
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Bees & Spamming

Come..come nearer..Let me tell you something...we have a new bunch of Guards at the Guard House

One of the guards noticed something dangerous at Papa's parking lot. He came and warn us. Guess what was it that he told Papa...

This one!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeee.....scary. This is taken by my new zoom zoom new toy.

Gosh! There is a nest of bees on one of the branches of the tree where Papa's parking lot is located.

Papa had contacted the Management Office regarding this matter. The guy said will look into it.

Well, guess if that guy is taking too long in "looking into" the matter like what happen on the "Lift Incident", Mamarazzi will be turning into an evil witch again and spam the developer's FB again. It works well enough for the Lift incident. *evil grinz*


  1. FB is sure a good tool to complain about companies XD

  2. hey..that is dangerous!! careful ye.. call for beebusterS!

  3. Eeeeewww...gelinya!!

  4. Gosh, the bees look like they are ready to attack anytime! The management guys had better do something about it...

  5. out! Be careful! Dunno why so many bees these days...and so many cases of people being stung to death. Get people to come and burn them at night...

  6. Bring lastik and stone... Let's settle it together. Then run and jump into the swimming pool. 

  7. wah, really scary!!! better take extra caution not to be stung by the bees leh.. yeeeeee, i got goosebumps already..

  8. Wow, kucing can have fresh and wild honey for free !!

  9. Oh my...scary lah. Take extra precaution when going to the parking lot.

  10. Kelvin

    Yup especially when the company did not provide any e-mail address in the official website. They only provide phone number which we we call get pass around if it is a complain. Each department refuse to be responsible

  11. Mommy Ling

    Geli hor. When Mamarazzi snapped the photo and view it again, also felt geli

  12. Claire

    The tree are under Management Office mater. So have to contact them to do it.

  13. Verone

    That's why one of the Guards came to warn us about that. They noticed that

  14. STP

    Ya lor...if kena 1 bee sting still okay but if kena the whole group then cham

  15. SK

    Ya lo...see the photo already geli....

  16. TZ thanks...scary...the pool not near the parking lot la

  17. Medie

    Ya lor....on a tree at the parking lot

  18. Chris..

    No thankiu...geli see this

  19. Gosh....hope they get rid of the bee hives soon!

  20. Let them stay there longer and can harvest free honey...ha ha ha!

  21. eee.....dangerous....they should work on it asap!

  22. The guard is so good to warn u. Be careful ooh. Don't let smallkucing play with catapults until the thing is removed ya! :p

  23. Angel Bear

    It's gone already. Thank God

  24. Chloe's Mommy

    Thank Goodness the bees are gone already...


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