
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Xiao Bak Chang

The other day papa fly on AirAsia. He brought back this awesome baju for me.

Alamak! Doesn't this means from 18-24 months? I am already wearing clothes for 3 year old kid wor.

But Papa said the brochures on the flight states that it is for 3 to 4 year old kids. And Papa confirmed that with the Air-Stewardess wor.

Nevermind ...I'll try it on la.

Apa macam?

Hmm....don't know why Mamarazzi laughed till golek-golek on the floor. Something about me looking like a Xiao Bak Chang.

Don't I look like I'm going for a swim at the sea side.

I guess Papa asked the wrong person regarding the size. Next time don't ever ask Air-Stewardess regarding baju size for kids. They are single ladies/men. How do they know whether what size fit oh....they don't have kids leh.


  1. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE9 March 2010 at 17:11

    Joshua always look cute in what he wears....The title remind me of a hokkien song

  2. Wuahahaha! Auntie also laughed til almost tergolek on the floor! His frown is so cute. Hood oso cannot pakai. Adoi! Nevermind, keep for your adik la ha... *still giggling away*

  3. MRC

    you hungry ? time mamarazzi make Bak Chang will pass you some :p

  4. Chloe Mummy

    the baju size ways sort of fit but the lenght too short. kecian the "birdie".

  5. *pengsan* No offend, but I oso laugh til golek golek. Not at your anak tho. But at your clueless hubby. *pengsan* How can u asked those air stewardess about anak's baju size? They confirm clueless wan! LOL... tarak anak ma... haiyorrr!

    ps: Mebbe can bagi Ethan la, the baju. Ethan confirm can wear wan ma...Ethan small size. Ur anak so tall, kenot wear.

  6. Cleff

    haiz...and the one who did the brochures also must be without anak too coz according to hubi it was printed for kids 3-4 years old ...Hmmm maybe ask hubi to snap a pic of the brochure the next time he is on AirAsia

  7. so bad this mommy go n laff golek golek.. cute aper.. bak chang.. so good can even be eaten :D

  8. Hahaha! Tell paparazi next time better buy bigger coz if too big always can keep for later definitely wont waste. :)

  9. hahahhahahha, lovely rompers, but too small for your prince la.

  10. Chee Yee

    He thought he was getting baju size suitable for 3 to 4 yrs old kids...unfortunately...

  11. Merryn

    Like Bak Chang la....where got nice...kekeke

  12. Eh, true also hor, hehehe...How they know the size le :) Cute Joshua :)

  13. H ha ha, like olden days swimsuits...aiyo, after smallkucing merajuk!

  14. Pete the olden days swimsuit...kekeke..

  15. Ehhh... it's really a bit too tight for Joshua (Specially when he put on the hood), anyway he still look adorable and charming!

    Don't think it would be wasted, such sweet little romper can hand it down to little brother or sister next time! ^-^

  16. hehe, only too shorts kan, so cant wear ?

  17. wah lau eh,
    so tight 1?

    honestly, ur hubby shouldn't ask those bitches in red clothes about the cloths size.

    they know nothing about children clothing size.

    anyway, at least some MAS ones know, coz some of them is married ppl, unlike those bitches in red


  18. Chris

    it would have been nicer if only it fits

  19. Garfield

    the on board brochure stated 3-4 yearsold kid.

    Well,nevermind lo. Can pass to other people

  20. Shakira

    Aiyo...thank you very much. You always give me this award that award...shy shy la

  21. wow romper for 18-24 mths and ur boy can still fit into it! not bad!

  22. OK lah...can use - just don;t put on the hood! Ummm...or maybe can keep, ask Mummy have another baby and baby can use! Maybe that's why Daddy bought small size - giving Mummy the hint liao!!! LOL!!!

  23. Hehehe....I also laughed a little when I see Joshua wearing it, but not laughing at your hubby or anyone lah, actually I'm laughing becos I can see that the cloth at the birdie area looks pulling!
    :-D. Yalah, it's true not to rely on air-stewardess or brochure for that matter. Still best is to look at the overall size of the baju (and imagine it on your anak) and the baju's size label. Anyway, normal-lah, even my hubby oso don't know how to buy baby/toddler things one.

  24. That's not 3-4 years old size at all. Alamak so tight one...hehehe. :P

  25. Mummy Gwen

    I think so too. I suspect it's for 18mths -24months old :(

  26. funny-nya!!! rompers look good on babies only *hehe* maybe save this romper for no.2???

  27. hahhahaha... I also want to laugh... muahhahaa... it's not the stewardess, maybe papa has not been shopping much for you.. hehehe..

  28. Cyn

    Normally, Mamarazzi shop, Papa pays :p


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