
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 10 March 2010

My Dinner


Fried Rice. So much "liu". Very healthy meal.

What's more, the smell also GOOD!


Wanna know the taste and who is the "Chef". . . watch this video.


  1. LOL... sweet little mama's boy (Like the video)!

    Btw, the savoury fried rice looks yummylicious. Judging by its apprearance it really has "sufficient heat"(Gao For Hao- Cantonese)!

  2. Alice

    Not pedas wor.Yup...memang Gao For Hao. Some more so kind of Mommy Ling to deliver up tothe door step :p

  3. the fried rice looks yummy.. seriously... hmm... shud i fry rice tomorrow? but it wont turn out good like dat.. bummer.. i go ur house n eat lah.. :P

  4. fuyoh.. mummy ling so caring and thoughtful.. I also want to move nearer to her la.. :p so jealous here you know..

  5. You are too late, Merryn.Habis jor lu.

    You might try hint hint at Mommy Ling :p

  6. i heard mummy cook..mummy cook for me..right or not.. good???

    wei..i like the looks of yr fried rice la.. now contemplating whether to go down and fry or not. midnite feast!!! sigh...

  7. Cyn,

    Good Good...all generous and know how to cook and bake bloggers come..move nearer here. Then everyday I can goyang kaki and no need to cook. Got constant supply for breakfast lunch and dinner Kekekeke

  8. Hi there, thanks for stoping by my blog earlier and nice to meet you. Hey, is that little fellow your son? haha... so cute!

  9. Claire

    he said "Good. Mama cook Mama".

    I told him Mommy Ling cooked.

    Then he goes like "mommy mommy mommy" kakaka

  10. Kristy

    Nice to "meet" you too :D

    Ya..arrive to your place thru Claire. The Ice-cream had me drooling.It's so hot here.

    Yup...that's my son

  11. I heard mummy mummy naughty yeh! ha ha ha! LOL!

  12. Where got?Pete

    mommy very guai de:p

  13. Tak berani turn on the sound. LOL... Eyyy, I oso wan the fried rice. Tarak aci...*sulk* I dowan ice cream this time! *sulk* I wan beehoon goreng and fried rice! Akakakakak!

  14. little kuching, so much, you can finish ah?

  15. Your fried rice looks good!!!

    Have seen your call sign around in other's blog. So decided to drop by. Your son is very cute!!!

  16. I like the way he flashed the good good sign,, very satisfying..hahhaah

  17. Ei..the container looks so familiar, geh..LOL

    OMG, the rice in YOU TUBE also..hahha.

  18. He is so cute..haha. I thought Mummy cooked. Actually, it was Mommy Ling who cooked the yummylicious fried rice. No wonder came in a tupperware lah. :P

  19. nice fried rice~~~~ =) me hungry liao~~~

  20. oh that fried rice looks nice!! you know what, fried rice is one of my favourite food!! :)

  21. Joshua's kiddy voice, very cute.

    Btw, Mamarazzi is very lucky ah, often got treat or free food from other mummy bloggers! :-D

  22. Looks really yummy! I thought ordered from the restaurant tim :-) He's hinting to you la... mummy mummy cook... asking u to cook haha!

  23. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE11 March 2010 at 21:29

    What Pete said is universally true...LOL...

    Eh just wanna said i think Joshua is a quiet & better behaved - My landlord's boy is so noisy at times!!!

  24. Molly

    Mamarazzi "helped" to finished it. Yum..

  25. Cleff

    Bihun goreng ah...can..but fried rice finished liao :p

  26. Eugene

    Yup very satisfying meal :D

  27. Ann

    Thanks for coming :D

    Thanks for the compliments too :). The fried rice taste very good too. Thanks to Mommy Ling

  28. Mummy Gwen

    Mamarazzi tarak pandai cook punya..kekeke

  29. Mommy Ling

    VERY familiar hor the container :p

    Famous Fried Rice go into You Tube Lor. Can open restaurant liao

  30. Prince and Princess Mum

    very yumm...makan till licin the tupperware

  31. uLi

    Very yummy indeed and a lot of "liu" too

  32. Angel Bear

    Cham loh...made you hungry ah...

  33. SK

    me too when I am lazy to cook many dishes.:p But must be from overnight rice baru sedap

  34. Alice

    And delicious food too...really "paiseh" coz mamarazzi tak pandai cook.

  35. Mummy Chloe

    If Mamarazzi cook ah...haiz...hangusloh...Cleffhave her ayam negro and Mamarazzi have her negro Fried Rice lor

  36. MRC


    Joshua quiet and well behave?? time i send him to you to babysit for a day..muhahahaha

  37. WOW!! That fried rice look really yummy!! So sweet of mommy ling, somemore deliver up to the door step! Why no one sent me food ger???

  38. Annie

    Very nice of Mommy Ling :D

  39. Mummy ling, i want to learn to cook this yummylicious fried rice! ! ! Should leave this comment at Mummy LIngs blog hor? hehe

  40. Mummy Moon

    ya lor..however will pass your comment to her:p

  41. I see from here also I salivating wana try... i think by now your fried rice don't know ended up in which river liao... hahaha

    Mummy Ling so nice ah!

  42. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE12 March 2010 at 17:22

    LOL..OK i guess only lar...Last time one of your posting, joshua naik the Play-kuda & a boy provoke him but he stay cool...That's how i got my impression :-)

  43. MRC

    this boy needs time to "warm up"...oncewarm up liao...window also climb leh...*pengsan*


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