Saw her make some bookmarks before too. very beautiful also

  4. hey Kucing..u always seem to be winning prizes.. it is a blessing from God! :)

  5. wah! Those bookmarks really looks so cute lah! I like it!

  6. COngrats again....Nice bookmarks.

  7. congrats! i love arts and crafts too :)

  8. kucing must have a nice time with the paper craft!

  9. I am glad you like the small gift. By the way, I should cut down on craft projects and start reading some great books.

  10. Auntie Cyn

    Can...which one you like?

  11. Mery

    Thanks to Jessica for the lovely bookmarks lo

  12. Wai Kitt

    Each bookmark got nice message on it. like sweet memories

  13. Chris

    Mamarazzi kept them away from me wor...scared I'll destroy them :(

  14. Zzanyy

    These are so pretty. I love them

  15. Shenny's Mommy

    !st time see these 3D type. Dont know Msia have or not. If got, great for gifts

  16. Jessica

    Nooooo....don't cut down on your crafts. They are so good and your ideas are pretty brilliant.

    Though Mamarazzi have no talent for crafts but love to see your creation especially the paper cuttings

  17. kung hei kung hei. Eii..the bookmark looks like butterflies are resting on top of a log. Very nice

  18. Mommy Ling

    that's why la...look so nice hor

  19. Chee Yee

    Nice hor...Very pretty

  20. Salam,maaf mengganggu,saya masih baru lagi kat blog sebegini. Jadi,sudi x awak follow saya kat blog saya, ,saya follow awak...nanti senanglah saya tgk blog awak....ok?

    Terima Kasih.


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