
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 17 March 2010

What Happens When 3 Mommies Bloggers Meet - Go Boogie?

Eee...shy shy la...Meeting the famous Auntie Claire and Mommy Ling.

Still feeling shy wor...don't know what to say to Auntie Claire leh.

Uiks! Auntie Claire is taking out something familiar wor...

Another Mamarazzi that easy more shy shy. Talk more, Mamarazzi. Distract Auntie Claire while I grab her camera.

Waaaa....Mommy Ling came back with this cream puff for me ah? Eee...don't care for me or not la. I put my "chop" there. Sure nobody will wanna eat liao. Can see my "chop"or not?

Cake with a flag? Not cake ah? Heard MommyLing says taste very good wor.

Curi taste a bit first while the adults are busy chatting....aiks...Mommy Ling saw already.. I"curi" a bit ya, Mommy Ling.

Papa got himself a plate of meat ball.Says very yummy wor. I ate the fries. Hmm...taste very good.

Sunkist Epal Juice.


Aiyak...they are still talking non-stop ah? Must be a talking Marathon.

I take a peek first inside this plastic from Auntie Claire.

Wow...Heong Peah with inti of Gula Melaka? Hmm...never had this type before wor. Should be good. And Kaya Puff? No?Chicken Floss Puff...oooo...another new thing for me.

Thank you very much, Auntie Claire.Nice meeting you, your son and your Lenglui daughter. Ahem ahem...she got"pak tor" yet ka?

See you again ya, Auntie Claire and Mommy Ling.


  1. aikss...those are the best pics? hahhaa.. thanks for coming out to meet me, next time (if got chance) hope we can gather up more.. merryn, next time we go to yr house.. :) cleff, hope u r free too.. i had a wonderful day with u all, thank u so much, Kathy, Ling and Cynthia.. u all made my day!! girl? she has lots! hahha...

  2. i really wanna cry liao..

    i missed out on the event that i myself very much anticipated... sob sob... must go wipe my tears now... :(

  3. Claire

    L-licence is like that lo...not professional like uLi..kekeke...

    hehehe...ya gather at Merryn's house. Got lotsa GOOD food.Yummmm

    Joshua says" many bfs chance to tackle liao :P"

  4. Merryn

    Sayang sayang..Don't cry..There is always a next time. Hope Ethan get better soon.

  5. wow! go Ikea for Meatball... so how many balls small kucing ate?

  6. mommy this angelbear single mingle tries to find reason to meet up when she's in KL...hahahaa...

  7. I go sulk sulk with Merryn. Tarak aci! *sulk sulk*

  8. @Claire... lol... this time you come wrong timing. School hols, I owez busy. :( And summore, I'm down with cough and phlegm, not feeling to well lately. Kesian me and Ethan, kan? LOL...

  9. Hi SK, Wow! 3 Gorgeous mums!
    Really wonderful to meet the faces behind the callsigns.
    Wish I could be around, buy you nice ladies head curry, ha ha.
    Have fun and keep well, Lee.

  10. Sob! Sob! I wasn't I never had the chance to try Ikea meatballs... You didn't seem too happy in your photos, little kuching? You don;t like all the old ladies, izzit? No young one kah? Hahahahaha!

    P.S.: Don't like the brown sugar heong peah. The puffs are nice - yours kaya kah? If I remember correctly, the ones Claire bought me last time had chicken floss filling... :)

  11. kathy..what i meant was..the first picture.. hehehee.. i looked so weird...
    but u r really good la... can do a story out of the pics.. i was cracking my head when i posted mine! joshua is so cute.. :)

  12. Nice and wholesome gathering! :-D

  13. Jor...avone so fast uploaded the pics, guess i m the last one..heheh

    Thanks for the day, Kathy and also the lil pressie. But i think shld say a big thank to ur hubby who so nice driving u to meet us. Guess he was really tired.

  14. Wow...very good la, got gathering, sure exchange alot of "sam dak" :)

  15. wow...three mummies meet up, i am sure there are a lot things to yak.

  16. eh.. kathy, i m talking about myself in the first pic..i looked so awful.. hahha.. i tot got some more best pic of me.. as the saying goes, if pretty, sure snap pretty pics all the time..if not pretty, whatever angle also cannot be pretty.. haha.. that applies to me..

  17. Wah Ikea!! Our favourite place haha. Nice gathering!

  18. YUM ! The Daim cake !! Yum yum yum !! hahaha. Looks like so much fun the outing !! :)

  19. TZ

    He didnt get to eat any coz the Papa ngap all :P

  20. Irene

    Next time u ponteng and come join us la

  21. Cleff

    ask u to join u kenot

  22. Angel Bear

    Single mingle also can one...

  23. STP, sulking wanna go for the rides. Got rides behind of us in the photos

  24. Uncle Lee

    Jahat la you made me wanna eat Fish Head Curry pulak doh...where to find tengah malam buta ni???

  25. Alice

    Yup it was...too bad Joshua bising wanna go gai gai or else...these 3 aunties talk non stop lor...

  26. Claire

    Coz the photo blur lor..thats why everyone looks senget a bit kakaka

  27. Eugene

    Dont jeles...when u n family come KL jek?School holiday wor

  28. Mommy Ling

    sama sama:D

    Ya lo..the day b4 he woke up sleep till midnite leh...

  29. uLi

    Ya loh...pick the brain of sifu Claire wor....big honour :)

  30. Prince and princess mom.

    Yup it was...non stop talking and non stop camera flashing kakaka

  31. Annie

    I think if not because of Joshua making noise wanna go off ah...we would have yak yak and yak till the cow comes home

  32. Chloe

    Looks like Ikea is the new "in" place for mommies bloggers lor

  33. Claire...

    wah not like that gua...gua punya camera not good lor thus your side is blur your camera punya turns out okay or not? if ok fwd to me pls

  34. Leona

    Yup it was very nice...Claire so friendly though we meet for the 1st time

  35. Joanna

    Cham loh...didnt really get to taste the food coz busy yakking :p

  36. Awesome. Mummies gathering. :) All of you look so happy in the pic. Must be a blast.

  37. All the mommies look so young!

  38. Pete

    Okay la since ou say we look so young...belanja you eat ice cream


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