
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 22 March 2010

Finally! BookXcess

Finally, I am at BookXcess. Last Friday Mamarazzi ditched me to come to BookXcess alone.

Wow! The new store so big. Where to begin?

Wah lau eh! Are those the famous Meyer books? Some more got a section for Audio books too!

Live, romance, chic-lit, motivation and all sorts of books. Must get the Chicken Soup book for Auntie Florence. She is nuts about Chicken Soup books. RM9-90 only wor.

Wow....Hardcover musical book and pop-up books. All at crazy price!

Which one shall I buy?

Cantonese saying " Far tho Ngan Luen"(Many flowers, eyes blur)

I think I get this book for Baby Isaac. Little Miss Books at RM2-90 each

How come no Little Mister books one ah? Auntie Cleff, why not you write a series of Little Mister Books?

Must ask Mamarazzi to get this Donald Trump book for Papa so that Papa can be rich as him. When Papa got rich, I can ask him to buy me more books from BookXcess.

While I was busy "exploring", Mamarazzi was busy grabbing. These bunch, RM9-90 each. Mamarazzi was so happy to get Daphne Du Maurier book coz she read one which Uncle Newton lend her.It was very good. Title was Rebecca.

Two Danielle Steel at RM9-90 a steal.

She also finally got a Paulo Coelho book at RM19-90. Heard a lot of positive things about this author but no chance to read his book yet.

Star Wars? Hardcover with many glossy photos RM7-90 only?

Uiks? Chinese Dictionary? For what? For Kor Kor Jon ah...adui RM5 only.

Looks like this month we are going to makan buku only lor. Mamarazzi bought so many books


  1. is this the one in e@curve?

    chicken soup so cheap!

  2. Ya lo...buku and buku only..hehe!

  3. this the same place in Armcorp mall issit? Wait for me bookxcess!!!!!!!! Leave some books for me...huhuhuhuhuhu~ *friday fast fast come..I'm flying to KL!*

  4. Bestnya! Books at those prices!Like this I wanna find reasons to go KL lah...

  5. Are you trying to send me into a coma? OMG la... so much Chic Lit... =( I want lehhh.... Sobsob sob! Why oh why are you tormenting me like this?

    Auntie cleff write children's book? They will pee in their pants lata! LOL...

  6. What place is that? Chicken Soup so cheap? Here over RM50!!! Cetak rompak printed in China one kah? Like I heard they have such cheap Harry Potter books too...

  7., i like that star wars book!

  8. haha...makan buku, tidur buku.

  9. Hand itchy edy...want to go also..that day i just grab some books fro Popular at Ikano..remembered the gathering day..hehehhe

  10. wow, really a big slash on the price!! Paulo Coelho's book at only RM19.90, almost half of normal price.. i'm considering of getting this leh~~

  11. wow wow many bookssssss!!!

    pppsssttt..bookxcess must paid you for advertise for them. :P

  12. I haven't pay a visit, but it looks like there are some great deals this time!

    Btw, I noted they weren't many people over there... hopefully they have more good prices on children books.

  13. yo.. sooner or later, u have your own library, mamarazzi.. maybe u can rent out your books for a small fee.. i be your first customer.. oh btw, i have yet to post up your books u lent to me.. hehehe.. thank u very much!

  14. uLi

    Got Magazine also ah :P and next door got nice Prawn Noodles.

  15. Medie007's at Amcorp Mall 3rd Floor

  16. Angel Bear

    Yes at Amcorp mall 3rdfloor. Hope your credit card wont explode loh.

    Oh ya...if purchase above rm100 you can get free membership i think. Entitles you to a 5% discount of purchase of rm50and10% discount for purchase of rm150. They give you lovely book thong too if you join member. I love mine

    Dont forget to go eat nice noodle at Uncle Snack next door.

  17. STP

    It's BOOKXCESS at AMCORP MALL , Petling Jaya.

    Not cetak rompak.

    I am not sure why so cheap but heard rumours that said they got it cheap from distributors. Maybe over printing or what

    The major newspaper have been raving about this BookXcess for the past few days.

  18. Chris...

    Hahaha....i nearly missed the star wars book.Spotted it just in time as i was walking o the door.

  19. mNhl

    Ya lor books books and more books

  20. Mommy Ling

    ya I saw the other day. No selera to buy coz i knew BookXcess having grand opening the next day. all my $$ to buy from BookXcess

  21. Prince and Princess Mum

    They have a lot of books suitable for baby too. Got soft toy books and even bathing books

  22. SK

    they have other titles too. I have never read Paulo Coelho books before. Heard they are very good but I kedekut to buy since in major books store they are going around RM36+, and it's paperback too. While this one that I bought is Hardcover. untung leh

  23. Annie

    If BookXcess really pay me for advertisement then I kaya loh. Noneed pay by books also can la...kakaka...too bad i can only dream since my blog is kecil mayung one kekeke.

    no lah..saja wana spread the good news to friends who are avid readers lor

  24. Alice

    It was not Big Bad Wolf Books warehouse sale.

    Price of the books are more or less the "normal price" for BookXcess, but much cheaper than major bookstore.

    This round more choice

  25. Claire,

    Haiyo...paiseh la...lend books also wana post up meh.

    Eh btw, the two "Steel" books are for you. Will post to you when I have the time :P

  26. Good buy!

    I saw a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse book in your 5th photo from the top. How much is that (if you remember)?

  27. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE22 March 2010 at 17:24

    Hereby confirmed Kathy is "book-ulat" or "book-maniac"....Double thumbs up

  28. I was thinking abt Paulo Coelho, i might go there n buy d book next time

  29. wah!!1 good deal wor.. until when ah? I want to go also!

  30. MRC

    now you only know ah...kakakaka

  31. Alice

    I did not noticed the price but have e-mailed BX. They replied and said it's RM17-90. Wanna buy for Juan Or is it? Nice book. There are many lovely kids books there

  32. Sinister's THAT good ah? Now am reading THE SAGA OF DARREN SHAN. Very exciting.I know i's for young adults but syok lah that book. 3-books-in-1 RM17-90 only.

    Will read Paulo Coelho next

  33. Cynthia

    Till their stock habis lo...dont worry. They always give good deals punya.

  34. good habit reading books. you inculcate good values in little meow meow! big meow meow very good for hunting megasales!

  35. So many books at so cheap price. I think if I were there, I will buy a lot of books and eat the books for supper as no more money for supper. Hehe.

  36. Superman

    Now I have to eat the books for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper lor :P

  37. Tuti

    orang miskin like me have to hunt for great bargains lor :(

  38. Luckily he didn't choose Tiger Woods books leh! LOL!

  39. i have never been to this book store. must visit one day. thanks for sharing!

  40. Now I know Mamarazzi is crazy about books!! Really good lor. Only during sales can get this kind of price right?

  41. 2Ma

    You are welcome. Maybe can get something for SR's coming bday

  42. Pete

    Pengsan lor if he choose that LOL

  43. Mummy Gwen

    The best thing is that this is not Sale. It's BookXcess normal price.

    You should see when they have's crazy. Brand new books and popular titles going at an average of RM5-rm8/book.

    I went to their last two sale...come home nearly broke..kakaka

  44. Kathy, thanks for making the effort to enquire about the Mickey Mouse book for me. RM17.90 sounds tempting to me! Now it's only a matter of whether I can find time to cabut from office to go buy knowlah I don't like my hubby to be around when I buy things for Juan Or...he's sure to say,"Don't buy some more lah!" :-D

  45. Alice

    small matter la.BX is just an e-mail away. And they do reply very fast.

    Too bad this month they dont take online order nor reservation due to they just moved to the new place. If not can always ask them to help reserve the book for you.

  46. I.Need.To.Get.To.BookXcess !!!! :( Missing KL much much !

    Paulo Coelho is good !! The Winner Stands Alone hardcover some more ! Great buy ! Hehe . Smallkucing in his own Wonderland .. so happy :)

  47. Joanna

    Really that good ah?Then am glad that I bought that book.:D

    Come down to KL la during weekend. A train away only mah

  48. did mamarazzi buy u many books dat day ah?? :D

  49. Bookaholic

    Both days also borong quite many books :p

  50. hahahahaa good good...books good for you! :D

  51. Bookaholic

    Books good for me but not good for the pocket..kakaka


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